We oughta stop calling Karens Karen and start calling them Wendy.

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Key words being "former" State Senator...IOW, irrelevant has been.

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Do we need to keep hearing from Wendy the murderer?

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Why is it my body my right to an abortion, which is killing and it is not my body my right whether I get vaccinated or not which they say is killing?

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The only people I've personally seen using "my body my choice" in reference to vaccines are anti-vaxxers. I find their stance quite ironic.

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The only people I've personally see using "my body, my choice" in reference to vaccines are those who have historically made sure their own vaccinations were up to date for international travel recommended [among them, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza] and make sure their children's vaccination cards for school are also up to date, but have demurred when it comes to the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, for the same reasons many health professionals have reservations about them.

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Really, and how about the ones who have had the disease? They have more antibodies than the vaccinated. I am not an antivaxxer. If you want it get it. Just don't say you have a right in one instance and not in the other. And a side note, don't you ever wonder why the government is pushing the vaccine so hard? They certainly do not care about your health .

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In addition to watching the election returns, the Supreme Court reads the newspapers.

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Wendy Davis, a white woman, says this is going to perpetuate “systemic racism?” According to CRT she is part of the problem since only white people can be racists. Doesn’t she know?

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