Love your observations and commentary...worried that you're telling the "other guys & gals (& whatever)" how to fix their problems.

But do keep up the observations and commentary!

Keep it up sir!

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"They now hold the people in contempt."

They've always held the people in contempt. They've talked themselves into believing there are too many grubby materialistic Walmart shoppers and therefore no longer need to conceal it. We're destroying the planet and must be stopped, immediately. They also - mistakenly - believe they control culture, government and through government, the military, allowing them to force people to submit - or be destroyed with the latter outcome preferred. They will snap out of it one day to discover some very angry people staring back at them

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"All the GOP has to do is not be angry and not be crazy. " One can only hope

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You beat me to it. As much as I hate to say it, the sun is more likely to rise in the west tomorrow.

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For the left electing a 30 year old bartender with no practical real world experience and absolutely no understanding of economics, is the success story.

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If this ridiculous spending bill passes, the Republicans need to walk the walk and unwind the mess when they control Congress.

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I took note of a video clip this morning while reading the Morning Dispatch. It was two minutes of a meeting between the outgoing Virginia governor Ralph Northham and Glenn Youngkin the incoming Virginia governor. What struck me was the civility and downright cordial nature of the presser and the prior luncheon meeting. Gov. Elect Youngkin is anything but a fire-breathing zealot. Perhaps what really plays in Peoria is Clark Kent rather than Superman.

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Another thank you Erick- all you say is so true. The Dems don’t give one iota what their constituents want and aren’t afraid to express their contempt. When did this nastiness start? Not sure but it can’t end soon enough!

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I really enjoyed George Packer’s book: The Four Americas. It did a great job of defining the cultural influences that play out so often in American Politics.

It explains “trust the science” as much as MAGA. It is a self aware and unflinching examination of the tribes that we have sorted ourselves into.

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The Left thinks academia is the source of all knowledge. If an academic says it, it must be true and other academics will repeat it because, to them, it is true.

Cases in point:

1. I have a daughter who took Economics 101 in college. The professor stated, specifically, that if the government raised minimum wage, it would not result in a higher cost for the product. He noted "studies indicate this" (because he had a Left agenda) without defining the studies themselves so they could be researched and analyzed (first issue). He was not interested in thinking about that statement criticially; that is, that labor costs are a part of the cost of the business and that, by raising business costs, then either profit margins will go down or the cost of the product will go up.

2. Another daughter had a statistic teacher in high school tell the class they have a choice of three options with only one of them being a valuable prize. Now, we all can easily realize that choosing one of three means we have a 33% chance of picking the best option. After picking one of the three options, he revealed that one of the options they did not pick was a loser. That left two options.

Then, he said that "studies show" that if given the ability to either keep their original choice or switch to the remaining option, that they were 2/3 more likely to win the big prize by switching. He was ignoring the fact that, by eliminating one of three options, they were left with two and that the odds were changed when one of the three was eliminated.

We (the states) need to stop sending our tax dollars to DC so they can send them back to the states with the requirement that they teach an agenda that the Left wants to propagate.

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I do find it funny/crazy/mind-boggling how the dems analyze the VA/NJ losses. Seems pretty simple and straight forward to me.

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You are projecting your rationality onto immature children and expecting adult results. When you see yourself as perfect and chosen you have no ability to accept any fault.

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It's perfect little essays like this that make me happy to be an EE supporter.

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You hit the rusty nail on it’s worn out head! It’s an amazing implosion to watch. The truth is that real, honest to goodness, people who are mostly silent have been watching this insanity unfold. Their seething anger over what’s being ripped from their lives abd how they are characterized will manifest itself in ways other than obvious, but surely they will speak out when it comes time to vote. It may have started with the outsized bluster if DJT but it will conclude, I hope, with a solid “real human” who comes forward to lead this country into some degree of normalcy. Is that person out there? I hope Mr T has the foresight to support from behind and shut tge F up in this next election instead of stealing the spotlight for self righteous reasons. That won’t help us win.

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Great, simple and direct article! Love it!

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"All the GOP has to is not be angry and not be crazy'." Exactly. Virginia proved that conservatives can win without the crazy-ass anger and insanity of Trump, in a Blue state. That's the takeaway from VA (and New Jersey for that matter) no matter what the Trump spin machine is selling.

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Let the Democrats continue down their tone-deaf path. Tuesday night showed us who is really listening out there and it is voters who are fed up with the smug Dems who believe they know better than us. Let's don't give them any pointers on how to fix their problems!

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