Erick - I listen to your podcast daily and you asked a question in the second hour: why does it seem the democrats have forgotten about how to play politics?

The answer is pretty simple, The people leading the Democrat Party have taken to worshipping the environment.

Without the fundamental foundation of scripture and the acknowledgment that the Earth was created by God Almighty, there is a vacuum of knowledge and understanding, and that vacuum has been filled with ideas like evolution and global warming.

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Biden and the democrats keep digging a deeper and deeper hole for the US people to climb out of. Wait until we see what lunacy comes out of them after being spanked at midyear. I suspect they will be fully Stuck on Stupid to quote on of their favorite leftist general officers.

What remains to be seen is how stupid the republicans will be in return. Will it be deja vu all over again of the second half of the Trump administration only from a Republican perspective? Will we see Marjorie Taylor Greene running her own Schiff Show? Or hopefully something smarter I pray.

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I am very glad that you talked about the oil problem. Europe is already have a shortage and we will also as the winter months require oil for heating. IF??? we started to activate all the oil drilling that we had two years ago, it would still take some time to get it to the homes. But if it is delayed another 4 or 6 months, we will have a lot of cold homes in this nation as well as other places.

Come Quickly Lord Jesus.

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I would like to take absolutely everything that is petroleum based away from the environmentalists which would include their phones. I wonder how long they would survive. Let them eat soy burgers and tofu. Oh wait soybeans are planted and harvested with tractors and they use fuel. Hypocrites.

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Question - if we were to begin drilling again (not likely with this administration), could we fill up the SPR with the oil we produce vs having to buy it from another source?

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I, too, voted for Walker for the same reasons you mentioned on the video.

My doing so does not mean my conscience is clean and that I will sleep well at night. (To wit, I do not mean to parse statements here. I think we are in agreement). While it does not keep me up at night, I do have deep concerns about our country and society. Walker’s redemption still does not qualify him for office.

The cult of celebrity on the Right and the cult of ideology on the Left are doing no favors to the Right or the Left. Or the Left or Right.

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The closest thing we have to a panacea for the current situation is to control our own energy. Is it possible that with control of both houses, congress can force this administration into allowing it?

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"There are women," returned my uncle, "some of them of the most admired, who are slaves to a demoniacal love of power. The very pleasure of their consciousness consists in the knowledge that they have power--not power to do things, but the power to make other people do things."

"The Flight of the Shadow" - George Macdonald

We can dedicate this one to Mrs. Biden and to Mrs. Fetterman

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That’s “President of United Earth.” Can’t forget the “United” part but it’s all about democracy as long as everyone votes for them.

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