I may be wrong but I don't recall an incumbent President's campaign feeling the need to run so many TV ads over a year before the election. It just smells like fear to me that they have to pump up his alleged accomplishments at this point. I guess that's what polling numbers in the toilet does to you.

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My month old puppy could beat Biden.

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So Trump would be a "threat to democracy" by being elected?! The Democrats have been running this "threat to democracy" business in virtually every purple state, largely with an illusory voter access threat, to keep black voters alarmed. ("Jim Crow 2.0") January 6th was a disgrace but it was a riot, not an insurrection and if you can't tell the difference, you haven't looked at the law, much less common sense.

As I have repeatedly said, Trump is far from my first choice but I see what Biden is doing to the country on policy grounds (to say nothing of his possible/probable corruption and increasing infirmity) to be infinitely worse. And I say this as a conservative who wants literally any Republican to win the nomination more than Trump.

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J6 was a tiny element of Trump's attempt to end democracy. If you actually have an open mind to review a small fraction of the evidence from the source, I am pasting some below with links. I find its better to go directly to the source when possible since our favored media personalities are paid to tell us what we want to hear for ratings (so in this context conservative media risks losing their audience if they are to honest regarding Trump's conduct). If you do end up reviewing the information below and still think Trump did not try to end democracy, ask yourself if you would do the same mental gymnastics to rationalize this behavior from a Democrat. (btw, Trump himself wrote about terminating parts of the constitution on twitter)

To answer your question directly - Trump is a threat to democracy by being elected because of the many ways he tried to destroy it before. I small sample of these ways include: (1) trying to coerce Brad Raffensberger (and other state secretaries) to overturn the voters in GA (and other states) to give trump the election and then later after Brad refused recruiting a primary challenger and trying to oust Brad as retribution for not going along. (2) recruiting slates of fake electors to fraudulently submit false documents on his behalf attempting to defraud the government. (3) Pressuring Pence to thrown out the electoral college and unilaterally make him President, (4) encouraging an armed mob to go to the capital on his behalf.

Trumps full audio call with Raffensberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhBxg17QqZ4

Giulliana admitting in court filing that he made false statements about Ruby Freeman (which formed the basis for much of Trumps coercing of Raffensberger in audio above): https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720/gov.uscourts.dcd.238720.84.2.pdf

Pence directly on what Trump tried to get him to do (you make your own judgement on who has a better reputation for honesty between Pence and Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tglap7tGwHg

The actual DC indictment (I encourage you to actually read it, its worth it): https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23893878-trump-dc-indictment

Same for GA and same comment about actually reading it:https://www.ajc.com/news/annotated-the-fulton-county-georgia-grand-jury-indictment-of-donald-trump/OR6JJJMX3BDTFPCZYIREEXKLOI/

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Blair, I think that we are talking past one another. You will hear little defense from me regarding disgraceful Trump’s conduct after the election. I have my doubts as to whether any of these charges will actually stick but if they do, then I’ll deal with it. Also, remember that your side has been calling this guy a “threat to democracy” since before he was elected and I have heard no apology about the Russia hoax or the bogus Ukraine phone call impeachment. (Nor a peep about President Biden’s/Biden family checkered conduct as well.)

So for me, it comes down to who I trust more to run the country. A classic lesser of evils to be sure, but as a conservative, I can’t imagine anything worse than four more years with this crowd, (to say nothing of Biden’s fitness for office and Kamala waiting in the wings.) So we will agree to disagree my friend and pray for a different outcome than what seems to be coming.

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Agreed on praying for a different outcome. For the record I'm no Democrat, and was not anti-trump through his term (generally good with the policy, and while not happy about it could tolerate the boorish behavior, etc.) he lost me though when he tried to end democracy. If I see evidence that Biden does something worse, then I will have to re-evaluate, but in my mind there is almost nothing worse.

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I recently heard Lawton Sacks speak on Voting and the Paper Ballot is the best way for Democrats to cheat the system. Every year Democrats lie and say Republicans are keeping them from voting. I personally don’t believe Democrat voters are that stupid. Of course if you believe in Climate Change then you also believe in the Easter Bunny 🐰.

Dominon Voting Machines are not connected to the internet. The only time the internet is involved is when the votes are tallied.The election official takes the SD card which has

code of letters and numbers and calls the Secretary of State office and reads this data to them and if it’s correct then the votes are uploaded to that office. Those who haven’t voted because of fear of a machine are throwing these elections to Democrats.

