Knowing all the pain, death and evil that was to come from His decision to create, exactly WHY did he create?

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I pray for you and your wife, and I deeply appreciate your fearless willingness to speak truth about politics and our God!

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I am so thankful for your willingness to share this beautiful message. I appreciate your words, and I appreciate you. Especially now! God Bless You! Happy Easter! Be Well!

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I absolutely, completely believe what you wrote. The hard part for me is the enemy at work, seeking to destroy what God ordains. Seeing people in power so full of the love of power that they've sold their souls for it. Using that power to destroy lives, without a thought. Being the tool of the enemy. I don't know if it makes me angry or so very sad.

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God Bless you E.E. I love you! Happy Easter!

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Thanks! Words of faith always calm my soul. I wish more had the courage to show their faith like you Erick. This is a time to stand in faith not fear! God is always with us! Thanks again for sharing!

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What an awesome God we serve. Surely his goodness and mercy follows us ALL the days of our lives. God bless you and your family, brother.

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I wish I had the conviction of your faith

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I have followed you for some time, but decided to devote more time to your posts, thus the subscription. Thank you for your thoughts and knowledge of this crisis, but this, too, will pass. Happy Easter Week to you and your staff and blessings on you all. T. Carter, Arkansas

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Thanks very much

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Good encouragement with one clarification. Under the Old Covenant there certainly was “pestilence” as stated in Amos but under the new covenant we have a different relationship because of exactly what we celebrate in Jesus’ death and resurrection! See Romans 2:4

“Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭2:4‬ ‭ESV‬‬

God is in control and with his children through every “bad” thing! He certainly is not the cause of it!

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Oh I'd say that just as Amos notes, God blesses and shows kindness to lead to repentance and God can also punish and cajole to lead to repentance. Likewise, God can also hold back his hand and let something happen that he has not caused, but use it to glorify himself.

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