The owner is a “gay trans man” who celebrates Satan.

Sounds like the pitch for the next big Netflix show.

If you are gay and trans, what does that mean?

Bio-female > Tran male > Likes boys or girls?

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Meanwhile in Canada, the federal government has started talking about "pride season". Basically all summer long. https://www.statcan.gc.ca/o1/en/plus/1205-welcome-pride-season

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Re: "North Carolina Governor declares a state of emergency because Republicans passed school choice reforms": Don't believe for one second that people who clearly hate you want the best for your kids. They just want your kids, period.

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We started to veer away from Target when they started introducing all the trans clothing and so many of the children's books were about same-sex relationships. It's insidious. It makes me angry, because I enjoyed shopping at Target far more than Walmart. I was also interested in the LA Dodgers' waffling back-and-forth on spotlighting The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an LGBTQ+ group that claims to minister to "those on the fringes" and whose tag line is "Go Forth and Sin Some More!" The Dodgers have caved and re-issued the invitation to the group. I have to wonder why Catholics have not uniformly denounced the support of this organization, that blatantly mocks the institution of women who take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. It forces me to ask a question that seems to have no reasonable answer: WHY would an organization risk offending a very large base in order to cater to a loud and very small minority? It makes no sense. It's hard to take someone's "mission" seriously when they walk around with a name such as Sister Marquesa de Sade or Father Fellatio.

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Eric - Does this mean that you were okay with Target before this even thought they will not back off of their policy of allowing males identifying as female into the female bathrooms and dressing rooms?

My family wrote off Target a couple of years ago.

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I do most of my shopping online and sometimes buy items from Target. This will no longer be happening because using a satanist for a pride collection is a bridge too far for me. As far as Roy Cooper, he has been loud and active--and frustrated--since the GOP gained the supermajority in the state. I think he is also possibly auditioning for his next job.

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Note that the chief "priest" of this bunch proclaims, from his black-walled basement room, that these folks are not about challenging religion, merely speaking out for free speech. Yep.

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In the Midwest (Michigan, Ohio, Indiana) we have Meijer. Not totally conservative, but much more so than Target. Nice stores, too.

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I liked Meijer when we were in Illinois for 9 months for a teaching gig. The only thing I don't miss is the maddening jingle that played incessantly in the store! But they had an amazing variety of merchandise.

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I have heard comments that individual boycotts don’t work. Guess youd have to check with AB about that. As for Target, i am done shopping there.

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We stopped shopping at Target when they caved to the "I'm a man but think I'm a woman so let me use the women's restrooms" crowd. In the last few days they debuted 'tuck friendly' swimwear for shemales to make it easier for them to hide their gentialia. Now this?

I'm glad we were ahead of the curve.

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Admittedly we're still very early in the game, but McCarthy has proven a pleasant surprise. He's wrangled votes and shoved it up Biden's tailpipe a couple of times now, so I have to give well-deserved kudos to his leadership thus far. His gamesmanship is a far cry - the polar opposite, in fact - from that of John "We can't accomplish anything because we only control the House" Boehner during the first Obama administration. What a joke that DB was!

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A valuable lesson from The Godfather Part 1 was about putting the horse head in your opponent’s bed. McCarthy understands this. Boehner preferred io climb into the bed with the Hollywood director and his hot paramour and try to make it a threesome.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! So yer' saying that "Smokin' John Boehner" had nothing to do with his cigarettes?? Hahahaha!!

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About DeSantis: He likely sees Trump unbeatable as the nominee and the Democrat machine as re-electing President Geezer. This gets rid of Trump. DeSantis is 44 years old and building a great reputation in Florida. He knows that Biden is strapped to the unelectable Harris. He has a choice: He can run now and risk a lot of the political capital he has built or he can bide his time, build an even better base and have a stronger chance of becoming president when he turns 50. Finally, his ultimate goal is to defeat the woke left. Given all this if you were him what would your decision be?

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That won’t work. If we don’t win in 2024 there won’t be a 2028. The nation will collapse. So it’s now or never.

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What Tucker said.

Hannity is a pompous donkey.

I don't buy this because Biden and Trump will both burn down the U.S. just is different ways.

Regardless, democracy is in tact. There will be an election in '26, '28, and so on.

If you believe it's now or it's all lost you believe in political permanents, which is the kind of fan fiction that drives "surprise"losses.

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I don't know about the nation collapsing. I believed Hannity when he said that about Obama's second term, but the nation proved far more resilient than I believed. At the time my oldest daughter gave me a history lesson and scorned me for believing the hype. She recounted how Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus and simply ignored the orders of Chief Justice Roger Taney; she reminded me of Woodrow Wilson's resegregation of many government offices, the nationalization of large, private enterprises (rail, etc) and how his "Americanization" drives forced immigrants to speak English and abandon their culture; then there's FDR and perhaps the largest expansion of government in our history. We may not be living through the best of times right now, but it's certainly not the worst, either. After eight years of Obama "leading from behind" and intentionally depressing our economy, all it took was Trump flipping the switch back to "ON" and we were off to the races again.

