I keep thinking of 1 Sam 13 when Samuel chastened Saul for handling things in his own way, and as a result of his foolishness suffered the anointing of one to succeed him.

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I am sick to my stomach to see how these guys attacked the police. Police are just doing their work, to attack them violently and viscously should be one of the worst offences under the law. I am speechless. I was sad for our country before I saw that video... but watching that guy taking his coat off and looking for a fight with a police officer... seriously? Is that the kind of citizens we have?

And yes, Trump should resign right now. The full extent of the law should be applied on him. Shameful! Not that many care, but now we are also the joke of the international community. We loved to refer to countries like 'banana republics'... now who is the banana republic?

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Let's try a bit of context - Trump vs. [ Chavez | Jinping | Putin | Stalin | Hitler | Nero | Caligula]? No contest. No where near the "banana republic" or dictatorships around our globe today or in history.


Trump has been our "bad boy" POTUS for this decade (as was Andrew Jackson), but we're not under his thumb as citizens in many other parts of this world are. We do find ourselves waxing rhetorically, even hyperbolically at times, suggest we leave most of that to the Dems, prime producer of straw-man arguments bar none. Let's keep facts in focus and leave the extreme-speak to those of the Orwellian bent to the left of us.

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My point being only that we are doing ourselves more harm than good. But, thanks for the history lesson.

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Wow, when something great ends in a steaming pile of poo. Yesterday, and your email. Asking questions equates on to Satan...nice. I suppose you loved Biden's speech today, his solid, completely on point speech.

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Some here have given credit to the Capital police for showing the restraint yesterday. Credit should also be given to those who "invaded" the Capital: As far as I can tell from the videos, news reports, interviews, etc. there was not a single act of vandalism committed by those who were inside. This argues very strongly against the statement that these were insurrectionists out to overthrow the government (and therefore should have been shot). Yesterday was very much unlike what we saw this past summer in many large cities. To think that the two compare is to miss the meaning of yesterday. The left started to sow the wind very early in the Bush Administration and has continued to do so at every opportunity since. Yesterday was the first instance of the appearance of reaping the whirlwind. It is time for everyone in this great country to open their blind eyes, unlock their deaf ears, shut their loud months and listen to each other. Neglect this and the whirlwind will become a raging storm with bodies piling in the streets.

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PS: I see what you are saying.. don't disagree with most... except the 'credit' part...

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Nop... We can't give them any credit. Two goods do not right one wrong.

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"As far as I can tell from the videos, news reports, interviews, etc. there was not a single act of vandalism committed by those who were inside."

Umm, how do you classify breaking windows and doors, exactly? Yeah, no spray paint, but plenty of criminal mischief going on.

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Thank you Erick. Again.

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Erick, next time you’re in ATX, the cigars are on me. This is a monumental column that will not get the kudos it is worthy of receiving.

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Thank you for being a conservative voice of reason! And thank you for staying strong in the face of what I am sure can be overwhelming pressure. I wish our politicians could stick to the truth and righteousness in the face of similar pressures.

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Hands down one of the best posts from you I have read. "You know who else was just asking questions? Satan in the garden." That's priceless.

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Enjoy the loss of your Constitutional Rights Mr. Erickson. Say goodbye to that Glock pistol you so lovingly had tricked out. Like the rest of the us peons you will lose too.

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Hands down one of the worse posts from you I have read. To liken people that question their political leaders to Satan is beneath you. It's beneath the quality of the writing that you normally post. Sure Satan used questions, so does any good prosecutor or parent. Are they also satanic? Someone that carries an "F** the police sign" is not a Trump supporter. They are anarchists. Grifters showing up for whatever cause at the moment gets them the attention and chaos they crave. Who they vote for is irrelevant, they may not even vote as many anarchists don't.

The display yesterday was not caused by a single speech or a single politician nor a single event. To think that you can boil the anger, discontent, and frustration down to one person or an event is not grounded in reality.

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It had been building, Trump just added a match to the gas with his speech, IMO.

I have not liked Trump as a person for as long as he's been publicly out there. His public persona is full of braggadocio, blame-shifting, boorish and childish tweet-storms. He is a cad in his treatment of, well, anyone not bowing down to him. His treatment of his "best people" has been less than exceptional - tweeting that he fired someone? Really? That's how you treat your inner circle when they don't agree with you? Not good.

Trump is no statesman, which was what most of us was hoping would shake up the swamp, keeping MSM and the left off their game by changing up the message on a regular basis. He certainly did that successfully while also implementing policies that we hoped (3 more conservative SCOTUS, more middle-east peace accords, etc.). However, he continued to act the boor and bully throughout his presidency which caused some number of independents and even Conservatives to just abandon ship, period.