Those who prefer paper ballots are

creating the potential for cheating.

Georgia has never been purple.

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The real sad part is can’t this country do better

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My personal take on DJT is that his superfans are in love with pre-COVID Trump. In fact, this is a guy I could still get behind; his policies pleasantly shocked conservatives, we were energy independent, the economy was booming, minorities were reportedly doing much better, industry was returning to the US, etc., etc. But with COVID came Fauci, animus towards "open for business" governors like Kemp and DeSantis, waffling on school closings, waffling on masks, etc. If you compare Trump today to pre-COVID Trump, he's not the same man. Now, he literally drops his panties for any cause he thinks might gain him votes while shaming those with REAL values and the cajones to stand by them. He's literally no different than every other politician you hate, and for the same reasons...he will do ANYTHING to get reelected.

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I am backing DeSantis and will gladly vote for any other Republican instead of Trump. But your equivalency argument loses me: there is no comparison between the damage the left will continue to wreak and a Republican administration. Even Trump.

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"Biden’s consistent advantage has evaporated amid growing concerns about his age and fitness for another term " Curious they don't mention bribery or money laundering, Hunter, family business dealings, etc ... Hmmm, I'm positive those would be important if it was Trump instead of Biden, well, #$(@*& they just made stuff up and ran with it.

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Amen, brutha!!

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A broken clock is still correct twice a day. Just because Democrats call everything racist or a threat to democracy does not mean that nothing is. I'm not a Dem and I can objectively look at the mountain of evidence of Trump's attempt to illegally end democracy from the white house and see that he is indeed a threat to democracy going forward.

When did it become the third rail of conservative media and politics to (not) soberly discuss Trump's blatant attempts to illegally trample on the constitution through both word and action?

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I am no fan of Trump but find the illiberal/illegal actions by this White House (student loans, open borders, EV mandates, unions, ad infinitum) coupled with a hugely out of control administrative state to be much more troubling than even Trump.

We are the proverbial frog being boiled slowly with this crowd in charge.

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You are drawing a false equivalency between bad policy and a genuine threat to democracy. We can recover from bad policy. We may not recover from whatever we become if Trump successfully destroys democracy this time around.

I know it is difficult (or more likely impossible for many of you reading this comment to admit) but Biden/Democrats are much better than the threat Trump presents.

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I don't know about MORE troubling, but at least equally so. And Biden has less indictments now, but will that remain true a year from now? I certainly hope not! To quote Linda Gray below, what does ANYONE see in either Biden or Trump?

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I think anyone nominated by the Republicans will be labeled a threat to democracy. As long as progressives control the narrative they will push fear, intolerance, and hate.

We must win this election to begin changing the issues related to energy, border control, and education. If Trump wins He will need a strong VP because , like Biden, he may not be able to finish “the drill”( sorry for the sports analogy)!

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All of this makes me grieve for my country. We have fallen so very far. The only positive I see is maybe it really does mean Christ is coming soon.

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Debra, I feel that it will be VERY soon as we already have many things that tell us about His coming that are happening today. Your generation may be the one and if not, it will be your children's generation that will see the signing of the seven year peace treaty. There will be some tough times that we will go through, but we are now experiencing them and more to come. Blessing to you and your family

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This country has turned into, I don’t like my candidate or what he is doing to our country but I hate the other candidate more. Please, I’m not calling anyone a deplorable but I can’t for the life of me understand what anyone sees in Biden or Trump. Could someone please enlighten me? Are my only choices country wide destruction or chaos and revenge?

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I don't know. I never liked Trump and was actually surprised that he did have some good policies. But there are people who would have as good or better policies without the obnoxious personality. The rabid TDS from the left keeps the die hard Trump supporters firmly fixed on voting for him, and to make it worse, the people on our side who keep vilifying both Trump and his supporters further make them dig in their heels.

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I think a super pac should form to advertise “dump them both”

Americans should come together and not nominate either of these nursing home candidates.

I wouldn’t care if it was Harris newsome or Christi or Nikki

Just make these two geriatric cases go away.

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Would say your right. Except for 2022. And except for mail in ballots.

If it’s easier for dems to vote. Then Biden has an advantage.

Also there is a block of independent and republican voters who will never vote for trump because it’s trump.

Take all that and trump loses every time.

If trump is the nominee he will lose the general election. Everything in the ability and power should be out forth to stop him from running or beating him in the primary.

This includes dropping the candidate field to 2 or 3 candidates against trump.

If they wait till after south carolina or longer. It’s all over.

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