It's so much worse Erick. Everyone on your subscription list has at least one and probably many friends who even now are still adamantly refusing to accept the crime against truth that has been committed against all of America. To admit such would be to either admit they themselves were complicate or that their judgement is so flawed that they were duped by it and missed it.

You people on the Left who have been apologists for Biden for so long, if you want ANY credibility AT ALL going forward need to publicly admit you were wrong about Biden and that you won't trust the press going forward. To not do so means we can ignore you on matters of import because you'll fall prey to the liars again or have damaged judgment we shouldn't rely upon. Good luck and pass the popcorn. This is a bed of your own making. Now, lie in it.

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Don't forget the biggest liar of all...Jill. Not sure how she lives with herself because no caring individual would allow a loved one to continue down this path. But when viewed through the lens of a spouse hoping for or perhaps already running a shadow presidency, it suddenly becomes a lot more understandable.

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There are too many die-hard democrats, my family has always voted democrat so I will too, is just pathetic. Whatever happened to thinking for yourself? I feel for the minorities because they believe everything the democrats promise them and yet when those promises don't come to pass, they continue to vote democrat. Wake up people. Think for yourselves. This election is probably the farthest from perfect election ever. There are no good choices, we need new blood.

Trump is barely better than Biden.

My concern has always been the competency of Biden and the last two years has been the most disturbing with Russia and China coming together more in support of one another, or so it seems, against the USA. There are wars/conflicts around the globe, taking our resources, stretching them and weakening our front.

Someone should put Joe Biden out of his misery, by invoking the 25th Amendment, take him out of our national security equation. He certainly is not capable of running for a second term and every day shows further decline of both his physical and mental debility. He shouldn't be the leader of this great nation as he shows he is unable or unwilling to make any rational decisions simply by his hateful and revengeful nature of wanting to beat Trump instead of stepping down because it's in the best interest of the American people and for this country.

Jill Biden should be charged with elderly abuse.

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If Biden does make it to the election--which looks less and less likely, but still possible--i'm guessing the Dems confidence in winning is because they think they can manipulate the voting process (again) to swing in their favor. Not saying they'd cheat, but their strong oppostion to the Save Act reveals their (obvious?) intent to stack the vote wherever they can, including with illegal immigrants.

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Erick, you make some very good points, but in the end, I don't think it will matter.

Why? Because of Ginger from West Virginia.... and others like her.

She was someone I knew a while back. She would vote a straight-party Democratic ticket, every time, without question. She was an anti-abortion, pro-gun religious conservative Baptist Christian.

I asked her, then why do you vote for left-wingers who hold abortion as their sacrament, want to ban all guns, hate you and want to silence you simply because you're a Christian?....

She replied: "I know all that. But my daddy, my granddaddy, and my great granddaddy always voted for Democrats, so I will too. That just how we vote in our family. It's always been about the working man versus the management."

Again, it's "Because we always have". It makes absolutely no sense.

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That's interesting, because I asked one of my good friends a few years back why he always voted Democrat, and he said because my dad did. Not a very reasoned response.

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It's become clear that the Dems have no desire to find a nominee who can serve for four more years. The entire game now is to get a nominee who can simply win in November. They'll switch to the appropriate vessel any time after the election. Seen in this light, everything that they are doing now makes complete sense.

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You are a voice crying out in the wilderness.

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The mainstream media have been carrying Biden's water for years, dutifully accepting everything they've been told, refusing to question what they could see with their own eyes. Now that this kabal has been exposed, they're ready to eat their own. Disgraceful. The fact that it was all too easy to "fool" the press is a damning indictment on their usefulness. But what of those perpetrating this cover up? Did Jill really believe she could continue to shield her husband's decline? At some point, the dam had to burst, putting all of America in imminent danger at the hands of these fools. And yet, they scream about Trump? Let's load up this Ship of Fools and set them floating out to sea...

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Funny that the WH press corp has actually asked a few questions that weren't in 'the binder'. Well, it did just start last week, but better late than never right? Pathetic bunch of patsies. I'm sure they are doing exactly what they are told by their bosses.

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Bait and switch smoke and mirrors and flat out lies welcome to the Democrat party and there accomplices theMSM

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Good piece, Erick. Thanks.

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“The Big Lie…”.

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And if anyone votes Democrat or believes anything the media says, they should get a check up from the neck up…

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Other than thousands of innocent Americans dying due to Biden’s decisions I don’t see the problem….

Agree - your lies are always exposed - Trump and his adulterous behavior, Clinton and Monica, Menéndez and his love of bribes - however in politics there is no shame and seems no actual punishment. The best thing that can happen is Trump beats anyone the Dems put up in a landslide.

One more note - who is actually running the country right now? Thanks a lot Democrats.

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Someone or a group that is somewhat competent since our enemies would have made a major move already. Your guess on who they are.

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I just wonder how many foreign leaders have known and kept quiet as well. If JB has been this bad for as long as the MSM is now relating, wouldn't they have known as well in their interactions with him? Xi Jinping spent several days with the president in San Francisco last year... He must've been aware of the cognitive issues. What has he, or any other international leader, enacted because of Biden's frailties? What have they been planning based on more of the same?

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Anyone of them that actually had to talk with him in the last 5 years.

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Xi probably couldn’t believe his luck - it’s a house of cards in DC.

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Whether Biden can win or not falls to a distant second place when compared to the jeopardy in which he is placing U.S. citizens. Media needs to admit their complicity in putting our republic at this great risk.

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You are a voice crying out in the wilderness. Wish more saw it the same way.

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I’ve read the theory that Kamala’s refusal to resign months ago has left us with this conundrum. Her resignation would have given Biden more options to bow out. I think the Bidenistas are still waiting for the best deal to go (and Kamala probably wants her share too.)

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Supreme Court position?

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WHAT!!!! Can you imagine the dissenting opinions written by her?

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