As the co-owner of a small coffee shop who employs predominately teenagers and young adults, another thing I have noticed in this generation in the sense of entitlement for job perks that typically take some time to build up to. Case in point we recently had a 16 year old employee that only wanted to work Monday-Thursday day shift because she wanted the evenings and Friday thru Sunday off to spend time with family and friends. It was like sweetie, I’m sure most people would love those hours which is edgy they are so desirable, but typically when starting out your career in life, you have to put your time in working some non desirable hours to work up to getting what you want with more experience.

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The same can be said about Nebraska post-Covid. Almost every business is hiring, and service is slow almost everywhere. It is so odd.

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Erick - this is the difference between Demand Side Economics and Supply Side Economics. Trump and Biden together dumped over $6T into the economy which increases the Money Supply and Demand. But it doesn't increase goods or supply, thus the supply shortage. This is the nature of all Socialist economies - plenty of money but nothing to buy. So we can afford plane tickets, but there's no pilots. We can afford to eat out, but there's no cooks or servers. I'm over 60 - more than any period in my life this shows clearly that Demand Side (Keynes) doesn't work.

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I started working at 15. With the exceptin of 1 qtr of college (I'm dating myself) I worked all the way through. Worked two jogs, including full time on weekends. I agree with you, Kathy. It's not everyone but alot of ones.

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My question is how are these people who won’t/don’t work paying their bills?

Very sad for our country and our youth that they think this is as good as it gets. Until they can get off their butts and living on handouts short staff, overworked employees and long lines are it. 🤬

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I think there are multiple issues--starting with teens who don't know how to work and managers who are tired of giving these teens a chance. There seems to be an expectation that a work ethic is optional.

I know even professional positions where people just don't show up to work thinking they're too valuable to be fired. If they happen to fit a current DEI box, they're right. Morale is awful. Chick-fil-A succeeds at keeping workers because they are consistent training mandated by corporate, they DO fire kids who don't comply, and they don't lower their expectations. When managers and team members work together (another CFA missive), the work experience becomes largely positive. Team members are also rewarded for making and accomplishing goals.

Another issue is one I've faced. I have a terminal degree, yet no one want to hire me for any job I've applied for in the last three years (except CFA, where I stayed for a year and a half before moving). Why? No clue. I don't get callbacks, interviews, or replies to emails. I suspect the degree is more hindrance than help for many jobs, but good golly!

Anecdote does become data over time. When staffing issues do become data, it's going to be very interesting to see where people are.

P.S. Any readers out there need a part-time copywriter/editor? My rates are competitive, and I'm both speedy and reliable.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

Democrats always think this is the new normal. Jimmy Carter, we won't be able to heat our homes or drive our cars, Obozo said the economy would never grow again beyond 1 to 1.5% a year (the new normal). Now Biden saying the same thing... Democrats implement policies that are supposed to bring Nirvana, but don't so this must be the new normal. Why would they try something else when their policy is supposed to work!

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Their idea is to create a crisis, then rush in as saviors with the all the answers for said crisis. But their "fixes" create more crises, which in turn requires MORE democrat solutions.

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thus the new normal!

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Maybe we should take a look at the Amish community . Everyone participates in the workforce and households from the time that they are able until they aren’t. Just sayin.

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Comment 1: ROFL

Comment 2: Oh, that is who the airport is named after.

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Hi Erick, I am a subscriber and read you every day. With all the short-staffed businesses, could you mention how all these people are getting by without taking some of the jobs, thanks

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I've read a lot of the good comments here. There are many reasons for where we are. But here's the bottom line: When you provide able people with food on the table, a roof over their head and enough cash to buy a video game or two; most have no incentive whatsoever to get a job and punch a time clock. Self-esteem and responsibility have not been learned. The irony is that somehow we once thought we were heading for utopia but instead ended up with dystopia. My advice: Learn how to bow and use chopsticks.

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LOL on the Atlanta Airport being at all quick, ever, on baggage.

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I read an editorial yesterday in the WSJ and the writer said that she finally realized that she had coddled her kid. When the writer's parent told her to 'suck it up buttercup,' she did. When her kid applied for college or a job, she hovered over the kid. My opinion is not popular but our society, schools & social media outlets want or have trained these kids to always be aware of being 'put down' and they won't tolerate any inconvenience in their lives. Do you think we'll ever teach them self-sufficiency again? Also, if a kid wants to go to college, parents are no longer allowing many kids to work during HS 'cause they're busy building charities, volunteering. What happened to good grades & then you have a chance. Some kids do better with structure, I know that I did (though it took awhile to realize that). Maybe they should work & then bear the consequences of their actions. I wrote this next in a prior post but trades are sorely lacking in personnel. Very few people want to put in time to be an apprentice in order to become independent in their choices. This applies to businesses and trades.

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I went to work at a real job at 14. Part time of course. My daughter went to work at 15. My granddaughters went to work at 15 and never were unemployed since that time. One worked a 40 hour week and went to college and still graduated in 3.5 years. Kids need to start work early and get the idea of work.

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I worry sometimes that I'm coddling my kids (12, 9, and 9). I remember a week before I turned 16 I was at the local grocery store putting in an application. I was upset that I couldn't get my license until two weeks after I turned 16. I worked 20 hours or so a week when I was in high school. During the summers I would put in 40+ hours. During Christmas time I would often pickup a 2nd part-time job for the holidays.

I went to school with folks who played sports and still held a part-time job. Most of us had good grades because our parents would lock us down if we didn't.

I used to think the smartphone had been equal parts good and ill for society. Now I believe the effects are a net negative.

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I heard someone say when people are lined up to give you money there is only one reason to take their money faster, that is if they will step out of line.

What other parking lot will you use?

- at midnight Friday Uber and Lyft wanted $160 to go from the airport to Sandy Springs, I took the train.

What other airline will you fly?

What other hotel will you stay at?

What other restaurant will you eat at?

This is where undercutting your competition comes in. But why do that? Your competition is in the same boat. Businesses may have help wanted signs out, but they are making bank with customers standing in line and reduced head count.

This is where innovation comes in, but of course government makes that stupid expensive. Why can't I roll up in my minivan at the airport and just pick people up and take them to their lot?

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It is unacceptable to claim this as the “new normal.”

It would be interesting to state the true unemployment percentage rather than the official number that excludes all those who are no longer counted after their unemployment compensation expires.

As Eric states, this ought to be a priority issue for the GOP.

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As you point out this is an impact due to several issues, but the biggest driver is still due to government COVID related responses. Bad enough Trump listening to Fauci with the lock downs, however that was really driven by the states. Trump and the Fed appropriately put stimulus out in the economy however Biden and his fellow democrats doubled down after the issues have passed. They used COVID to further their agenda, buying votes and exerting more control over society. As I type Biden is trying to push what effectively will become nation wide rent control. Finally, as a country we need to either start having more babies or crank up legal immigration.

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I am definitely NOT a Biden fan. However, as a small business owner, if it had not been for the Employee Retention Tax Credit (Grant), we would have gone out of business, and 17 employees would have lost their jobs. Banks were not making working capital loans.

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