This is intolerable, and would be, in my opinion, intolerable even if they DID orchestrate a fraud (which I don't believe they did). Aside from the blatant cruelty and evil in doxing and targeting someone for assassination, the gross stupidity of making "martyrs" of political opponents should be obvious to anyone.
This is intolerable, and would be, in my opinion, intolerable even if they DID orchestrate a fraud (which I don't believe they did). Aside from the blatant cruelty and evil in doxing and targeting someone for assassination, the gross stupidity of making "martyrs" of political opponents should be obvious to anyone.
This is intolerable, and would be, in my opinion, intolerable even if they DID orchestrate a fraud (which I don't believe they did). Aside from the blatant cruelty and evil in doxing and targeting someone for assassination, the gross stupidity of making "martyrs" of political opponents should be obvious to anyone.