Biden won't drop out because Biden's ego is far too big.

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I agree w Erick besides unless they go 25th Amendment that debate will become an anomaly. His NC speech will be trotted out and they will be more careful in the future. They definitely know how to make campaign ads and low info voters will believe what they see. They will saturate the airwaves and the media will go back to backing Biden up. Trump blew his big chance to get needed facts out at debate and the odds of them actually having a Sept one are zero. The Republicans need to get their act together with a better pitch, and Trump needs to get details out about shell game on numbers of illegals and on the "lowered" crime rates, do better on tariff talk and start talking about what he will do this time around. There are too many independents that luckily have been insulated from effects of both and see Trump and conservatives of lying about it.

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A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris because in my opinion he will not last as president for four more years.

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BYW Trump might not beat him. The Democratic machine has a way of coming up with votes late at night.

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During last night's Fox News Report, Brett Baier’s winners were Dana Bash and Jake Tapper in his winners and losers segment. Brett had no problem giving credit where credit’s due.

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I think what the Democrat strategists are missing is that Joe Biden's historical terrible debate performance told the electorate that the Democrats have been lying about Joe's status, and thus are likely lying about many things.

Joe's bad performance dropped the brand of Democrat by several points. Just think of moderates and independents watching the debate and seeing this truth present itself... that the Democrat machine and their media mouthpieces have been telling us the old Joe is fine. That the videos of the confused old man on the stage are Cheap Fakes.

I wonder if Jill Biden can be indicted for elder abuse?

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Nah! The democrats in charge wouldn't lie about something so important... is rolling through the heads of unimportant little people registered as Democrats. They will convince themselves they didn't see what they saw. It is already at 33% that he won the debate. It'll be upto 90% of Democrats in two weeks.

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Showing my age a big... but back in the 1992 VP debate you had Al Gore, Dan Quayle and Vietnam hero Admiral James Stockdale.

Stockdale opened his statement with "Who am I? Why am I here?'"

Stockdale looked cogent compared to Biden.

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Given that presidential elections are determined largely by the so-called independents who "vote for the man not the party" Ask yourself, who would be easier to defeat given all we already knew about Biden's diminished and diminishing capacities? Biden or an even last-minute substitute? Biden is that bad. The truthful answer surely is that Biden is the worse case scenario for Dems (and they do not have a great alternative scenario).

Trump's agreeing to debate so early, prior to the best chance for locking in the Dems with Biden, exposed Biden incontrovertibly too early thus giving the opposition the chance to change horses and or double up on a "vote Democrat" strategy.

Mr. 4D chess, out of utter bravado, instead of saying ~~ we will debate all you want after our parties' nominating conventions ~~ (it is not like Triump doesn't dodge debates) handed his opponents the opportunity for a revised playing board and a substitute king.

Biden was known to be so bad that it would be impossible, except through an incompetent campaign, to portray him as anything but a train wreck just on policy (the border, inflation) regardless of his apparent dementia. From many months ago, prior to the Republican caucuses and primaries it was soberly clear that any of several of the Republican contenders could defeat Dementia Joe. Well as long as the top contender remained loyal and didn't go egotistically unpatriotically independent from the party whose substrate was TEA Party / MAGA (something that leading contender did not create).

Does it not make sense to maneuver to go against the weakest one's enemies have rather than unnecessarily cooperate in foreseeably giving them lifelines, however remote?

If Biden drops out prior to or because of the Dem convention it is substantially Trump's doing and it is arguably at least marginally to our and his detriment. It is a strategic error, hopefully not overwhelming. It needn't be but then Trump lost to the likes of Joe Biden before. He (and the GOP) should have been able to overwhelm any cheating.

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Call them what you might, but I am wondering how the “deep state” or “cabal” or WEF powers view this Biden mess. And do they have the power to force him out? I think Erick’s analysis otherwise is spot on.

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The deep state has known this was coming (even if the Bidens themselves deny the truth) and I have no doubt there is a plan in place. We just don't know what it is yet.

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Don't understand the Democrats (and Jill Biden's aka Lady MacBeth) thirst to hold onto their power. If Biden won't step aside, they'll (Dems, not Jill) find a way to "Arkancide" him. They know if Biden remains as their candidate, Trump will soundly beat him in the race, plus the Dems will lose numerous seats in the House and Senate as voters choose candidates not attached to Biden.

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It’s identical mentality to any garden-variety third-world dictator who along with his privileged, well-off family (while their impoverished “country” is in shambles) retains power simply for the sake of having it and of course for the concealed cash deals that come with it—never mind that he can’t run the country.

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I think we watch the money. If it dries up in the next few weeks it is possible he rides off into the sunset.

If Mrs. Biden thinks they have enough funds to stay in, he stays.

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Supposedly they raised 27 mill post debate but may be wasted

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“Dr.” Jill is playing the same role that Edith Wilson did after Woodrow Wilson had his debilitating stroke and she “ran” the Country afterward, deciding which matters were to be brought to his bedridden attention. She called it (unelected) “stewardship.”

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The conventional wisdom over a 25A scenario is that the GOP would stick the hose in the drowning Dems' mouth and not vote for Biden to be removed.

But what if the USA encounters a really serious, say, geopolitical crisis that calls for a competent Commander in Chief? Would the GOP put country over party and bring in Cackles?

Although I think the USA is antifragile enough to be able to work around a brain-dead POTUS, the optics for an opportunistic GOP could be bad.

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Which is why no dire need to push that just now. Cackles can be the unofficial titular stand-in and Biden's people, which will be the case anyway, will make the decisions good bad or indifferent. If the 25A scenario is necessary it can wait until after the Dem nomination plays out, and hopefully after November. The Dems in a loosing scenario will not give up control until January anyway.

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I'm hearing he can't drop out or get off any ballots by the election. If they try, they won't get on enough state ballots,to win the electoral college. Please address this Monday, thanks.

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I am not aware of all the individual state permutations but I suspect legislatures in blue states might meet and change any pertinent laws. Even Ohio thought compelled to do that just this month to allow for emergency ballot processes that allow for Biden to be on the ballot in spite of the Dem convention being after Ohio's previous deadline for printing, etc. I accept that it would really really complicate things for them and might not happen in enough. But keep in mind Dems are inclined to change the rules anytime they see fit. They might raise the scenario of what if Trump were to keel over in the next couple of months. Would that be compelling enough rational to have states accommodate the situation? Well the true answer is that the Dems would say Republicans will just have to stew in their juices.

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Is anyone else not finding yesterday's podcast? It is not coming up on Spotify and it's the one I have been anticipating for months!

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I agree. Biden stays. He's just the sort of narcissist who would, and his wife can't imagine any other option. But. I also believe this makes a Trump win possible. Another Democratic candidate will likely pull more votes away from Trump, the sympathy vote ensues, and Trump loses. If we want a Republican victory, let the two old men duke it out.

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I could not agree more that he is a pr*ck. I also feel that he will be at the next Trump debate. I would never think newsome could get a nomination from the demorats as he is so self centered and I hope the demorats can even see that and what he has done to CA.

But I do feel that the ONE WORLD GOV. that is running Biden, will also never allow an honest election, regardless of who they run against Trump.

The wealthy of the world want it and they will get it. The Bible tells us that we will be under the control of a ONE WORLD GOV. in the END TIMES.

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This One World Gov is having a helluva time in Canada with Trudeau, in France with "Hot For Teacher" Macron, and elsewhere in Europe.

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What will the deep state do now that everyone has seen that the Emperor has no clothes and the Queen doesn’t care

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“You didn’t see what you thought you saw and heard”.

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