Why should there be outrage on the left? Their votes lie with the new wave of illegal immigrants and an independent Jewish state is no longer as important. Many Jews in America vote Democratic no matter what happens to Israel. Democrats want the votes of the Muslim faction because they represent the future and are located in battleground states. 100,000 votes can turn the tide in a battleground state. Democrats are losing Latin American votes and some black votes because these people work and see through the empty promises of the Democrats.

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The Jews I know are out raged and support the Army in destroying Hamas.

Also they do not want to make treaties with Terriost!

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Every time I hear a Democrat say Joe Biden is a good man I think of actions like this, how he treated the Afghanistan 13, he said Republicans want to put blacks in chains, his children are mentally screwed up - he is not a good man and is clearly a lost soul.

Kamala is liberal mealy mouth hack.

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But I thought the Hamazis want Dems to win. Wouldn't they have waited for Joe to come back from the beach to murder the hostages - to avoid the bad optics?

Joe and dems are spineless cowards on Israel, but its not nearly as disqualifying as Trump illegally trying to end democracy for months as president. - that actually warrants significant jail time and had Repubs in congress (1) known all the information that has since came to light at the time and (2) had any testicular fortitude whatsoever then Trump would literally have been disqualified via impeachment.

Also - I took the liberty of editing your first sentence and adding a second sentence:

For years, people with a brain have lectured all of us that multiple illegal attempts over several months to remain in power after losing an election were disqualifying for Donald Trump to run for reelection. They of course are correct but here are some heinous things that Biden / dems are doing as well.

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That said, he didn't exactly camp out in the White House, preventing Joe Biden and his administration, such as it tragically is, from taking their places. Did you get upset with Gore for the same thing in 2000? Which, by the way, was kind of funny, since, had he won his home state of Tennessee, the Florida result would have been moot (or moo, as Joey on Friends would put it).

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Yes, Trump was too cowardly to stand his ground when it was evident that he would be physically removed from the WhiteHouse. The fact that this is brought up as some sort of praise for the man baffles me. As Chandler would say, Could we beee any more lame?

Regarding Gore - I am going to give you a very thorough response on why the two situations are not even in the same universe if you care to actually read through it.

- Gore took the rout that is prescribed by our constitution for how to arbitrate these types of disputes by going to the courts / judicial branch of government and when he lost it was over. Yes, Trump did that as well but because he is a piece of sh_t who is full of sh_t he also went outside the courts to try illegally block the transfer of power when he and his crackpot legal team could not come close to meeting the evidentiary standards of any court anywhere. If he and Gore were the same then were are the records of the fake certificates from fake electors from Gore ? here are the ones from Trump's team https://www.archives.gov/foia/2020-presidential-election-unofficial-certificates Where is the evidence of Gore's calls to state Secretaries / Governors to throw their state's election to him? - Here's trumps call coercing Raffensperger in GA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhBxg17QqZ4 Here is also Giuliani admitting in court filing that he made false statements about Ruby Freeman (which formed the basis for much of Trumps call coercing Raffensberger in the audio above): https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720.84.2.pdf

Lastly if Gore's situation were the same as Trump than he would have been president as he would have unilaterally made himself so as VP presiding over the certification. Where is the evidence oh him trying this dumbassery? Here is what Pence said about what Trump tried to force him to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tglap7tGwHg

No - these false equivalencies about Trump and Gore or Abrams or whomever are either for simple minded people to believe or for people who want to feel better about themselves when they know deep down they are about to vote in a criminal that tried to end democracy from the WhiteHouse.

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The Wall Street Journal...

Hamas probably can’t believe its luck—or the lack of moral seriousness by its enemies. The terrorists murder six Israeli hostages, including one dual-citizen American, and Israel is suddenly under pressure to make concessions—to Hamas.

And I would add America is not serious about the security of it's territory or citizens.

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In other news, frogs across the pond were stung by scorpions and everyone wants to know when the frogs will be disarmed to abate this spree of violence.

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The politics being played here by Leftists, whether in America, Europe, or Israel, is nothing short of dysfunctional madness. In America and Europe, the Center-Left governments have Islamists as a part of their coalitions and as a result, have to continue this facade that it's Netanyahu the boogeyman who is standing in the way of a peace deal. According to Biden and Starmer's government in the UK, it is Netanyahu's fault, not the Hamas terrorists who pulled the trigger and killed the hostages, that this tragedy happened. Biden says Netanyahu needs to do more to make a peace deal happen when Netanyahu's government already agreed to the latest US backed peace deal. It was Hamas that was holding out. Biden also says that he will hold Hamas responsible and make a peace deal happen but how? A peace deal without an Israeli victory would lead to Hamas regaining their foothold in Gaza which isn't a peace at all and neither is it holding Hamas accountable. It's causing the war to continue and leading to more deaths.

