A better way to describe the Dunning-Kruger Effect is this: When someone is so dumb that they think they're actually smart.

D-K was first identified in 1999 when a man robbed a bank in full view of the cameras with his face uncovered. He couldn't understand how the cops were able to identify him, as he insisted that his face should have been "invisible" to everyone, because he has smeared lemon juice all over his face... As it turns out, he read that lemon juice can be used as invisible ink.... So he figured that lemon juice would make him invisible...

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Under Trump the truth will come out. Under Biden, and if it had been Harris, if the truth would be inconvenient to Democrat politics, the truth would have been buried and the Regime, including the MSM, would be instructed to kill anyone suggesting that the Regime was hiding the truth.

And THIS is the TRUTH.

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Wow! The word “truth” written five times in the same sentence as “Trump.” Has to be a record!

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“Be still and know that I am God.”

I'm a gonna just park right there for a while.

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For 13 years, I have been a member of “The Eleven”, we are missing Judas. We call ourselves this because we are disciples of Christ. Eleven, faithful, devout, beautiful Catholic women. We bring heaven to earth. We epitomize what it means to be lovers of Christ. We met last evening for over 4 hours to pray, uplift and uphold our world and each other. We eschew social media. All over this world and America there are women just like us. Form your own network of women and men like us. You will be happy and changed and totally disaffected by this world and all her trappings. You will have the rest of the story.

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We have always had people that know the real scoop on things although they live 800 miles away from whatever happened and work part time as a school crossing guard for example the assassinations of JFK,RFK,MLK and the Government helps feed these people these ideas. The Government seals up records and information from a investigation then 60 years later still fight to not release its findings which primes the pump for conspiracy and foul play thus we get the internet so everybody can be the next Sherlock Holmes and a MSM that nobody trusts along with a Federal Government which nobody trusts. The news media always tries to be first not correct maybe they should try just being truthful and have the facts and maybe we can slow down the conspiracy enthusiast a little.

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I wish the "expert class" (On both sides) would just sit down and shut up. Its not solely on the left, but these PhD's and assorted other experts whose expertise in the particular field is gained from (like the commercial) spending a night in a Holiday Inn Express drive me crazy. Especially on the left we get these pampered "Doctors" with underwater basket weaving doctorates pontificating on things outside their area of study. They have been told by their peers and leftist worshipers that they are the smartest people on the planet. However, in reality they are unable to check or add oil to their car or even inflate the tires.

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Why is it that those with minimal education, expertise and experience are always the first to criticize those that do? Is it an inferiority complex, perhaps?

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Good sitrep, Erick. As a former military night flying instructor and aircraft mishap investigator, i share your frustration (disdain) for those who pontificate on the 'root cause' before the NTSB has even gathered the available details. No question something 'went wrong.' And no question there was a 'chain of events' which led to the tragedy. Captain Sully is right. Night flying is 'different' (more dangerous). Add variables like last minute change in runways, departure from the military training route corridor, possible use of night vision goggles, training and staffing of controllers, physical condition of the pilots, etc. etc. Bottom lines... Wait! We will soon have a pretty good idea how the tragedy occurred and, ...Lord willing,...what changes might be implemented to reduce the probability of recurrence. In the meantime, prayers for the families of those lost is a worthy focus.

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All very true, but to me, the saddest part of all of this is that both sides refuse to acknowledge their fringe people who get all the ink, but instead follow them whichever way the wind blows.

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Thank you for using your platform to say exactly what I would want to say. The news media in this country are out of touch.

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Two things. We need a leader that can truly lead in tragedies like this. Far fetched analogies that DEI had something to do with this is totally idiotic comments at the time. As soon as it was reported on my Fox News Station regarding Trumps statements, 4 years we have to endure his stupidity. Whether the people flying either had been placed in the pilot seat through DEI. Is totally irresponsible and calloused at the time when no body knows what happened as well as all of the news and special interest groups with all the conspiracy theories. Our Supreme leader as he wants be, should rise above them.

Secondly true people who are problem solvers can solve tragedies like these can be generalist so they don't have tunnel vision and go down a rabbit hole. Common sense and expertise will get to the root cause as to why at that particle time and place two vehicles intersected in mid air precipitating 64 lives lost on the plane and 3 in the helicopter.

To make assumptions without the facts leads Ass U Me.

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Todays e-mail is when you are at your finest - How can we ever come together when every occurance, good or bad, is an occasion for "political" comment " and blame. "Be still & know that I am God" We will discover the cause of the accident & make the necessary steps to prevent another.

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"The unwritten part is remembering that we are not God and will not always have all the answers or power to change things." Your last line is the best you've ever written. Very, very well said.

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We're adept at finger-pointing...

(Welcome to the tragic Fall)

Fewer folks today have noticed

That hand writing on the wall.

The malignancy is spreading,

Out here East of Eden, friend.

Yes, the loud, proud crowds are growing

Truth’s reduced to “Just Pretend”.

It’s what happens in the “Mean Time”

In the dark where sinners hide...

It’s the pathway to destruction

(Welcome to unbridled Pride.)

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One undeniable fact, as reported by multiple sources, is that a single controller was handling both civilian and military traffic thru DCA. The normal staffing there is a minimum of two controllers, one each for military and civilian traffic.

I won't take the bait and speculate on why this was the case, but it IS indeed fact.

According to "Sully" Sullenberger, DCA is a tough airport in the best of times, with a 1930's design, short runways, heavy traffic, and a lot of confusing bright ground lighting in its vicinity.

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You forgot to include the President’s DEI blame response.

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Without grace, without forgiveness both vertical and horizontal you will be dragged down to hell behind a door who's lock is at you finger tips.

Psalms 5

8 Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness

because of my enemies;

make your way straight before me.

9 For there is no truth in their mouth;

their inmost self is destruction;

their throat is an open grave;

they flatter with their tongue.

10 Make them bear their guilt, O God;

let them fall by their own counsels;

because of the abundance of their transgressions cast them out,

for they have rebelled against you.

11 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;

let them ever sing for joy,

and spread your protection over them,

that those who love your name may exult in you.

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