As Neil Bortz used to say, this is government schools at work. I graduated college in 1976, never did I ask who you voted for before going on a date or a social invitation. I don’t think it was an issue when my kids were in college. To learn that it has gotten this bad in schools is truly frightening. CRT is a brazen escalation of the democrats indoctrination, it must be stopped.

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It's not just Democrats who are scorned and vilified by the "stolen election" believers. Every Republican who disputed that conclusion has also been vilified: election officials and other government officials who have been Republicans-in-good-standing for decades, judges and Justices who were Trump appointees, and even his own staffers. They've been unfairly attacked as RINOs, Never Trumpers, or just cowards. Yes, this benefits the Democrats, but it's the fault of MAGA Republicans who let fear and anger control what they believe.

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I work for a Fortune 500 company and the Woke culture is firmly in place. I cannot say "All Live Matter". I was told that I am a white supremacist racist for beliveing that all lives are important. So for anyone who works for a large company, if you want to stay employed, you have to watch what you say and who you confide in. I guess you can call this the New Norm. Sad but true.

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Now that I'm far from young, I realize that what my parents were telling me back in the 60s about how young people leap to judgement, and more likely, condemnation, was spot on. What has changed is that the radical Marxists have learned to play the crowd's emotions like a fine violin in the hands of a maestro. we haven't seen this sort of thing in American poitics, at least not to this degree, since the 1930s. But now, it isn't just a Huey Long here and a Father Charles Coughlin there, but rather an entire political party being taken over by committed revolutionaries, who have dusted off the writings of Saul Alinsky, which I first read in 1968, and made them a strategic playbook.

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Each night when I go to rest my head on my pillow I thankfully remember that in keeping true with their beliefs, that the Left doesn't own many guns. I guess this might be called walking the talk: Why own what you hate, right? I applaud the left's faithfulness in this matter while remembering that never in the history of the world has a totalitarian state been established without first confiscating the guns of the citizens you wish to enslave. And this, boys and girls, is exactly why the Second Amendment was established by the Framers of our Constitution.

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Eric, you hit the nail on the head. A large portion of Trump's appeal is that he is willing to fight the establishment, the media, and the democrats and get down in the mud with them...get dirty. Most of the Republicans "go along to get along" never fighting back. I use the lawyer analogy often: If your son or daughter is falsely accused of murder and is facing life in prison...would you rather have a "nice", well mannered, wimp of a lawyer....or have a mean SOB that will fight with everything they have got for a not guilty verdict? This is a large part of the problem with today's GOP.

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I sit and listen. Mostly, I remain silent. Sometimes, I say, "You know that I don't agree with you. But we don't need to destroy a good meal over it." When I am really at the limit, I might say, "You know there are still only two sexes. The day they allowed a biological male to compete against a biological woman, women's and schoolgirl sports became meaningless." But mostly, I remain silent. The cost of voicing dissent is too high. I still enjoy my liberal friends. They are nice people and enjoy many of the things I enjoy.

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I'm not in a position to retire at this time, but I'd love to share this recording with my CEO of the Fortune 500 company I work with. I heard it while walking and am glad you made it available. Who knows maybe I'll be forced to retire. Keep up the good work.

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