Nov 9, 2023·edited Nov 9, 2023

It's debatable whether Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Dresden needed to be bombed in order for the allies to win WWII. But these actions did help break the local cult, which is key.

Likewise, questions are asked today about whether Israel needs to resist calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, lest she kill too many Palestinian civilians (which I would seek to avoid [unless necessary]: let's make no mistake).

But what were we talking about again? I forgot what Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Dresden and Gaza have to do with recent humiliating GOP electoral defeats.

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"They also attacked every Republican as an election denier and “MAGA.” It worked."

Why yes. Propaganda works and hate is a stronger emotion for weak people. The so called moral right that are the establishment Republicans keep burning down their party supporting the propaganda and embracing the hate.

Ironically it is the McConnell feckless Republicans that have failed to fight the Democrat media and school take over (see those cute little radicals... just pat them on the head and ignore them) and now they control the levers and switches of influence and they pour their tech and Wall Street money into campaigns.

It is so damn funny that MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN has been successfully branded as a "threat to democracy". I think the GOP needs to keep losing until the country continued to decline to the point that we can eject all the old junk polluting the party and send them packing. I am of their generation and have been a Regan Republican and my today my cohort of old Republicans are disliked by everyone including me.

And let's not forget, the raging female vote is a big part of this. The old stupid GOP that keeps up the Handmaiden's Tale demand of complete illegal abortion.

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I think giving to the gop is down because is you give any money to anyone, Win Red will spam you with a million texts and emails every day for other candidates and I don't want to get spammed. makes me really not want to give anything. Is Win Red run by dems?

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Here it is in a nutshell from Mark Levin:

The truth about yesterday's off year election.

Once dark red Virginia has moved blue because immigrants and federal bureaucrats have flooded into Northern Virginia, which has changed the state politically. In Kentucky, Cameron lost not because Trump endorsed him, as obsessively stupid Trump-hater Chris Christie claims, but because he is a Mitch McConnell protege (McConnell is a Gerald Ford protege) who was not a forceful advocate of conservative principles and Biden's failures. This should be a lesson for Republicans, i.e., RINOs have no winnable message. Republicans will continue to lose on the abortion issue because the Democrat Party and their surrogates spend for more on TV ads than the GOP spends on this issue, and the Democrats use those funds to lie about their true policy, which is abortion until birth, no parental notification, and virtually no regulation at all, and lie about their opponents hating women. The point is people are voting on the propaganda they are being fed not the actual issue.

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Maybe Cameron lost because he ran against a very popular incumbent governor whose family has long been respected in Kentucky politics. Maybe Cameron’s loss had nothing to do with Trump or McConnell. Additionally, the governor, who has mainly governed as a moderate, distanced himself from Biden. There were two gubernatorial elections this year, and in both cases, the incumbents won (which is usually to be expected).

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Like it or not abortion ballot issues and related drive Liberal-Democratic turnout as no other issue. Sad that once great party now has as its mantra the taking of innocent life.

Gov. Youngkin might have led his party to victory had he left the abortion law alone and let the current protections of the unborn remain as is.

Republicans have excellent positions to run on. Our candidates, need to model success, stop trying to outdo Trump or being Trump babies. How many elections will it take to drive this lesson home.

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What is going on? Have our citizens lost there minds? I am starting to think I have been kidnapped and

awakened in a different country. I have heard intelligent people say trust our citizens. Sense 2020 there

is madness in our streets. Young people hate there country. In a few years they will be running the USA.

Come Lord Jesus!

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I am confused. I am dumbfounded. I thought I was smart enough to read the tea leaves, but the only thing I am smart enough to know is I don’t understand politics.

I don’t understand why Blacks vote Dem, and I have asked many friends.

I don’t understand why Jews vote Dem, and I have asked 2 Jewish family members.

I don’t understand why my “self-made millionaire” friend who was raised in Chicago votes Dem, and I have asked him.

I am a hard right American who years ago “voted with my feet” and emigrated from a northern US state to Texas. I crossed that Red River to the land where I am free to pursue my future. When I am not in Texas I am in Georgia where I have another strong governor to protect my interests.

I know Erick coined the phrase “You will be made to care”, but maybe I choose to not give a crap. I am tired of Lucy pulling the ball away so we can fall on our faces.

We live in an “imperfect union”, but we don’t live in a “United” states.

Gotta head to the gun range. I have time to fire 100 rounds before I settle down to hear Erick’s postmortem.

RIP Charlie Brown party of Lincoln.

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I once knew a woman from West Virginia who would vote a straight-party Democratic ticket, every time, without question. She was an anti-abortion, pro-gun religious conservative Baptist Christian. I asked her, then why do you vote for left-wingers who hold abortion as their sacrament, want to ban all guns, hate you and want to silence you simply because you're a Christian?....