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Here’s my thinking on why it’s either we defeat Biden or we are lost.

Unless they soak him in hibernation he will not finish his second term. Who’s next in line? Harris. And she is just wow terrible.

But let’s say Biden does make it.

He will hit the accelerator on socialist programs and implement through EO plenty of bad stuff.

This country is on the brink. It’s going to take good conservative policies backed by a strong congress.

If Biden gets a second term there’s lots of reasons why that will be the end.

If he does win it means voters are zombified and will vote dem no matter what and there’s too many of them to overcome.

If Biden wins it means the mail in ballot (whether you believe it’s legit or not) is king and dems have a stranglehold on it. Look at Florida 2022. FL all but bans MIB. Red wave.

New York which is making mail in ballots like it’s Nov 2020. Republicans got trounced state wide.

It’s a never ending problem. The dems will have built up a guaranteed win with mail ins.

That’s why Biden isn’t worried. He knows he doesn’t have to campaign or hold rallies. He’s got 51% of america who can just fill out 100 votes each and mail it in. No effort required.

If Biden wins in 2024 there may be election in 26 and 28 but they will be meaningless. See South African elections.

If Biden wins in 2024 we will not see a republican president ever again. Period.

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I thought the same thing, Kern. He's doing well in Florida and seems very popular there. Having to primary against Trump would subject his entire family to mudwrestling in a hog pen of effluence, a situation that I personally couldn't handle in a responsible fashion (one disparaging word about my wife or kids and I'd come across the stage and knock that MFer out). Trump has already shown that he's capable of deflating rising stars of the GOP, so why would DeSantis risk his political capital now when he could wait four more years and run without Trump in the mix?

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Who would want their family attacked? Truman had the same problem. The vast overwhelming majority of us would avoid politics altogether. It's a VERY nasty business. So, who should be our "champion"? We watch to see who has the guts to rise up, the toughness to succeed. Maybe DeSantis is just another Jeb Bush, a "nice" man with small hands. I can't wait to watch the debates. Wouldn't we all be surprised to find an overlooked candidate who combines the toughness we need with the "presidential" civility that we also desire. Perhaps, it's Tim Scott. Stay tuned.

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I used to enjoy shopping at Target when I lived in Midtown Atlanta. There was not a Walmart anywhere close to the city. Target was always very clean. The displays were appealing and organized. The Chinese goods they sold were a little bit better quality than the Walmart China goods. Now I live out in the country over 100 miles from the city. Walmart is the only big box store around. Given Target's embrace of wokism over the past decade or so.....I do not miss shopping there.

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Sadly, since the death of Sam Walton, Walmart has increasingly moved left and has even adopted Wokism. DEI is an integral part of the Walmart corporation, and Walmart has offered DEI training for teachers in the Bentonville (Arkansas) school system.

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Sam is probably turning over in his grave................

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Conservatives are mobilizing the institutions they control to fight back in the culture war and having success. I don't think this is because we've rejected Reaganism for post-liberalism, but I think this reflects the old conflict in the GOP between the grass roots and an establishment backed by the Chamber of Commerce. Exhibit A is how other candidates in the primary react to DeSantis's feud with Disney. It's notable that the Trump team is allying with the Chamber of Commerce which is siding with Disney. Forgotten is that Disney's bone of contention with DeSantis is that the latter passed a bill keeping educators from teaching about LGBT sexuality to elementary schoolers. We can fight back and win but nothing will change if we follow the Trump/Chamber of Commerce playbook of just going along with corporate wokeness. Conservatives should boycott Target and any other corporation that embraces this ESG crap.

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“Target is working with a gay satan worshiper..”

all gays are essentially satanists. They openly flaunt their sin and force you to accept it as normal. I get that everyone sins. But only those who are evil in their hearts or have it in their hearts blatantly defy the word of god and equally stomp on its very word.

Problem is allot of churches are turning to these satanic rituals. Allowing gay Marta and flaunting that they accept their ways.

But yet this was predicted.l that evil will gain favor and the righteous shall be condemned.

But fear not for we shall prevail.

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Be careful my friend when grading sins. Saying all people who are gay are satanists is like saying all sinners are satanisits. There is only One who will judge. Our job is to speak the truth in love. I myself am saved only by the blood of Christ and yet, like Paul, I do what I don't want to do and sin everyday. Yes, as a talk show host once said, you will be made to care, and we will have take a stand for Truth. The fight will come to us; we need not chase it. Stand firm and also remember we are taught to pray "forgive my trespasses AS I forgive those who trespass against me". We stand on the Truth, all sinners need to know the Truth.

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Every retailer buys from weirdos like this fella, you just happen to know about this one. Good luck with Target, your boycott is the advertising they need. Remember, ALL the big retailers were allowed to stay open as “essential” while small business retailers were forced to close. When did you ever stop shopping because of that? Satan has been on overtime and you just now want to complain?

You want to have an impact? Contact targets suppliers, tell THEM, you won’t buy their products because of target.

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