This is the irony from those who say they just want peace. We've equivocated between both sides of this conflict ignoring that one is a democratic government and the other a bloody terrorist organization that wants to impose a theocratic ethnic-state free of Jews. By kowtowing to Hamas, the West emboldens them to kill more innocent people. If taking hostages and executing more of them divides their opponents and allows them to get military concessions and terrorists released from jail, why wouldn't Hamas kidnap and execute more Israelis? I ask the question because the folks who are anti-Netanyahu do not answer the question of what happens after they oust him. If you win the release of the remaining hostages today and agree to a cease-fire, why wouldn't Hamas not just break the cease-fire and kidnap more Israelis to gain more concessions from their enemies?

Israel finds itself in a no-win situation. They are fighting a battle for survival against genocidal enemies but their allies, who should have their backs, don't want them to win this war. The deck was stacked against them from the beginning. Unless we change course, this conflict will drag on and will likely end up in a greater regional war. The incompetent leaders of our government will regret not having a backbone allowing them to fully support Israel.

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Same people who support Hamas are ironically the exact same people who support women and LGBTQ rights. The western Hamas supporters suffer from a severe mental disorder…

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You are correct about the Democrat hypocrisy! It is outrageous for the Biden administration to behave in this manner. How much longer does our country have to suffer from these idiots?

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It seem to me that, increasingly it is not a lack of outrage, but rather a lack of caring or concern. Many simply do not care what happens so long as their candidate wins. Biden is now seen as irrelevant and Kamala only matters to the extent she beats Trump. My prediction is that, after the election, those people will be outraged no matter who wins.

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It's absolutely deplorable. So where are the campaign team members? They've got plenty of optics to create some killer ads, so what's taking so long?

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So Erick, this must be a rhetorical question. The dems would only care if Hamas shot up a Planned Parenthood or gender reassignment clinic. Then did some dead naming, or use of the wrong pronouns. The left does not care one tiny little bit. I’m sure hey are partying in Dearborn right now doing their little Yeti trilling celebratory chant.

We had a term for people like Joe. Retired on active duty. I guarantee you that moniker fit Tim Walz before he cut and ran from the guard too.

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With regard to the assertion that Biden's failure to take action against Hamas is disqualifying, I am deeply confused. Disqualifying from what? Has that rascal gone and reentered the race for President without my knowledge?

Anyway, it would seem that he (or at least other parts of his administration) were not just sitting on a beach after all:


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Oh, I get it now. Biden's failure to act was merely a deep fake while his AG surreptitiously filed criminal charges against Hamas, catching them off guard. What a brilliant maneuver! Napoleon would be awed.

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Exactly. Try and keep up, next time.

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We'll see how that lawsuit works out.

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Why now? This could have been done months ago.

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For the same reason that DOJ didn't indict Trump early enough for him to be tried before the election: legal processes can take time.

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Not so. Any good prosecutor can push an indictment as fast as they want. This is all political. DOJ has all the resources it needs to drive any case forward on its timetable.

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You could be right about that. Although I've practiced law for more than 23 years, I spent none of that time in a prosecutor's office. Given your certainty, might I assume that you have?

In any event, this is another instance of Trumplicans never, EVER letting go of a good grievance. After Senate Democrats work with their Republican colleagues to craft what most knowledgeable people consider the strongest border bill that could actually pass both houses of Congress and be signed into law, the whining shifts to what Biden should already have done by executive fiat. When Democrats come to agree with his critics that Biden is too old to run for another term, Trumplicans suddenly become indignant over the mistreatment of all those primary voters who supported him. Now, met with the news that the Biden administration is in fact taking action against Hamas, you whine about it not coming soon enough.

The goalposts, they just keep on moving.

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Not to mention that the FBI says a terrorist attack my be imminent. As we have allowed so many terrorists to cross our border. You can't depend on Joe to even know what day of week it is and well Kammmmmmmmmmmmmmla, I would not trust her to make any decision of importance for National Security.

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Democrats care about Jan. 6th only in that they can use it a club to beat Republicans. That's it. Nancy may care more because someone sat in her office chair. After that, they do not care. If BLM burned down the Capital they would justify if in then name of Reparations.

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This Democrat cares about January 6th because when something (to wit, a transfer of power that was not peaceful) has never happened before in the entire 230+ year history of this Republic, this strongly suggests that something quite unusual is going on.

Finally, do you understand the concept of reparations? The burning down of the Capital would be of no financial benefit to black folk.

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Authority hates being disrespected more than it hates being disobeyed, because the former is an existential threat and the latter is just another day at the office.

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Instead of his infamous "No" when asked if Netanyahu was doing enough to free the hostages, President Biden should have been directing his cabinet to unleash hell on Iran if the remaining prisoners aren't released forthwith; viz., money, oil fields, military targets of opportunity, et. al. And in a private phone call from the President, he should drop the lat/long coordinates of the residences of the primary decision makers...just for effect. And, oh by the way, he should direct DOJ to arrest the organizers of demonstrations supporting Hamas and charge them with accessory to war crimes. Dang! Am i starting to sound like Trump?

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Arrest the organizers of a demonstration? Ever hear of a little thing called the First Amendment?

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Ever hear of supporting organizations designated terrorists who have murdered a U.S. citizen?

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