The hyper-online right can be damaging for Republicans.

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Democrats can do all their media events to keep their base happy and energized, but Republicans should just rely on their little godly halo floating above their heads to prove that they are moral and righteous and thus fit to lead.

Got it.

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I’m 65.it is extreme poor manners to laugh and jeer at people leaving their jobs with their boxes of possessions from their terminated government jobs. That was me over 40 years ago when a company that I was working for closed down on a Friday afternoon,took the company vehicle ,and locked the doors,leaving me on a downtown street with my box of possessions, on foot. it was a terrible feeling. I had done nothing wrong, the company just closed. I can’t imagine people being outside laughing and jeering at me. It would be a lot better, if these Republicans would go smell the grass, before they go protest in front of these government buildings and laugh at these laid off government workers. It is shameful to watch on TV these Republicans, laughing injuring at these people. I’m embarrassed and saddened. Eric Erickson is correct, that kind of thing is gonna get us in trouble with moderates and independents like me.

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Yes until you experience it yourself they cannot understand what it is like. I too experienced pretty close to that except there was a very good severance plan.i was working, as our whole group did, remotely and the only indication you got axed was you went to sign in and you couldn't. You cannot comprehend how that feels. There was no advsnce warning to prepare for a devastation. I busted my a$$ for that company. At least I didn't go long without a call explaining my severance. My whole life was vested in knowing my job and being the best in what I did and was unique. That is what bit me. The words from the "Who" song ' You won't get fooled again' echoed.

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There was a lot of tension and pressure in that meeting, with opinions that were bouncing off thick walls. Reasoning was absent, and no room to agree to disagree. Not well thought out. A situation difficult, but not impossible to recover from. You could almost see Satan sitting in the corner laughing at this gathering.

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I have been waiting for this to happen and it did not take too long! PLEASE, PLEASE Mr. President! Get your Cabinet’s head out of their BUTT! Do you or does any body remember the term the Democrats pasted on the Republicans? It was “The Adults are in the Room now…” Where are the Adults in the Cabinet? Then on National TV THE President has an Elementary School fight with the Head of Ukraine! Does anyone realize just how much damage that caused in the eyes of our Allies?

It has to stop! We were finally starting to right the ship but instead dropped a cannon ball through the deck and are taking on water! Is this what we want the voters to see as our first 100 days accomplishments?

I think not!!

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Good Morning people all these people need to forget about Epstine that’s history. Put down your phone pick up there Bible and go back to Church and ask Jesus for forgiveness and turn from there wicked ways. God Bless America

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The people that partook in Epstein parties on his island should be publicly exposed at the very least, and potentially investigated and prosecuted, if evidence for crimes against minors is found.

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You are absolutely right but I don’t see it stopping anytime soon. That anyone thinks Tate much less a group of Young “Republicans” think Tate is acceptable is insane. Tucker Carlson loss me with that interview and I think to many that was a seal of approval for them. I’m afraid that between rightwing nuts and leftists plants no stopping the rhetoric that hurts us all in long run but especially President Trump. Too bad Musk can’t limit partisan posts to once a week lol. Only hope is sane friends & family but if you’re online all the time you can’t interact or touch the grass. On another note, another store falls to Amazon. Jo’Anns closes all stores, those employees get no cushy exit and most retirees who have to work to supplement SS and my grandmother would say “how can you buy fabric if you can’t touch it”?

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Do you know how really true it is that you cannot buy fabric if you can't touch it?

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Oh you can buy it, but ask any real sewer especially for a new type fabric. You can judge the hand, drape or even the true color via computer screen. You can't check for defects either and having to return cut fabric ....

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Agree Erick. Thank you. Those big smiles holding up binders in what should have been a sobering situation is disgusting. And why Young Republicans celebrating Tate is beyond me. Sounds like DeSantis is not having it.

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In our online world, where inflammatory talk has replaced in-person discourse, far too many of us beg to be noticed by exaggerating unfound and unsound opinions which we try to pay as informed-discussion. “Someone please notice me,” instead of “let’s find a way to settle our differences.”

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Griftoverse right and left

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Guilt by association. Don’t we lump all of the stupid stuff that the left and their media into one pile? Well the people who see what a few of the right are doing and they will do the same thing. Get it together people stop grabbing the shiny object. Let’s get back to supporting the President on the things that he is doing to help Americans.

Thank you Governor DeSantis. Andrew Tate is scum. Epstein’s fellow child rapists are scum. Sell his island and give the money to the victims.

Yesterday’s fiasco in the Oval Office was not a good look for either side. Zelenskyy wants guaranteed protection and Trump just wants the war to stop. There has to be a compromise in there some where. And if not we will see if Europe is serious about protecting Ukraine at all costs. They strong talk when they are not footing the bill.

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Why can’t Trump be bothered to demand that Putin withdraw - and stop the war? Putin continues to lob drones and explosives into Ukraine. And, for everyone who complains about “hOW mUch iT cOSts!” - I am an old Cold Warrior. Wait until Putin reconstitutes the Soviet Union - defense against that will cost much, much more than the roughly 100 billion we have used to help Ukraine.

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It seems the impact of huddling under our school desks has had a lasting impact on us. Trump quoted $350 big ones. I think Trump could have been a little more diplomatic with how he handled Zelensky.

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It should have never been done in front of cameras. Like Zelenskyy or not, he was a guest. They could have asked the press to leave. It made Trump and Vance look small. Not surprised by Trump, disappointed in Vance.

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They ganged up on him. What do expect when backed into a corner. Personally, Zelensky has a very good option. Negotiate with Russia and be their best friend. Guard against the front of NATO like Putin wants. Have for trade in rebuilding Ukraine all the mineral rights and the protection against the US. Let us govern ourselves. That would be eating a lot of crow for Zelensky but I would imagine Putin would be very protective of Ukraine. The fertile ground would produce enough food to feed China so they can expand from within and align themselves together. That scenario should have been laid out to Trump. I think Trump should have looked past his nose.

Somewhere in the bigger picture we will see and feel what happens. Once trust is broken, it takes a very very very long time if ever to overcome and look forward. What Trump did will go down in history as don't ask for help and don't trust America.

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It was in everyone's best interest to go through with the deal, but Zelensky kept rehearsing the past and being antagonistic. Vance should have kept his mouth shut, however, and Trump should have been the bigger man and stopped things from spiraling. But that's not Trump. Zelensky will never make overtures to Putin. The irony of Ukraine and Russia is that their respective Orthodox Churches hate each other. Putin offered Trump a rare earths concession in the the Donbass area, but who knows if that's for real. Zelensky admitted that Trump's support of Ukraine is "crucial." I think the deal with Trump will go through, and Putin will agree to an end of the war if he keeps his gains and Trump promises no NATO for Ukraine. Given everything so far, I think that's as good as it gets.

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Well I sure can’t argue with that it was like a bunch of children

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