Pavel Durov is a name you will hear repeatedly in the coming days and weeks. Deemed the Mark Zuckerberg of Russia, Durov is worth north of $15 billion after founding the social media platform Telegram over a decade ago.
When the Russian authorities demanded backdoor access to the platform shortly after its creation, Druov fled his homeland and applied for citizenship in France, the UAE, and the Caribbean nation St. Kitts and Nevis. Durov was just arrested in France and charged with 12 counts relating to his refusal to cooperate with authorities over access to his platform.
The arrest of Durov is significant because it raises the question of accountability for owners and creators of platforms. In our commitment to free speech, the United States has long held that platform owners can’t be prosecuted for what others post. However, it should be concerning to all of us that this is increasingly becoming the minority position around the world. Watch:
The democrats remain in power, we will see that exact thing happening here. And they have every intention of remaining in power. I do not think people are waking up.
Events like this make my slap my head over our elites screaming at us that globalism is good and needed and a benefit to the US.
We cannot collaborate effectively in our own republic... so why does anyone think that trying to forge a cooperative global order was ever in the cards? The only reason it worked for a while is that the US was giving away all its economic assets and thus those countries were certain to behave. Now that the cupboard is bare, those countries are doing what is in their nature and ignoring anything the US claims is the moral and ethical baseline for good social and economic policy.
These countries not only don't care about the US opinion of these things, they would prefer to just put a stick in our eye.