Erick - how fringe is the alt-right, that so many elected officials right up to the Pres feel the need to give aid and comfort to them? They are dangerous, violent, and terribly destructive to the reputation of people on the right. They should be starved of political capital by statements of repudiation. I realized in 2016 that conservatives like myself did not represent a majority of the GOP, and that that there really is a small group of racist alt-right thugs in the underbelly of the party. Now I am wondering if conservatives are welcome in the party at all.

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This sort of thing is mental illness, not political activism. However, it certainly serves as a reminder that such madness imagines and carries out insane deeds.

I think there are two problems that should worry everybody. The first is is that those who defend the outcome of the election seem to think that there is some level of fraud that "doesn't matter." The second is that almost nobody cares if the US constitution or multiple state constitutions were ignored as people plowed forward toward an assortment of political objectives. The madness expressed by this website is the responsibility of the sick person who conceived it; Real political discourse and differences don't drive people to murder.

I believe that as a nation we must address the real problems, but the two individual problems are vastly outweighed by the obvious huge problem that our citizens, including our public officials, are simultaneously ignorant and dismissive of the laws designed to prevent the very conflict in which we find ourselves.

I pray the truth will prevail, and I pray that people in our country will be inspired to learn how our government is designed. However, our people also need to learn how to discuss our differences without hating those who disagree with us. Differences of political goals ought never to find expression in hateful aspersions that imply the other person is not quite human. I pray that people will be willing to work toward needed changes without denying the humanity of those who disagree with them.

The person who set up this website is clearly insane. We should not conflate concern for the targets of this insanity with any of the political conflict playing out in our nation.

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It is not that there is some level of fraud that doesn't matter. Every effort must be undertaken, pre-election, to prevent it. Every effort should be undertaken, post-election, to prosecute the guilty. However, unless it can be shown to have been so pervasive as to change the outcome of an election, disregarding or setting aside that outcome is nothing short of anti-democratic: it is the use of such fraud as an excuse to abandon the democratic process (that is, elections) in the selection of our leaders.

Just as Erick has stated, there are irregularities in virtually every election and it often includes outright cheating. That being the case, if every instance of fraud, or the mere possibility of fraud (this being all that is alleged in the Texas AG's Supreme Court petition) is to be the basis for setting aside election results, we might as well not hold them anymore because just about every election will be subject to that objection.

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I want to repeat my point. I believe that whenever fraud occurs in the process of voting, it must be investigated and its effect must be cancelled. Only then do you know the real outcome of the election. Someone's untested opinion that the fraud was not sufficient to affect the outcome is not a reason not to investigate the fraud. Illegal votes must not count.

I do believe that if people really knew and cared about the Constitution, we would not even be discussing how much fraud is too much.

I have watched investigators interview pollwatchers in 3 states, and so far, every state has similar process issues that dilute my confidence in their ability to know who won an election. This state of affairs is probably true for every state in the union.

I believe that if the people are given the right to vote, then every legal vote should count, and no illegal vote should count. Until illegality in the various process of an election is investigated, there is no way to know who won.

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Yes, indeed it is "Republicans" who are forcing these violent crazies to create a website like this.

You seem to be losing your way lately, Erick, I hope you find the path back soon.

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When the statistical odds of Biden’s election are So small it is Nonsense to call it Nonsensical.

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Trump's win in 2016 was far more statistically unlikely. Far more.

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Erick, I am now going to cancel my subscription to this news letter. You should never place blame on something or someone (group) that you don’t have first hand knowledge of. It’s a shame that you have stooped to the lower level of the progressive left to name call and cast accusations against a political party. You have no knowledge of who created this website or who posted these on it.

And as a Christian you shouldn’t cast stones as you have with this article.

If anyone is promoting and has been promoting violence for some time now, it’s the left side’s friend Antifa and BLM.

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Oh FFS. Please cancel your subscription if this triggers you.

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I am going to give a subscription to my Pastor.

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Looks like Christopher Steele has taken up web design!

“In the midst of chaos, there always opportunity.” “The Art of War”

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Defines being anti-American.

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This is intolerable, and would be, in my opinion, intolerable even if they DID orchestrate a fraud (which I don't believe they did). Aside from the blatant cruelty and evil in doxing and targeting someone for assassination, the gross stupidity of making "martyrs" of political opponents should be obvious to anyone.

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This is sufficiently tone deaf to be a Russian provocateur

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Leftist masquerading as Republicans I'd guess

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Could be from the left or the right. Whether one is liberal or conservative, to deny that there are dangerously crazy people on your side is itself, crazy.

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I agree with you. They’ve been promoting violence for many months! But Erick must have forgotten that. Standing up for what’s right does not enlist violence. Don’t place blame without proof.

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Yes, thank you for staying on top of this, horrible as it is. Left, right, doesn't matter. This is what we have come to. How do we stop it?

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Erick, thank you for keeping your eyes open and your ears to the ground in Georgia. You are truly a Minuteman for truth.

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