I just subscribed based on your teaser email and the 19 vote election story. I've been following you since RedState (and even attended 3 Gatherings) and now I'm here and I'm in! Keep up the good work.

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Thank you for this Erick, it gives me some more clarity on this very important issue.

I continue to have a couple of questions because I do not know voting law and rules. Why cant those citizens worried of COVID all request absentee ballots instead of instituting mail-in ballots so late in the election? And on the same note, it appears to me that receiving votes over a few days would be ok with mail-in ballots could in-person voting be extended over a week-long period to allocate for social distancing/CDC guidelines? this way there wouldn't be long lines, etc and therefore the accusations of voter suppression, election fraud etc? These may be dumb questions but I have been thinking about this as I continue to hear the news of issues with the post office, etc.

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In regard to your "One More Note," addendum, the reason GOP candidates like Laura Loomer or Marjorie Green win GOP primaries is not that a majority of GOP voters are into bizarre conspiracy theories, but rather that they are sick and tired of GOP traitors who support the candidates and policies of the opposing party, like those speaking at the Democratic convention.

If you look at the policies listed on Greene's website, this is what she ran on ( https://greene2020.com/why-marjorie/ ): SECURE OUR BORDERS -- FINISH THE WALL, SAVE AMERICA, STOP SOCIALISM, PROTECT OUR SECOND AMENDMENT, DEFEND THE UNBORN, TAKE CARE OF OUR GREAT VETERANS, PASS THE BALANCED BUDGET AMENDMENT.

If you look at the policies of Laura Loomer ( https://lauraloomerforcongress.com/issues/ ), this is what she ran on: Free Speech, Make America Safe Again, Breaking up Big Tech, Second Amendment.

There is a clear contrast between these policies and those of Biden and the Democrat party, If the GOP wants to cleanse itself, perhaps it should focus on running candidates who actually support GOP policies instead of Lincoln-Project type of Republicans who would rather hand control of our countries policy making to progressive Democrats. The reason Trump won in 2016 and may win again in 2020 is that he promised policies that voters wanted and then followed through on them.

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I agree on policy, but I also see the Erick's point of that is not what the media will portray 24/7 on the news. The GOP and maybe even the President will have to answer about those conspiracy theories as of course they will get tied into those. I do also sometimes wonder a little bit about the bizarre conspiracy theories. But I have not researched into what those really are to be fair...

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I am not in disagreement with Erick's point. But the media is always going to find something new to moan about in its regular 2-minute GOP-hates that are broadcast in an endless cycle. The exact hate content changes (nearly daily in Trump's case), but not the target of the hate - as in Orwell's 1984. If it is not Q-Anon, it will be mail boxes are being locked up, hydroxychloroquine kills, or some other anti-Trump-hate. But before Trump was the target of the media-hate, the targets were Tricky-Dicky-Nixon, Bumbling-Ford, Read-My-Lips-Bush, Bush-Lied-People-Died, Paul-Ryan-Pushing-Granny-Off-A-Cliff, Dog-Killer and-Tax-Dodger-Romney. The names of the targets may change, but they are always GOP and never Democrat.

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Another worthy article. Thank you.

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I loved the story from 2000. All I have to say is , " War Tractor" .

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For younger voters who have not been taught how to write, signatures are a problem. Some I've seen are nothing more than a scribble. Not sure if that's harder or easier to forge, but could be a problem in verifying mail in ballots.

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Great content & context. Now, is there a line I can use to get my wife to bring me a refreshing adult beverage while I’m in the shower? Got rid of the tub!

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