That Mike Lee is having any difficulty in Utah, a state in which I lived for 4 years, baffles me almost as much as did Utah's liquor laws prior to their being changed in the runup to the 2000 Winter Olympics. Utahns should have no problem knowing who the truly serious conservative in that race is.

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Agree. As I am addressing postcards for the Kemp Campaign telling voters to vote for Kemp in the May primary, I am reminded this volunteer task would not need to be done if it was not for Perdue. Very unhappy with Perdue and Trump.

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I am still righteously angry with Georgians for having believed all the BS that Perdue and Trump spewed about the 2020 election. They cost Republicans control of the Senate, which might just have been useful to have after Skipper Joe left dock in the USS Ship of Fools on 20 January 2021.

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I'm so disappointed in Donald Trump actively sabotaging the upcoming mid-term elections. Regardless of any suspicions about the 2020 election, by Trump hanging around conservatives are at risk of not making the gains a party out of power should make when the party in power is so lame. I'm also disappointed in the average electorate in the state of Georgia and in the United States.

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The best thing to do with Donald Trump is to thank him for his service, praise the really important things he accomplished during his term in office despite the left's organized slander campaign against him, and then move on, preferably IMO to Ron DeSantis.

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