His continued childish misbehavior cost him this election, fraud notwithstanding, IMO. Yes I voted for him, yes I pray he learns to be a civil servant in demeanor as well as policy.

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His behavior not only costed him the presidency, it also costed the GOP the senate. Either because people that where alienated by Loeffler's and Perdue's alignment to him, or by people that believed the rhetoric of 'our vote does not count', and did not come out to vote. Yes, he implemented policies that helped the economy, and potentially strengthened the constitutional rule of law with a strong SCOTUS. But at what cost? The division of the country? A potential for a civil up-rise? How much that would impact the economy?

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Yes, it had been building.. for the last 5 years... mainly by Trump himself. I can't believe some are so deaf and blind to see that. Day one, on his announcement to run for the GOP presidential ticket, he started dividing, insulting, attacking. Loud and clear. That has been his constant.

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Unfortunate but true. The person who shouts the most gets noticed. That has become the norm

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Spot on erick. As usual, especially if late, you are one of the few sane voices. Life long conservative and very proud of the stance you have taken. I really enjoy your show, both podcast and wsb. Please know that we are all praying for you and your family. Do not give in, you are on the right side. Love you buddy.

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“ you are one of the few sane voices.” “Shoot the protestors” - Erick Erickson 1/6/2021

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I’m not sure what they (government) expected to happen yesterday. The government has shut down all of Trumps efforts to get to the bottom of the election and if it was taken and then the worse part. They did not explain it to the country and present actual proof that trump was wrong and every state followed there election law to a T. They Did not prove all votes were real. If they would have then Trump would have had less power in his speech and might have just gone away. Just having the main stream media come on and say I “blocked by a judge or struck down” is not enough. They needed to show the case to the American people. The seed of the revelation that started this country was the Boston Massacre and colonist were just as much to blame at the reds and John Adams defended the reds.

I think the government needs to take there people a little more seriously or this is what you get. Also I’m sure antifa was involved in this as well.

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"They Did not prove all votes were real. If they would have then Trump would have had less power in his speech and might have just gone away."

This probably leans toward the "innocent until proven guilty" type of situation. Have to produce a preponderance of evidence of both fraud and impact.

Complaints of fraud were provided in a number of cases, but even when shown, was unable override the outcome based on what can be proven.

The Left had 9 months to strategize the means to maximize an ability to submit "extra" votes in small numbers across a large population, making it virtually impossible to catch it as it happened, let alone after envelopes/names/barcodes were separated from ballots. This was the left's dream election and they capitalized on it.

Our real challenge moving forward is how to close the gaps in the counting/vetting process. With the huge "turnout" this election, mail-in voting will continue under the guise of "more voter representation in the election process" even without COVID lockdowns in at least some Dem strongholds. The challenge becomes catching the fraud as it enters the process, not on the tail end. That's a tough nut to crack, especially when the new set of politicians in power got what they wanted last time. Not expecting any sort of investigation into election process irregularities and solutions from this group...

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So you are saying that the right are like innocent children that could not realize what the adult left was doing? In Georgia we have a Republican led government. Are you saying that they did not realize that the left was setting up a trap for them to loose? Really?

It was on Trump's team to 'prove' there was something wrong. They did not. And it was not 'the government'. It was the judicial branch in particular, which is independent.

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Can we agree that the left is utilitarian in its ideology - end justifies the means?

Assuming yes, my analogy is the left operates under MMA rules, the right is playing by "Marquis of Queesbury" rules. It is a lot like Lucy holding the football and telling Charlie Brown to trust her that she'll keep it there for him to kick. Heh! Got 'im again!

We keep harping on the "cheating" since the left was kicking, not just punching, but what are we doing to filter the fraud *before* the ballots are separated from their origin/envelope? I do not suggest we resort to MMA, I suggest we get MMA out of the process. The left is much better at misbehavior having no moral boundary (or at least not the same moral boundary). We'll be outmatched by the left if we slip down their slope. For better or worse, moral high ground matters.

I also wonder how much of this is the right being naïve or even lazy (rather than "innocent", which is a good thing IMO) vs. the right being vigilant and planning/executing a "guilty until proven innocent" process for ballot handling?

"Wise as serpents, innocent as doves" Nice words - how to implement...

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Thanks for always being a voice of reason, kindness and civility.

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“Shoot the protestors” - Erick Erickson 1/6/2021. You think so??

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