She replied: "I know all that. But my daddy and my granddaddy always voted for Democrats, so I will too. That just how we vote in our family. It's always been about the working man versus the management."

And THAT is also the reason why American Jews continue to vote for Democrats, despite all the antisemitism... "Because we always have".

It's the same reason why Blacks continue to vote for Democrats. They're still convinced that it's the Dems who care about the poor. They see it as survival.

"Because we always have".

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I like your message, I agree with your message, but I don't like the truth. It's something I have to come to grips with.

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America, under Democrats, is failing, and getting worse each passing day. Her course needs changed. WHAT is wrong with wanting to "Make America Great Again"? MAGA is just that - a slogan that EVERY Republican wants, to make her GREAT AGAIN...regardless of who says it. Polarizing it to ONE man is stupid and alienating. IMO, our great country was (for me anyway) much better under DJT and the MAGA theme. Yeah, he was crude, rude and spoke his mind, saying things out loud or posting what he should probably not, but it WAS better. The world saw us as a much stronger nation during that time, and we need to get that standing back to where it was. If the majority of the party want DJT to be that person, we need to unite behind that choice.

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I remember Erick saying back in (I think) 2016 that Trump would destroy the Republican Party. He was right... but just a bit too early.

I have a signed copy of Zell Miller's book, 'A National Party No More.' Written 20 years ago, it was about the demise of the Democrat Party as a national party.

While Erick was wrong on the 'when' - rather than the 'what' - Zell was completely wrong about the what.

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Republicans won in Long Island and a Bronx city council seat for the first time in 50 years! Republicans in other places need to borrow their playbook.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

Reposted from last night:

MS governor stays Red. Abortion wins in OH. KY governor stays Democrat. Both houses of the VA legislature are now Dem.

The Redumblicans have so much going for them at the moment: Inflation, Drugs, Crime, Illegal Immigration, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Education, Israel/anti-semitism/pro-Hamas protests, Ukraine and they STILL can't manage to advance their agenda by actually winning elections they should be able to win.

If they can't pull an electoral hat trick in 2024 and win the White House and Senate, and expand their razor-edge thin margin in the House, they are doomed as a political party- and we are doomed as a nation.

It's looking like it says on the sign outside Hell in Dante's Inferno: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

We're not there yet, but the letters on the sign are starting to get easier to read.

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The big problem is the voters, not the candidates. Voters vote emotionally not logically. No one with two brain cells to rub together would vote democrat seeing the condition of the country, yet people do. There is the problem.

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I agree with you its the voters. It's opposite sides of the single-issue coin.

For Dems, as long as the candidate agrees with a Dem voter on one single issue (abortion, race, etc.) they'll vote for the candidate.

For Repubs, If the candidate agrees with 9 out of 10 issues, but disagrees with them on the one they care about the most, they'll either not vote, or vote for a lesser candidate.

Dems vote in lock-step. EVERY House Dem voted for Hakeem Jeffries in all but the last speaker vote. One Republican got his panties in a wad and threw the whole House into chaos, thanks to EVERY House Dem and a handful of Republicans.

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Events in the Middle East are combining with disaffection with Biden to perhaps fracture the Democratic Party as badly as the R’s are fractured. For the past several years the thing that has held them together is their understanding that unless they paper over their differences in order to maintain their power ( for which their lust is insatiable) that they will be doomed to severely splinter. If I were not an optimist because I would rather live my life being happy and sometimes being disappointed I would be pretty pessimistic about the chances of this political quagmire ending well. If the choice actually is Biden vs. Trump ( I actually think that unfortunately there is a much greater chance that Biden is replaced on the ticket than Trump- that would definitely happen if Kamala were not the anointed heir) I do fear for the four years that follow. Both because of the increasingly fierce partisanship and payback mentality that will result and continuing lack of fiscal discipline whichever candidate is elected and its impact on our ability ( both public and private sector) to invest for the future as the debt service becomes unmanageable. When hope for a better future disappears , either depression or nihilism results - as the pure evil perpetrated Hamas and the plight of Gaza have so clearly illustrated.

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But the Dems Almost always stay consolidated. That's what's so sad....

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The party is dead. Trump may only have been a symptom of how rotten it was , but he was and is the final straw that broke the camel's back.

Another thought. The party that demands the right to kill babies in the womb is also the party celebrating Hamas. The death culture is winning. The U.S. is toast.

Come Lord Jesus.

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At least that vile Susanna Gibson with her swinger porn videos lost to David Owen in Virginia's House of Delegates District 57:

David Owen (R) 17,878 votes 51.16%

Susanna Gibson (D) 16,912 votes 48.40%

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Erick, you said "Lincoln warned that a house divided against itself cannot stand." Lincoln was referencing Jesus' statements in Matthew 12, Mark 3, & Luke 11.

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I would suggest you all read an articled by Edward Ring in today's American Greatness.


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