At least the frogs know where to find the scorpions now. God bless free speech in this country. Take note of everyone espousing violence as the solution. These people are self-identifying as those who are perfectly happy to watch other people get loaded into boxcars so long as it isn't their family.

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These people have no conscience. Anyone who doesn’t agree with them should be murdered.

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No politics today, just giving kudos for your Buttermilk pie recipe. Carry on 😎

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Part of me wants to see leftists try their “Underground Railroad” ploy then put them all in jail for aiding and abetting. The wailing and crying as they are found guilty would be so worth it.

The leftist whiners can’t understand simple terms. What is it about Healthcare INSURANCE that they do not understand. It’s not welfare, and your political clan put this system into place. If they don’t like it, they are free to move to the UK or Canada to sit on a waiting list for treatment.

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Health insurance companies make less than 4 percent net profit. It's a tough industry. Lots of people try to defraud them.

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What has happened to the souls of the left? They are so quick to hate and want nothing but violence against anyone or anything that does not agree with their beliefs. How sad that they think that is all there is.

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When they realize that a huge part of the problem is due to "Obamacare", will they feel the same about the one who pushed that into place?

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Erick - take a break. Today is the Lord’s Day.

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Blue Sky is rife with frail basement dwelling malcontents and evil myrmidonica..also target rich 🏴‍☠️🇺🇲

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They are hateful evil people

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The legacy of the “mostly peaceful” intolerant left. Shout down cancel those who don’t agree. Resort to violence if necessary.

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