If it was me I would be madder than Hades and DT. DT has been pursued, prosecuted and attempted impeachment removal (beginning the day he first became the Repub candidate) with lies from people including ones standing in the Well of The US House.

I would allege the attempted coup was originally orchestrated by Obama, and Biden, utilizing the CIA, State Dept, DOJ, FBI, NSA, NIA, ET ALS.

I believe JB will not be the Dem candidate, and barring assassination, or natural death DT will win the Nov 2024 election. If I were he; I would begin the GITMO Tribunals ASAP. Selah

PS: All the ones saying DT is too immoral should research the whoredog records of JFK, and MLK Jr.

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Barrow is just like Abrams...a professional Democrat. Every election, he runs for the biggest statewide office where the Dems are unable to recruit a serious candidate who is actually interested in SERVING in the office itself.

He is a party hack. I think the independents have figured out that he's a professional Dem and only those whose names end in (D) will vote for him.

I'm pro-choice (happy to unpack that if anyone is interested) and I still didn't vote for him. Of course, I default to the GOP if it's not a case of "voting for the person".

This is another case of the Dems swinging for the fences on a big issue (see the Trump indictments) and getting sent back to the bench with a K instead of playing small ball and maybe scoring some runs.

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I have read your response on the Mar Lago warrant wording and I have listened to your on air comments. I must say I am very disappointed in your rather cavalier "so what, standard wording" statements. Let me say, that a former president should be treated with more respect than an implied threat of force.

You know, anytime guns are involved, anytime a raid is dependent on some one being off site/timing , anything can go wrong. You keep asking people on the right and all Americans to ignore this type dangerous precedent and I just think you are very wrong.

Don't you think some of those agents read their orders?....don't you think we could have some trigger happy people in the raid?....don't you think something could have gone terribly wrong?

This was a bad plan, should be noted as a bad plan, and someone held responsible.

You may not like Trump, he's not my favorite either, but his recent treatment is a disgrace and people of your power and position need to speak up.

One day this won't be Trump, but it could be you or me !

Anytime guns are involved something can go terribly wrong, and pro forma wording in such a high profile case is wrong!!

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I’m voted for Pinson for a number of reasons including abortion. Although, I believe that a 15 week limit on abortion is ideal, I did not appreciate how Barrow had literally nothing else to talk about except abortion. All my kids voted exactly the same as me. I’m so glad I had so many kids!

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Was the raid on Biden’s house and garage done with the same pro forma program? If not why not? Barrow should lose his license to practice law for campaigning on how he would vote on an issue before he even heard the case arguments. Every judicial candidate I have ever heard have refused to answer those questions when questioned. Barrow thinks he is the only one who gets 200+ years of precedent right. It’s a blessing he was soundly defeated as he would likely treat every issue that came before him would be based on his personal belief rather than the law and Constitution.

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Good! Now Barrow can live with his abortion minded guilt….

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I went mainly to vote for Pinson. But, the incredible number and silliness of the dozens of Republican Party questions baffled me and my wife. A question about “hand marked paper ballots” was asked twice! Did they think we’d change our minds?

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Meanwhile in Portland, Oregon a Republican law and order guy who ran as an independent whacked a Soros “turn then loose” DA 55 to 45. To paraphrase that old song, “sanity is busting out all over.” A couple of months ago Oregon changed the anything goes, anytime drug law to possession and public use is now a felony.

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Morons? Not so fast. I don’t think for one minute any of them are that stupid. They all went to Ivy League Universities, the crème de la creme. I get your point, but this was an unprecedented search of the personal residence of the former President of the United States. This was not a drug lord or street gang operative. They went into his bedroom, his wife’s lingerie. This raid was personal. I suspect Hillary was in the mix somewhere. Remember her? She did much much worse as an active Secretary of State on her personal computer, hidden in her home. Remember the famous words of dear Herman Cain, “They think we’re stupid…”!

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I'm glad Barrow lost. The fact that Brian Kemp went to bat for Pinson surely helped.

I will forever think McConnell made a mistake by not at least holding a vote on Garland (which would have been a down vote.) That allowed Garland a wrong which Biden was able to right by appointing Garland as AG.

Garland would have been one of nine on the SCOTUS, which would have limited his effectiveness. But as AG, Garland has established the most corrupt, partisan and political DOJ in our country's history.

I dont know if keeping Garland off the court is worth the price we're paying.

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Hopefully Garland’s time runs out this year.

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Hopefully... but the after effects will last for years.

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Pinson got my vote for sure. (And my husband's)

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Thanks, Erik, for laying the groundwork. Every election now I research before voting. It is a necessity because these ballots and elections are becoming more convoluted. After just two clicks on the internet it was very apparent that Pinson was THE candidate who would most likely adjudicate with discernment, integrity, and emphasis on the constitutional and legal rights of all, especially the voiceless unborn. Nay, nay, nay Barrow.

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I'm so pleased the citizens of NE Gwinnett County voted to incorporate into the new city of Mulberry; this is a blow to the country government's constant build, build, build, and to hell with the infrastructure. I hope more citizens everywhere will start taking this approach to urban blight. I lived in Dacula for 20 years, but when I retired 2 years ago, I couldn't wait to get away from it. It was a lovely place with great people, but urban sprawl was starting to eat it alive.

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I saw the Barrow ads on YouTube ( I don't watch network TV) and heard the strong pro abort tone and decided based on his ads to never vote for him. Glad he lost.

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I’m thankful that John Barrow lost this one but I have the feeling he will be like Stacy Abrams and regurgitate into something else.

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Concerning John Barrow...when I searched for election results, I looked at his race with Pinson. Pinson was ahead and never fell behind. I am thrilled. The news is filled almost every day with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris pushing abortion. I am happy, that at least in my little corner of the world, I won't have to be concerned about the Georgia Supreme Court being compromised by another pro-abort.

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