Why didn't the US International Trade officials tell LG they should have paid their employees enough to keep them from jumping ship?

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Biden won’t do a thing. You need to hit the China situation harder Erick!

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Biden will.......Trump would not.

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Don’t know about Ossoff’s chief of staff but when my wife called his office last week nobody answered and he was not even set up to leave messages. Not much of a people person.

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Let's see...the question is whether or not Biden will pander to China or support the "red state" of Georgia? My money is on him pandering to China...could be wrong, but I think Joe Biden is going to be Red China's newest best friend.

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Do you have any idea if the ruling makes sense based on the facts of the case?

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"Hoisted by their own petard," eh? Extremely insightful regarding where this will go!

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