I am reading You Shall Be As gods. I am so used to your show notes and being able to comment I want to comment while I am reading.

Page 144, "College Sex Week" OMG! When I was 19, and yes a virgin, I did not need encouragement to what to have sex. This is like setting up a free open alcohol and drug bar at the AA and NA meeting.

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I looked up the Wikipedia page of this guy. My post above is BS but I’ll leave it up for fun. Machen, politically was very libertarian so it is safe to say he embraced classical liberalism.

The liberalism in the quote above apparently is strictly about the relaxation of theological precepts.

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On page 37 you cite a quote by J. Gresham Machen in which he equates liberalism with “wretched slavery”. That quote comes from a book published in 1923, before FDR embraced the word to put distance between him and progressives, which had a bad reputation and for good reason.

I would therefore conclude that he is referring to what we now call “classical liberalism”. Am I wrong? And if not, what does this say about his views of the ideals that undergird our system of government?

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"We" (some of us anyways) do indeed have a spiritual problem. Many clearly see the problem. But agreeing with one another will never reach the atheist. Your typical atheist is contemptuous of the Bible and traditional religion. Such people are like I was: believing only in what is observable. Fortunately it's not hard to find spirituality in the world if you keep an open heart and mind. Science and religion do not contradict one another - they are two faces of the same coin

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I just got mine today. I remember when you said and wrote "You will be made to care"; and by golly we have been. Looking forward to this read too.

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Acts 16: 25-34 After the violent earthquake (Prepare for many quakes henceforth now) The Jailer ask Paul and Silas; "what must I do to to be saved? They replied; "believe on/in the Lord Jesus and you and your household will be saved". As projected in the BOOK, in the latter days there will be a falling away by non-believers. I would say many to most of contemporary churches have gone secular to draw the numbers and particularly to bring in youth. But dropping Biblical Principles to bring in the numbers s worthless in the sight of GOD. It is said that most young people believe that abortion and same sex activity and ordaining same sex is A OK. Well Biblical Principles are requirements.

Most of so called religious church entities who have departed said principles should just drop the word Church and classify themselves as Social Community organizations.

America's temporary ( in terms of history) and empirical run is now rapidly expiring. Majority have turned their backs to God and the Country's leaders have Formally ( Leaders and Supreme Court) moved to remove Biblical principles of Abortion, and same- sex. All things come to an end. This world is not at the end of time but is the time of the end. Psalms 14: 1 The fool has said in his heart, there is No GOD. Well the Book says, one day every knee shall bow and tongue proclaim he is GOD. For many, at that stage it is too late. Believe as you choose, to each his own, and to thine ownself be true.... Sekah

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Re: "We have a spiritual problem"

That's 100% correct. Nature abhors a vacuum. Push out God, and something will rush in to take its place..

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Erick - thank you for this message.

"Progressive Elites "' want to be identified as God Disciples and Government to be identified as God

Just like Hitler and Stalin wanted complete loyalty.

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Thank you so much for this! I received my book today! Can’t wait to start it!

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Thank you Mr. Erickson. I feel so blessed with my church and Pastor. His sermons are absolutely outstanding. He keeps you grounded in what's real and that is Jesus Christ.


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I got your book yesterday evening! I’m looking forward to reading it. Thanks

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Thank you Erick. I am ordering the book. As of late I have been very distressed over the devolution of society and most of all the descent of mainstream churches in to "the Church of What's Happ'nin' Now!" Flip Wilson did not know how prescient he was! My sister and I decry all the time about how today so many congregants in so many churches want to shape the church and the Gospel to today's society rather than listening to and paying attention to what Jesus says in the New Testament and what the prophets said in the Old. I attended a church I loved for a very long time, then our beloved pastor retired. Since he retired, there has been a succession of a new breed

of pastors who seemed more intent on "finding themselves" and their "truth" and "authenthic selves" and new age agendas than on Jesus' words and actions. I left that church and have been searching ever since for the one that focuses on God's message, the worship of Jesus Christ, His Grace and His offer of Redemption & Salvation if we only believe and accept Him. I can't wait to read your book!

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My book just arrived! Looking forward to reading it!!😁

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Erick, I generally agree that churches should be sanctuaries from the political and cultural strife that faces our nation. Trust me...my church had a major split shortly after the 2020 election. However, sometimes I think we need to walk a thin line between shutting out the world in our churches and worship and letting it subvert us. For many years, I was a "disciple" of Charles Colson and one of his beliefs was the need to take the church (collectively) into the marketplace and workplace. However, the problem is that too many Christians place it there and make it one more "clanging gong" that can be ignored and/or criticized. I admit it is a struggle for me, personally to find the right "walk" on this.

Thank you, as always, for your commentary. I look forward to reading your book. One of your earlier books, "Before You Wake" is what attracted me to your work.

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Erick you will be called a traitor to "conservatism" by many. Please please stay strong in your coherent understanding that this is truly not just the problem of the radical left but the right as well. You are no traitor to true conservatism, neither ideologically nor theologically. I have ordered the book.

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I am watching the erosion in my own family. One has decided that feminism is one of the core Christian beliefs. One, a former Baptist missionary and "pacifist", does not believe any of classic Christianity, but only that Jesus was a historic humanist teacher, who was executed, and now his "spirit" lives on in humanism in such a way that an allegorical name for the donkey of the Democrat party could easily be Jesus; the red letters of Jesus are the only true Bible (and must properly interpreted in their allegory), thus giving us those great words of "justice and righteousness" "...steal, kill, and destroy..."

Thus he supports and promotes violent and vicious organizations (BLM, ACLU, SPLC, Planned Parenthood, etc.), and attends a church which does as well. What is going on?

I still cannot comprehend the forgiveness of Jesus and his apostles for the atrocities against them - 70x7. Why does this self-righteousness prevail? (He calls this the "Radiant Center".)

Postmodernism in my mind.

I'm looking forward to the book and audio.

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