ABSOLUTELY right on!!

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For a 4 minute conversation with a Russian ambassador at a cocktail party where numerous congressmen on both sides also talked to the guy, Jeff Sessions had to recuse himself.

Candidate Donald Trump said Obama should not have nominated Merrick Garland to SCOTUS, President Trump had to remove his nomination before nominating Gorsuch.

Why hasn't Merrick Garland recused himself? Why is he running the investigation?

There is simply no way this doesn't look political.

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There is one way in which it need not look political, and that is if Garland has got the goods on Trump. The prosecution of someone who is indeed guilty only looks like the prosecution of someone who is guilty.

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I have struggled with this question, and where I think I've come down is that I don't want any former President of the United States to ever spend one minute in jail. Ideally, Biden would announce his intention to pardon his predecessor in advance of trial. But if Trump broke the law, he has to be held accountable, at least to the extent of answering to the 12 ordinary American citizens who sit on his jury.

Fox News can ignore the detailing of Trump's misdeeds in the January 6th hearings. They can't ignore his trial. His supporters must be forced to confront the lying grifter and threat to national security that is Donald Trump. The country is strong enough to survive the "fire" to which Erick made reference, and it also needs to confront the ongoing threat posed by those who would set it alight.

January 6th was one of the worst occurrences in the history of this country. Would it have been better for Germany to have simply "moved on" from the Holocaust?

Trump has got to be held accountable.

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I agree with every word. We ALL need to let this go. TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP. I mean , my God

where does it end. this has gone on for way to long now. The longer it goes, the worse it will be

in the end. Please do not vote for him again or it will never stop.

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If Donald Trump is elected again, he will have a harder time than 2016 in forming a cabinet. There are so many good, talented republicans who’s names and reputations would be attacked by the left that IMO they wouldn’t volunteer to serve. Their families wouldn’t let them. That’s the sad but practical truth. As much as I respect what Trump stands for, it’s time to move on. And I’m a voter who attended his Inauguration.

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In 2010 my office and home were "raided" by the GBI, FBI, ATF, DEA, DHHS, DHS and every other 3 letter word you could think of. I was under investigation by my federal government for 4 years, Nothing. Even after I was no longer under investigation, I was not notified. I found out by accident that I was no longer under investigation. Now I was bankrupted and foreclosed and lost everything but I was never arrested and never charged. I would probably vote for Trump again, but I swear I have let it go.

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They will never move on. They can't...they are obsessed with hatred for the man, fear of him, and they are relying on that shared fear and hatred to get their voters to the polls in November. He's been out of office for over a year, and yet he's been a "top story" on MSNBC every single day.

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"The right has slowly been moving on from Trump. Every few months, polling shows more Republicans view themselves as Republicans, not Trump voters"

And yet, of the "Impeachment 10", only two will have survived primary season, after tonight.

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I don’t think Republicans, nationally, will let Trump go. Certain markets, perhaps. Republicans are just as wary of the establishment GOP’s behavior as they are the Dems. The DOJ and the Dems do need to stop, but they won’t. And the beat goes on…

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Move on!

We need to get back to reporting the good in situations- then maybe everyone will focus on being good and doing the right things.

Anger and meanness are too heavy to carry around.

Getting rid of the double standard will also help.

Lighten up!

Thank You, Erick.

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When I try to "share" some of your wisdom with my left tipping friends and family they claim the article didn't come with the email. Can you fix this for this article, so that more of those that should read this will actually get a chance to read it? Thanks and ditto on the well done and keep up the good work comments.

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"The matter and anti-matter reaction to that will be the most explosive violence we have seen in this nation since the Civil War."

A nation so divided cannot long survive.

I am praying that perhaps we will make it to 2024 and past that, but between China, Russia, and our own issues, I fear we as a nation will be making some tough and pivotal decisions before another president is elected. As much as I despise our current leadership, I am praying that they may still seek wisdom from the only source of that wisdom. It is a frightful thing to name God every time we hear "God bless America" from the mouths of those who have no belief in, or concern for His direction.

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Often expressing an idea externally allows us the ability to see its application to many things. We’ll written, sir, as always.

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Erick, you, like so many other pundits, equate "Republicans" with Trump backers. I have been a registered Republican since I could register to vote, which is to say, most of my life. I am not a Trumpist, I did not vote for the man in 2016 nor 2020 and if he is on the ballot in 2024 I will not vote for him a 3rd time. (To be sure, I did not vote HIllary in 2016 nor Sleepy Joe in 2020.) The leftwing media uses "Republicans" at every turn, to lump all Conservatives in together, unfairly. I take offense to it because I am a Republican and I am not a Trump supporter and I do think he has committed many crimes prior to, while in, and after being in the WH and I do not want to be labeled as a supporter of his simply because I have always voted as a Republican. This year may be the last year I affiliate with the GOP. It has left me in the wilderness much as most of the political and social world has. I have almost nobody.

Back to my original point, I am afraid you are doing much the same thing, Erick, by lumping us all in together. I understand why the leftwing media does it, I'm not sure I understand why you do it. But that is the world in which you operate so I guess it makes sense that some of it would rub off. I've been a fan for many years, but just as Rush lost me from 2016 on, you are beginning to lose me, too.

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Update: You have lost me. I unsubscribed. And that is a shame. But as Joe Walsh said, "Everybody's so different, I haven't changed." I wish you well.

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Eric...some would have Trump executed. They are that disturbed and venal.

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Great article.

The Democrats fear Trump. He is their ultimate Boogie Man. They have to stop his run in 2020 by hook or crook.

Truth has no agenda, people do. The Media Industrial Complex (print and electronic) is controlled by a few individuals. Unbiased sources are hard to find. 1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual.

A lot can happen between now and the 2020 primaries. I pray that the choice is the better of two goods.

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Brandon moment

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I get it. The Passage of time. What is the passage of time? Well you see the passage of time....

Deep thoughts from Kamala Harris. I have been guilty of wishing away two more years to hopefully get the idiots out of office. DeSantis better win the nomination!

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