Undecided vote from those who haven’t voted yet? Less than 1 percent, methinks.

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Where do I begin? I am Puerto Rican, I live in Georgia and I am a republican. My whole family lives in Puerto Rico, so they don’t vote for president of the USA. When I heard about this so called comedian at first it didn’t bother me at all but the more I hear of what he said about the island I feel some anger. I truly believe that Trump had no idea what this idiot was going to say. I don’t blame Trump but I blame whoever booked him to be at the rally. I know for a fact that Puerto Rico is a beautiful island, full of decent and hardworking people, full of natural resources and great culture,but on the other hand crime is rampant and the economy is not good. Poverty is a big problem as well. I was fortunate enough to attend one or the best colleges in the island and due to my parents hard work and dedication the entire family was able to make it happen. I’m certain that my father would have taken it as a bad joke, that was the kind of man he was, after all what’s the option? I think there is a lot of garbage in Puerto Rico, as there is in many countries, too bad a Puerto Rican didn’t say it. I voted for Trump already, I just wish it was someone else running for president, but I think my father would have done the same and that is fine with me. By the way for what is worth, I hope Puerto Rico never becomes a state.

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Yes, Lucy, that comedian was incredibly tone death, and I think you may take some comfort in that the crowd didn't laugh. They were appalled. If I'd been at the rally, and happened to have a rotten tomato in hand, I think I'd have launched it at the guy. Outrageous and stupid comment. I have a feeling that comedian may need to begin looking for other work.

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Everything I read, other than from the left, seems to indicate that the reference was to the amount of literal trash that has accumulated as a result of two hurricanes and inadequate resources. Now I never heard of this comedian, don't particularly enjoy comedy, never actually listen or watch Trump rallies, except a few clips and don't know a lot about Puerto Rico, but my inclination is to believe it was a joke of the type that the left is just lurking and waiting for so they can throw a hissy fit. Trump folks should have been hyper aware of that and skipped on the comedians who use this kind of humor.

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After visiting there a few times, I agree that Puerto Rico is a beautiful island with good people. My vacations there were always positive experiences so I was appalled at what that so-called comedian said.

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Where’s the outrage at the comments from Comedian George Lopez at a Walz rally stating that any materials used to build the border wall will be stolen by Mexican -Americans?

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He's Mexican.

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I've been called a Nazi since voting for Reagan in 1980. We tried Mitt🤡 and McCain ☠️, and you EVAN! I'm tired of low info myrmidonica.

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All the various comments back and forth still boil down to one thing. VOTE VOTE VOTE ! Whoever you support, the time for argument and lectures is over! Vote early if possible.

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When the DNC owns legacy media you can't afford to make any messaging mistakes. But the mistake wasn't with what Kennedy, Gabbard, Ramaswamy, Vance, or Trump said, it was what a minor warm-up comedian said. And, the audience was not amused, which to me, says a lot. Stupid mistake but the Biden/Harris legacy is the far larger mistake.

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And why is there 88% negative coverage for trump vs 76%positive for Harris? Is it because he's evil and she's fabulous?

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Let’s just say she’s not in the same league of evil.

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It's the same evil that the press seems to be OK with. Most of the hysteria over Trump is basically taken out of context, or interpreted really wonky. I have never listened to any of Trumps campaign 'weavings' not 'ramblings' but the press going ASC over more comments about lies and wanting to be a dictator because Trump said that Xi was smart. Well, dang, I listened to about 5 minutes of a campaign stop somewhere and Trump is super exuberant positive about things he likes or he has done, they are always the greatest, largest and best ever, ad nauseum but according to the press, those are all 'lies' because that wasn't the largest or best or... the press is just a bunch of 6 year-olds. He stated that Xi and Putin were smart and the press goes full stupid that he wants to be like them when if they listened to the next phrase it would all clear up, but I guess they wouldn't have anything to talk about if they don't misinterpret almost everything he says.

Of course I only listened to about 5 minutes of the campaign stop and the clip from CBS or NBC, I'm not sure which was complaining about Xi and Putin. Oh, more Russian collusion, maybe they think that will gain traction again. At least it would soothe their patients... I mean viewers to know Trump is the devil incarnate.

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Oh, I don’t think we can say that at all. She is the avatar of a whole philosophy of evil.

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Well, she has not been convicted of felonies, led an attempted insurrection , committed sexual assault, or stolen top secret documents. At least not yet. So, I’d have to give her the edge as the lesser of the two evils.

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NY Appellate Court is scratching their heads as to the felony convictions and will probably throw them out. Maybe they hadn't been told by the Governor of NY that those newly imposed legal loopholes they were jumping through to get to the felonies would not be used on any other NY state entity.

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Okay. One down (maybe). Just three more to justify.

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The others are falling apart too.

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No but her boss has. Maybe you think sleeping your way to the top is no big deal. I don’t believe her VP pick is pure as the driven snow either.

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Her boss has what?

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Please, you know our current president, Harris’s boss, sexual assault, stolen classified documents, lined his pockets with foreign money, weaponizing the DOJ, doling out taxpayer money for votes. How soon we forget.

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The 500,000 Puerto ricans that live in PA... wonder why they don't live in Puerto Rico? The weather maybe?

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Love it

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I do think an apology is in order. More importantly, get rid of the nitwit who signed off on this guy's appearance at the rally and make that public.

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Dear Mr. Trump,

Apologize and right now before Friday fire the people responsible for this assuring us they will not staff the White House or have continued access to you.

Winning the primary is not the objective and is not winning the election. Winning the election, loosing the midterms, and making 2028 exponentially more difficult is a pyrrhic victory.

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The real problem is that Trump, himself, is the edgelord - (it's what happens when you let a guy whose only prior political experience was donating to dems and birtherism take over the party -because he talks tough).

Have you ever sat and read all of the dumbass tweets and "truths" from this assclown?

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Had a laugh at that last line!

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“truths” was in parentheses for a reason if that’s what made you laugh.

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That, and the "assclown" comment!

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I certainly don't want to wish my life away but next Tuesday can't come quick enough. People are jerks and campaigns and candidates lie. Yes, I hope Trump wins just because I believe the Democrats are shoving us off a cliff. Please Lord make this come to an end.

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Does anyone remember the King of Insults, Don Rickles? He ruthlessly insulted his victim and their spouse and they loved it. It was expected and that is why people went to his show and hoped that they would be picked.

The rally had an almost unknown insult artist and the people responsible for hiring him should have reviewed his dialogue. Rickles he was not.

From what I’ve read our have been told, the Caribbean vacation spots are only nice where the tourists visit. The rest not so great. A neighbor told me that the place she went to had armed security. Nothing wrong with that but they were armed with rifles.

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It's true in at least some of the islands. I know, I've been there. Travel outside tourist areas and hotel / resort compounds at your own risk. Haven't people seen the tourists that have been killed?

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I'll say it again, Trump's team created their own October surprise. Whoever decided this comedian was a good idea should be instantly sacked. Now, wouldn't it be something if the comments George Lopez made at the Tim Walz rally got the same coverage.

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but if Tim Walz said that.... oh never mind, it still wouldn't get any coverage.

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Exactly, double standard.

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I agree that Trump should apologize or at least make a statement that he doesn’t agree with those words but I think that would be a bridge too far for him.

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