Fifty-three migrants died in a tractor-trailer in Texas. Coyotes were smuggling them into the country. The smugglers were prosecuted, and the nation moved on.
8,000 migrants a day are streaming across the border in Texas. The Biden Administration says the border is closed. Border Patrol agents have found people from Russia, Ukraine, and the Middle East crossing the border. Many of those coming now had to fly to Mexico City and walk north. God only knows how many people from the Middle East made it into the country, given the number caught.
The Border Patrol tells a similar story these days. The drug cartels are using drones to spy on where the agents are. The cartels then send migrants across the border near where the Border Patrol agents are. As the patrol moves in to stop the migrants, the cartels send drug runners across at different locations. Often, they’ll shoot guns in the air or fire flares once across the border so the Border Patrol knows they’ve gotten across. They’re bringing in fentanyl and other drugs. The migrants are the unwitting decoys.
Over the past year, the crowds have grown and the Biden Administration has done nothing except load migrants onto planes to be shipped around the country. Many have been dropped off in Florida.
Last week, Ron DeSantis loaded fifty into a plane and flew them to Martha’s Vineyard.
Only then did progressives care. Within twenty-four hours, they’d rounded up those illegals and hauled them out of Martha’s Vineyard. As the sun rises this morning, the media firestorm over this bit of theater has not subsided. Progressives and their content creators in the newsrooms of America are outraged.
They’re spending far more time on these fifty illegal aliens than the fifty-three dead ones in Mexico. The Biden Administration is far more exercised about the illegal aliens in Martha’s Vineyard than the ones in Texas. The left often thought Donald Trump didn’t care about things that happened in progressive enclaves. The Biden Administration seems to feel the same way about red states.
Fox News has regular, daily reports on the border crossings. Most other networks have chosen not to cover it regularly. They’re covering DeSantis’s plane full of illegal aliens. They have barely covered how those illegal aliens got to Florida — Joe Biden paid for that plane ride. They have not covered the extent of the porous border of late. They’ve moved on.
I don’t really like the politics of theater. But it seems necessary. As much as part of the right had decided it will be against whatever the left is for, the left has done the same. The right cares about the border, so the left pretends there is no problem.
A closed and secure border should not be a partisan issue. But because the GOP has made it an issue, Democrats across America have chosen to ignore it. To the extent Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis have forced them to pay attention to the issue by bussing illegal aliens to progressive areas of the country, the Democrats are outraged at the stunt, not the problem at the border.
The border is not secured. Illegal drugs are pouring in. There is a humanitarian crisis. Spare me your outrage at the Republicans using illegal aliens as props. Those of you on the left and much of the media have done everything possible to avoid grappling with the extent of the humanitarian crisis.
8,000 people a day are crossing the border in Texas each day. If you can’t understand the border is not closed and needs to be, Republicans need to keep sending these migrants to your cities and states.
They must make you care. It is a major issue. If it takes theater to make you care, so be it.
Below the picture, stay for some news on Stacey Abrams
The Disaster That is the Stacey Abrams Campaign
Just how bad is the Abrams campaign? Pay no attention to 84% of her money coming from outside Georgia. Pay no attention to Brian Kemp winning Hispanic voters and getting up to a third of black men.
All you have to know to understand how bad Abrams’ campaign is performing is to understand this — she showed up in Athens, GA, on a College Football Saturday during the college football game time when Georgia was playing out of town in Columbia, SC.
You just don’t do that. And yet she did, without much of a crowd.
Brian Kemp has a new mailpiece out as well, mocking her Star Trek performance. For perspective — no poll this year has had Kemp behind Abrams and most have him ahead by more than five. Four years ago, the polls were split 50/50 over who was winning.

A question for everyone here: What is Stacey Abrams appeal? She doe not have any good ideas, except when she mimics Kemp's ideas. I don't understand why she has any following.
Absolutely well stated. Just read where a Texas restaurant owner had to sell her business because it had been broken into 5 times since February. She is a second generation owner of this business. She doesn’t feel safe anymore, how sad. I would drop these migrants off on biden’s front door both in DC and Delaware. Then maybe on AOC’s porch.