All I can do is add my prayers to the rest. The heavens are under sedge by us listeners. God bless you and your wife. Dan

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I'm old enough to remember the 1960s. Back then, a favorite tactic of Northern Democrats (I'm originally from Massachusetts) was to loudly condemn the Klan and all the savagery visited on Southern African-Americans whole ignoring the fact that the Klan was in so many ways, to use Rush's phrase, "the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party." Then, they would be equally repressive towards Northern blacks by opposing school busing, etc. It took near unanimity among Congressional Republicans to secure passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, folks such as Joe Biden's mentor, former Klan recruiter Robert Byrd conspicuously opposing any reasonable to see that all Americans received equal treatment.

Now, the Great American Leftmedia has adopted a variant of this tactic, selectively condemning bigotry when it benefits them, i.e., when Republicans in general and Donald Trump in particular can be tarred with the brush. As for the bigotry of prominent Democrats such as Al Sharpton. Louis Farrakhan, Ilham Omar, Rashida Tlaib et al, the sound of crickets fills the air.

African-Americans are figuring this out, it seems, and the mini-Kristalnacht of the last few days makes it abundantly clear that the real bigoits aren't those who want equal, free, and fair elections with all the wrongdoers punished, but rather those who want to distort that goal and rig the system to their advantage - which in and of itself is an act of bigotry and hatred against all Americans.

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I saw an interesting video on Prager U by a man who used to hate Jewish people. It was eye opening and explained a lot.... He doesn't hate anymore, but he explained what happened in the course of his life.

I'm sorry you've been sick! I hope you are feeling better and recover fully soon. (& I subscribe... 😊)

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We need your voice of reason. Please take care! May God bless you and your family.

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Praying for you and your family!!

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Praying for a speedy recovery for you, Erick. One of the hardest challenges of my life is finding balance....I'm constantly pushing myself here and there. You have way too much on your plate, but I understand your need to reach your goals. Just try to put some balance in your day, even if it means giving something up. I need to take my own advice!

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Got you covered my brother. Healing grace to you and quickly.

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Praying for you! Please get some rest. Thanks for your wise words,

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In our prayers, sir. Hope all goes well for you and the family.

Press is giving the Dems a pass, as usual.

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Take care of yourself and work less each day. You are burning your candle at both ends.

Twenty plus years ago, there was an outspoken Jewish Rabbi in New York City who was assassinated by Palestinians. Here have been many incidents over the years of Moslems attacking non believers and the media told us it was a random act. An investigation into their background shows radicalization.

Trump and his family has to be destroyed as a political entity before 2022. The progressive plan reads like Psalm 109.

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I follow you for as many of the six hours as possible, but you cannot keep up that regimen. We need you, Erick, especially Noon to 3. So, praying fervently for your good health.

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As you wrote earlier, those 6-hour days on the air aren't sustaianable. Prayers for you and your bride.

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Praying for you......since you did not mention it, I assume that you tested negative for Covid.

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Prayers for you. Healing and health and REST

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Prayers for you. You do realize that you are our anchor to sanity so don't go anywhere, please. God bless you and yours.

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You are in my prayers for many reasons, Erick. Take care of yourself. You are very needed in this world.

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