Every. Single. Day. The ones that insult my intelligence are the worst, the “Candidate X was very disappointed not to see your name on the list of donors for his/her campaign”. Really? Why would that be, since disappointment implies expectation, and I’ve not only never donated to Candidate X, I’ve never even heard of Candidate X!
Every. Single. Day. The ones that insult my intelligence are the worst, the “Candidate X was very disappointed not to see your name on the list of donors for his/her campaign”. Really? Why would that be, since disappointment implies expectation, and I’ve not only never donated to Candidate X, I’ve never even heard of Candidate X!
Every. Single. Day. The ones that insult my intelligence are the worst, the “Candidate X was very disappointed not to see your name on the list of donors for his/her campaign”. Really? Why would that be, since disappointment implies expectation, and I’ve not only never donated to Candidate X, I’ve never even heard of Candidate X!