Franklin absolutely nailed it, Erick. We can make the argument that Democrats not only bought Billy Bob Clintstone's contention that what happened between he and Miss Monica was somehow "not sex", but that the results he achieved somehow immunized him from the consequences of his actions. They even formed an organization to make that point; remember Move On.org? It's a great argument, and one which stands up to the inevitable charges of "whataboutism", since they first framed the terms of the debate; all we're doing is using their standards of Presidential acceptability. And yes, I fully accept the rampant cynicism in the argument, but counter that there's nothing wrong with turning their cynicism back upon them (It's all rather Alinsky like, too).

Having framed the debate on their terms, we can then move on to the substantive arguments about the real issues; crime, the cratering of the Labor Force Participation Rate (4.5 million more people voluntarily left the workforce in November), inflation, the continuing supply chain mess, and the disaster in the making which is the Bidenauts' foreign policy. or lack of same. At that point, the left's constant bleating about the Jan 6, 2021 noninsurrection has no effect except among the True Believers, with whom we'll be stuck anyway.

Franklin further noted that whether or not Donald Trump is a racist (and nothing I have seen even remotely suggests he is), if people were better off than now is all that matters. It's sort of like the letter a general once wrote during my time in the military. In it, he noted that he was powerless to change what is in a person's heart (true), and that while he hoped that hearts would change, he had no means to order that they do so (also true). He then went on to note that he DID have the authority and responsibility to control the consequences of people's ACTING upon what was in their hearts and guaranteed, as he put it, that "the wrath of God" would descend on those twisted souls who dared act on those beliefs, NO exceptions. Thus it is now; we can only hope and pray that the Marxists among us would see that their ideology is antithetical to the American system, and change. But, if they fail to do so, then all we can do is see to it that "the wrath of God" descend on them this November. It's not a perfect situation, but we can never allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good.

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I foresee violence as a campaign tactic returning for the midterms.

Here is rewrite of your 3rd paragraph...

... they hope their base will be pissed off and ready to [riot before] November. The problem for the Democrats here is... they risk their [violent] base turning [off voters by] burning [down cities].

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I too had to share this one! I'm so tired of the bickering for power in this country. Seems neither party really cares about the people they are supposed to serve. We need the filibuster in the Senate if nothing more than to stop the passing of bad law.

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Oh man, I will be emailing this post out to many, not only for your inciteful analysis, but also for that caller's amazing comments.

What astounds me as that there are so many people that buy into the progessives' cauldron of putrescent lies, stirred up daily and served out by their leftwing servants in the media. I think their strategy is lie, then lie again, and if that doesn't work then lie, cancel, and de-platform. Their commitment to lying to themselves and everyone else repeatedly goes against the laws of nature, man's natural condition, and God's law. They will fail ultimately fail, but I sort of hope they will fail sooner than later. May God grant extraordinary strength to Senators Manchin and Sinema, to hold the line and keep our Republic intact.

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Astute summary of reality vs. wishful thinking. By the way Erick, I could not open the audio of Franklin.

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022

Thank you for your sane, informative commentary. You have pulled me back from the ledge more times than you know. Oh, and while AOC as senator is scary as you know what, I can't stop laughing at the thought.

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It's becoming readily apparent that the Emperor has no clothes.

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I heard Franklin yesterday and he was great! Loved his honesty!

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