Yes, the protected class protecting their own while working together to eliminate protection of the rest of us.

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Oct 15·edited 13 hrs ago

Like former CMG correspondent Jamie Dupree once said, 'Media bias isn't only in what gets covered but what doesn't get covered.'

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Best comment on that X link:

Raddatz: 9/11 was limited to a handful of office towers...

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True enterprise journalism died years ago. It was replaced by advocacy journalism which has devolved into left-wing hackery. At some point. At some point these media outlets will crumble. I believe we’ll see an acceleration of this cone 2025.

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As a young woman working with media in the advertising industry in NYC, some 45+ years ago, I can still hear a very prominent news personality say, "we don't want to just report the news, we want to set the agenda..."

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To those who thought JD Vance was a bad selection, I present to you one Tim Waltz. And a butt-hurt Martha Raddatz, if she has any shame at all.

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It's just (D)ifferent for some folks.

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Well, in response to an interviewer's question about what she woukd do differently from Joe Biden, she said, she "really couldn't think of anything."

Guess that extends to plaigerism, too.

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Mic Drop!

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" Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this purpose I have been born, and for this I have come into the world: to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to My voice.” 38 Pilate *said to Him, “What is truth?”

That question, "What is truth?" is resonating in our age. Each of us, whether Democrat or Republican must give our answer. When lies are told on either side, covering it up is an affront to the one who is truth personified. Exaggeration and embellishment are fancy words trying to camouflage lies.

It is scary to live in a time, where truth is considered to be subjective and not objective. Those who are called to be fact checkers and selectively choose which facts to check will give an account. Is there no fear anymore of falling into the hands of the living God? There is no "But" when truth finally takes the stand.

Fortunately there is forgiveness, but that requires repentance. I read Ericks call to be repentance across the board.

Pray that truth will reign in our time. Because the gateway to hell is paved with lies.

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Do not feed the dragons, or you’ll be their next meal.

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Welcome back, Erick. I'm glad you got to enjoy a long weekend with your family. But we missed you.

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15

Don’t worry, Erick, whatever the rest of the media is doing to “sabotage the industry” by going easy on Kamala, FOX more than makes up for it by ignoring Trump’s many more numerous transgressions (many of which are criminal), and most of your audience only watches FOX anyway.

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15

You do realize that the tu quoque is a logical fallacy, right?

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I don’t even know what a “tu quoque” is, so I guess not.

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It’ll make it that much sweeter and quite frankly hilarious if Trump wins. Oh the liberal 😭 will be so much fun. Just watch out for the mostly peaceful protests.

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JD Vance came up with very powerful question others should use in similar situations: “Martha, do you hear what you are saying?” He went on to show that she had just approved a foreign crime group to come into the US and take an American’s property. His question stopped her cold.

When a friend insists that trans women should use the women’s restroom use Vance’s question: show that this means that ANY man upon whim can use the women’s restroom whenever he wants. It has to mean this simply because the woke left insists in words and actions that a male becomes a trans woman the moment he has a “trans thought”.

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It's funny how many of the people cheering this post on probably have no problem still consistently tuning in to a network - cofounded and led for decades by a sexual predator / deviant who also preyed on underage / teenagers. A network that chose to pay out nearly a billion dollars to settle a case where they were shown to knowingly and repeatedly lie to us for months to make sure we didn't leave them for another upstart network that was willing to tell us bigger lies that would really tickle the cult's ears. Paying it out so that more of their blatant lies didn't get exposed.

I wasn't a reader of your substack then, but I wonder if you had the same type of resolve to shed light on that sad situation and if so, how much applause was echoed in the comments.

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Not all of us even get our news f/ any mainstream network.

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You do realize that the tu quoque is a logical fallacy, right?

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It would be if I was arguing that media is not biased, but I am not saying that.

What I am saying is that most of you are actually fine with a biased media as long as the bias is slanted in a way that tells you what you want to hear.

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Blair, when one realizes it is the elite, whether independent, democrat, or republican, are the problem, and it isn't one side or the other, then one truly gets what is going on.

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Roger Ailes is dead and was exposed for his misdeeds and posthumously punished by his reputation being tarnished forever.

It has nothing to do with one sided reporting existing everywhere one looks outside of Fox News, The WSJ editorial page only, some substacks and conservative talk show or TV hosts. 90% of the media (Hollywood included) is completely one sided to the left an has been as long as I’ve been paying attention since the 80s.

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You don't think Fox has one sided reporting? They voluntarily paid nearly a billion dollars to avoid the embarrassment of a trial where they would have been further exposed for intentionally lying to you for months to keep you watching their garbage. You can read the texts from the network's stars and management where they are choosing which facts they can cover that won't harm their stock price or deciding how much to knowingly lie to prevent you from turning the channel to Newsmax.

Anyone including the "straight news people" who still works there after that no longer has any credibility whatsoever and anyone who still watches their garbage is admitting (whether they know it or not) that they are OK with lying one-sided coverage as long as it tickles their ears the way they want it to.

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It's a great point. I viewed Fox as the antithetical media outlet I could trust back in the 2000s and early 2010s. But they lost me in 2014 when I heard Hannity, for the third election cycle in a row, state this was "the most important election of our lifetime." I realized it was just a game to them, too. They ALL practice fearmongering because it's an effective motivator; a motivator to tune in tomorrow, to generate clicks, to share the outrage, to vote. If ever there was a mirror that best illustrates the lemming-like behavior of the human race, this would be it.

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They ALL do that

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In defense of Hannity, each election we participate in is indeed the most important election of our lifetime at the time. The ones in the past are truly in the past and we cannot do anything about them any more, therefore they are no longer as important as the one coming up.

Not a fan of Hannity because he is too "Republican." Liked Hannity and Colmes better than straight Hannity.

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“Media do you hear what you’re saying “. They do and they don’t care.

I believe we are losing our democracy and it’s at the hands of the democrats and their media.

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I believe you can turn this around and say “The media and their Democrats”. We can best fight the left the way JD Vance showed us with Martha: “Do you hear what you are saying?………”.

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