You are looking for accountability for the decline of Biden.What about the flat out lie about climate change by every member a leadership position.

I believe every word of the Bible and Genesis literally states that GOD NOT Man Created the climate and controls it at no cost to mankind. If you want accountability from a den of

Thieves you may never see it.

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What a scam this was, foisted upon the American people on the heels of the other scam, covid. All made possible by the lying press. For shame.

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Having Joe Biden in office is like having our very own Habsburg family..... see Charles II of Spain....

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Counting down the days until January 20th. Merry Christmas, everyone. 🎄

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On Christmas Eve I would like

To wish all Christians a very happy Christmas. Tomorrow is Erev Hanukkah. “The light from the hanukkiah reminds us that in spite of the darkness and falsehood in our world the eternal truth of G-d and the Torah will forever burn bright.” *As the Lubavitcher Rebbe said, “a little light dispels much darkness.” *Simchat Torah Challenge

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I’m always drawn in by in these headlines and the imagery on the video thumbnail, but almost never watch them because it's nothing more than 10 minutes of Erick monologuing in a studio, which I can't even listen to if I switch out of the app. Articles, great. These videos, lame.

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Respectfully dissagree. You may not appreciate them, but lame? I dont think so.

Erick has maintained friendships with people on the Left, some I'd have a hard time calling a friend. He learns things not avaliable anywhere else and his videos drive home the message.

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Maybe with the fact that both MSNBC and that other left leaning cable show is being " spun-off" could be a sign accountability?

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Eric, there is no accountability. Congress runs on the rules of getting and keeping power and all is fair in love and war. There are no ethics other than situational ones. When in power, the Democrats want to eliminate the Senate filibuster (60 Senators must approve to move a bill for a vote). Now that they’re out of power, the filibuster is sacred. You do what is necessary to keep power, like pretending your president is cogent, and never apologize for it.

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Who is willing and capable of holding them accountable? That’s the better question. Not the press. And certainly not our elected officials. Both of which had the default responsibility to protect this nation. Both the press and the Congress died as responsible bodies years ago. Contrary to Hollywood movies, corpses do not reanimate. They simply rot.

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They wonder why there viewership is down why nobody believes them and the answer is in the mirror. Mr. Cilliza apologizes but everyone knows he is just trying to get in the good graces of his viewers but they already left the building hopefully never to return .

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I don’t think they wonder at all. They have occupied a bubble for so long, they have no idea what truth is.

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The accountability was the election. Say what you will about Trump, good and bad, but America overwhelmingly slapped the Left and their media lap dogs in the face. Hard.

Now, maybe Erick is asking when the MSM will be held directly responsible?

It's started; note viewership for MSNBC and CNN. You don't go that low unless even your base is abandoning you. People who want to hear what the other side is thinking bailed a long time ago.

However, the firings of the lying sacks of poop who Erick references might never happen. The Left still thinks the public needs to be lied to....FOR THEIR OWN GOOD. What elitist A$$hats they are.

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To late to wake up now America let’s just keep moving forward and try to save our country Merry Christmas to all and may God Bless

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Employees of the “media” companies are protecting something more important to them than the POTUS. They were / are protecting their own self interests, jobs, careers, & their coveted access to power (in both parties). Owners, shareholders & editors of legacy media companies prioritize influencing, entertaining, ratings, & clicks over unbiased informing & reporting on those in power (including the owners & editors of media companies) to expose & hold them accountable. When our “4th branch of government” news bureaus are compromised & overly biased towards influencing & entertaining, our republic suffers & is in jeopardy.

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Accountability from the press…that is funny.

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I seem to be about to lose a bet for dinner with my sister. I bet Biden wouldn’t still be in office 1/20/25. It’s unbelievable that somebody has propped him up this long. I would love to find out who really has a soft heart for cold blooded murderers. The guy who killed a prison guard at Atlanta Federal was already in for murder. So, he basically gets zero additional punishment.

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Well, I saw members of the squad reveling in the pardons/commutations so that kind of answers your question.

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My father died from Alzheimer’s/ Dementia. I know the signs first hand and Biden definitely has them. Joe, to his credit, has lasted longer than I thought as well. It’s criminal what has happened and thousands of innocent Americans have been killed due to his and his puppet masters decisions. There will be no accountability….

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Oh, there already has been. We The People resoundingly said NFW to a continuation of "Bidenomics". However, I agree Biden is unlikely to suffer for being on the take. His Hunter pardon was 100% all about removing any chance of holding him accountable.

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Actually, Hunter's pardon means that he can be compelled to testify against his Dad, since he has no 5th amendment excuse.

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One can only hope. It makes me sick that this poor excuse for a grown man is walking around Scot free.

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Exactly. I've said all along that he essentially pardoned himself that day. Close the books.

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Proverbs 29:12 (NKJV) "If a ruler pays attention to lies, All his servants become wicked." (The worst in my retired military opinion is General Milley.) Accountability?.... Solomon opines: "A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies will not escape" and "A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies shall perish." Proverbs 19: 5,9 (NKJV). Cheer up, Erick, and Merry CHRISTmas, sir!!

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I agree with you about Milley. And Austin has not been any better. By the way, I never heard if Milley came to understand "white rage" like he said he wanted to learn. I am still hoping to learn because I have not seen any manifestation of white rage. I am white. I don't have any rage. And my white friends don't have any rage. And my black friends (gasp!!!....yes I have black friends) don't think I have white rage or white privilege and they even like me and I like them. Enough said for crying out loud!

And thank you for your service to our nation, Mr. Thompson.

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