Of course he is pandering, he and his advisers have no principles. What's wrong? You f-up the country from day one, tell everyone it's for the best, and gaslight your critics. No, no it's time to double down Joe, you believe in your agenda, your truth is the way, the rubes are just too stupid to know it. Push on, this is a winning strategy, and besides you can beat Trump. Whispers, except it won't be Trump.

What? Not Trump.... NAME ME ONE, NAME ME ONE!

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Biden is gearing up for the election and wants to appear to be a moderate Democrat who is trying to bring the country together. If he faces Trump in the election after 18 months of appearing to be moderate and shows that he can be bipartisan (DC Bill) he has a great chance of winning. Then he can’t she off the moderate overcoat and show his real colors.

People who vote in this country can be pretty dumb. Just look at who voted for Biden in 2020.

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Can shake off the overcoat. Spell check is a ______.

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Biden lacks sincerity, except when it comes to sincerely looking out for number uno (himself).

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Erick, you are usually so perceptive…. but you missed it this time. Only a small sliver of the left fringe is sufficiently upset at Biden’s pivot to the right that they will abandon him for one of the far-left nutcases. If he can carry the center he will win for sure, so look for more sensible messaging from his team. That explains the recent change in tone.

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