Erick, I think your article makes a lot of good points, but isn't quite correct. The non-Democratic anti-Trump front from 2016 was driven by three main groups that have overlapping memberships:

1) Globalists who support open-borders and who hate Trump's using the leverage of tariffs to put pressure on China to stop stealing IP and open its markets to fair competition.

2) Bush-establishment supporters who are heirs to the world order that subsidizes Europe socialist-lite governments, including paying for their defense.

3) Christians who hate Trump's history of sexual immorality and who will never forgive his actions prior to 2006, after which Melania seemed to change Trump's behavior, perhaps due to Barron.

This segment literally hates Trump and it includes people like Romney with career government positions who have no qualms about siding with Democrats to take Trump out. They would rather have had Hillary in 2016 and they would rather have Biden in 2020. But their numbers have dwindled, because Trump has largely done what he promised in 2016 and the polar-opposite Democratic policies are insane. Since the Corona crisis, there is a contingent who either believe we can aim for Corona-herd-immunity without killing a million plus Americans or that Trump will keep the whole economy shutdown for a long time because of Birx/Fauci's influence. But this group will never vote for Biden and the Democrats because except for the Corona issues, Trump matches their policy desires and the Democrats certainly don't.

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A prominent preacher in category #3 is John Piper, who influenced me to vote for the Constitution Party's nominee for President, Darrell Castle. Mr. Castle seems to have retired from public life, but when he did make comments, he generally supported Trump, as do I. My only caveat is that in a second term Trump may turn into a "King Lear" figure, or show the effects of his age more. But Biden is much worse, if he is the Democrats' nominee.

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Never heard of QAnon till now. I still live in Philadelphia and rejoice each time I get out of the city and can buy iced tea without paying Mayor Kenney's sugared beverage tax.

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As government continues to grow and its tentacles invade our lives more and more, it's not uncommon for folks to consider conspiracy theories regardless of which party seems to be in control. It isn't that folks believe in conspiracy theories, it's that today one cannot trust any politician or media since the voters have been used, lied to and treated like idiots for so long by these elite groups!

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As I've stated before, Erick Erickson's piece provokes us to think. I love this. I agree with some of what has been posted and with a skeptical eye, view the rest and ponder its significance.

I truly believe hubris is our governments downfall. EVERYONE, elected, appointed or otherwise, believes they know more or what is better for us than we do. We run businesses, live our lives but we don't know diddley. THIS is why our government is in trouble.

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Here is one problem with your theory. There WAS a conspiracy against Trump by govt spys as proven by the whole STEELE dossier debacle.

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Actually, that was a retired British spy hired by the Democrats and used by the media.

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Yes but all the FISA abuse and other shenanagins by the FBI does leave one to wonder and does give credence to a "deep state" conspiracy even if it was only a few bad actors. And does anyone doubt that if this had been done to a democrat the main stream media's hair would have been on fire?

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I’m no good at posting links. But simple google search shows this


A Trail of FBI Abuse

The Horowitz report confirms that the bureau deceived FISA judges with the Steele dossier.

By The Editorial Board

Dec. 9, 2019 7:38 pm ET

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A very interesting piece. I’m a borderline conspiracy theory person. I do believe the Clinton’s have had a hand in people dying. I also believe that we’ve got institutional bias in many branches of the government. The FBI, with the foundation laid by Hoover, believes its the sole protector of our laws. The CIA thinks only it has any ideas regarding our security worth following. The State Department believes it & ONLY it should set our foreign policy. These aren’t conspiracy theories, they are observations over the years.

You made some excellent points. We just don’t agree on every one of them. That’s why I like your writing. It challenges me to think.

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Hopefully history will record that none of the overblown accusations against President Trump from his opponents stopped him from winning re-election! He convinced the Republicans to give him their nomination, won an election fairly, and his supporters, on present trends, really have no reason to doubt that he can do it again!

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Major nagging thought: If this

"print off your ballots on your home computer and mail 'em in!"

garbage takes precedence, we are all doomed. A Republican will never win an election in any state, for any office, ever eagain.

I put nothing--NOTHING--past Democrats. They will crawl over broken glass to defeat Trump in November and don't give a rat's rear how many felonies they have to commit to do it.

Besides--who would turn them in? Who would report it and have the report believed? The media are simply the DNC's public relations arm.

Only comforting thought is that as of TODAY, those demanding mail-in voter fraud are from states that would vote for Sleepy Joe if he were in a lockdown Alzheimer's unit .

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