Yes. Keep exposing the lies and the grift. May the truth prevail.

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Very, very nice Erick! Well reasoned and extremely good theology. Once again we see people sacrificing the permanent on the altar of the immediate. Immediate for them is the rush of clicks and eyeballs that drool on their momentary tirades which tickle their ears.

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I agree with you to a point, then we diverge. You might check out AL Mohler's podcast for today. He mentions the same things you mention with this warning...whether the intent of the law or the intent of the signers has anything to do with silencing Christian speech, it would be foolhardy to think it couldn't be used as such. And, just because the phrase concerning language about the crucifixion of Jesus is already accepted by the U.S. government, that certainly doesn't mean that the left won't use it against Christian speech today. You know as well as anyone that Christian preaching and teaching is under assault in the US like never before, albeit subtle at times. I know...some of the ones calling for the defense of Christian speech and who oppose this bill probably wouldn't know Jesus from Jerry Lewis, but their point can't be dismissed just because "it's not being done now", or the IHRA's definition "is globally accepted". The language in that definition is vague, if words mean anything, and vague defintions are the weapon of choice when someone needs a cudgel. I love you brother, but I think your disdain for the grifters has clouded your judgment here.

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Great piece, Erick. It's a damn shame that most of humanity has lost the ability to use the one thing that supposedly separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom...the ability to reason. Right, left, and center are all guilty of knee-jerk emotionalism rather than using their brain to think things through.

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We have a gov't that operates on re-election timeframes. The long game really isn't in Congress' DNA any more. Dept. of Education power can be wielded immediately, thereby giving electorate a feeling their representatives and senators can control the un-controllable.

The long game is, indeed, free market governing the process. That, however, will take several graduating classes of unemployable idiots costing the universities in credibility and $$$. Congress-critters have to face the electorate long before free-market effects are realized. Gotta do something, gotta do something now! is the actual mentality of the politician.

OTOH, we're currently dealing with college professors having matriculated from college during the 60's/70's (or their mentees, now professors) who actually thrive on this chaos. They will fight any accountable governance to the death...and bring their students along to be sacrificed.

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People on the right don't get it. When we shot ourselves in the foot, it gets amplified times 100 vs. when the left does. Yet, the right seems to love shooting themselves in the foot. We need a Department of Strategery.

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Or a weapons training class

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One of my favorite recent memes is the Soyjak v. Soyjak v. Chad...

"the Jews killed Jesus"...v. "The Romans killed Jesus".... v.

"It was my sin that held Him there

Until it was accomplished;

His dying breath has brought me life –

I know that it is finished."

The latter is based...both of the former are people mixing religion and politics.

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I am so tired of the theatrics from both parties. There are serious issues which need to be taken up like dealing with the threats from China, Iran, Russia while we see puppet states propped up by Iran actively engaging our military. There are terrorists which are gaining footholds in African nations. All the while our congress is playing kabuki theater with religion and our President and his administration is having an ice cream cone while watching the world start to burn.

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Apparently the only the right knows how to do is reload.

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Are the antisemitic Christians aware Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Solomon, Elijah, Samuel, Jesus, Mary, Peter, Paul and most of the people in The Bible are Jewish?

Back to the legislation- it’s par for the course. I’m honestly not sure if there are any serious people walking the halls of Congress, 1600 or much else in DC. Almost everything by both parties seems for show and grift. As you said, there will absolutely be a reckoning.

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All but two books in both Testaments were written by Jews.

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Another like…taking responsibility and then acting on rectifying campus policies and removing offending faculty, staff and students is the far better and effective approach. Higher Ed is a mendacious lot to begin with so curbing their funding (as oft mentioned before) and reducing enrollments will have a salutary effect.

Thinking the unneeded Dept. of Education will remedy the situation brings to mind the Reagan quote about “ I’m from the federal government and am here to help.”

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I concur. Let the free market work. Let the “Ivies” choke on their DEI/Woke/Antisemitism. We saw signs when Ackman and other CEOs and prominent philanthropists started withholding their donations.

Turn off the spigot. Let the donation wells go dry.

Young people are discovering they can make a tremendous living by learning a trade, eg plumbing, welding, HVAC, etc., and stay out of debt.

Corporations and firms would be wise to eliminate Ivy League grads from the pool of potential hires.

Let the free market work. Suspend Fed involvement in any way that expands their authority.

Let the free market work.

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Takes too long for politicians to get re-elected, hence trying to bring the DOE to bear before the elections...

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Had Jesus not been killed he could not have risen from the dead and Christianity would not have existed. Case closed.

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May 6
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Make no mistake. We're ALL going to hell without Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection - nothing special about the Jews in that respect ;-).

The challenge becomes one, not of internal belief, but external policy and action. These "protests" are actions allowed by bad policy against a very specific segment of society. Early Nazi action began as protests ("Mein Kampf"), grew into the Holocaust. Very different from lovingly bringing a message of salvation, IMO ;-)

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May 6
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I could ask you the same, Robert.

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