Since there's no comments with "I'm back and You'll Hate This" I'll usurp this post to just say at least you didn't bang on the Libertarians, but then they won't matter. But I'll vote for them anyway. And you should too. Just for the Hell of it.

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Or he could do a protest vote and write in the preferred conservative. When our dysfunctional major parties nominate smegma and decrepit, it's time to send a message.

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At least they're not socialists.....

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You should've added comments to your latest, Erick. It didn't get me mad at all.

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Hi Erick, Did you see this on Page Six of the NY Post on July 7, 2020? Headline: “Ilhan Ormar has paid new husband’s consulting firm $878,000 filings show.”

It didn’t get much traction beyond Page Six, but if it had been a republican, we’d be hearing about it from every major news outlet and there’d be calls from Nancy and Chuck for investigations and hearings.

Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign reportedly paid his wife’s company at least $1 million in fees for media buys for campaign ads.

Sanders’ wife’s company is basically a kitchen table operation. It might be legal to funnel campaign money to your spouse or family, that doesn’t mean it’s right. Win or lose, what great way to pocket campaign money. No wonder these people fight tooth and nail to get elected.

In the latest congressional financial report that I could find for Rep. Omar, she reported she has a negative net worth due to a car loan and student loan.

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I love the ads myself. But, I do understand what you are saying. I am already a Trump supporter so the ads tell me what I already think. I can see an independent stretching / twisting the ad to see what you are saying.

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I listened o NPR's "Fresh Air" today, in which a "journalist," actually a propagandist, was interviewed about her book entitled "UNHOLY, THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN EVANGELICALS AND TRUMP, or words to that effect. I responded with an e-mail to WHYY that their accusational tone seems demonic to me, and that the riots in the streets will bring Trump a second term. The bottom line is that our nation, after decades of leaving God out of public life, is in sad shape. Charles De Gaulle proclaimed himself the answer to the French socialists and ran on the slogan, "De Gaulle or Chaos!" Right now we are close to chaos. De Gaulle had his fantasies, but he had more self-control than Trump. May God have mercy on us!

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I'm sorry, but I think Trump needs to step aside at the convention and ask all of his delegates to vote for Pence. Let's roll!

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Trump seems to be going down in flames! He simply needs to LISTEN to his advisors and shut up!

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I have seen one of these ads, living here in Georgia, and I was a tad shocked. I didn't think we'd see any ads until after the conventions.

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Erick, I think President Trump is right to point this out, regardless of where the ads are running. You accurately mentioned that these things are happening on his watch. They are also happening, largely, in areas of the country where the democrats have been in complete control for decades. I admit I have not seen the ads. Maybe he just needs to do a better job of explaining to the voters that the democrats are funding and promoting all of this civic unrest and will continue to do so even if they win control of everything.

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Campaigns have limited dollars. If he is spending this money in Georgia, he isn't spending it in more competitive states, which suggests he thinks Georgia is a competitive state.

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This Republican says the sooner we get trump out of the white house, the better off these United States will be. I'm looking forward to the day when Joe can proclaim, as President Gerald Ford did: "Our long national nightmare is over!"

Then we can return to being Republicans again, as our revitalized GOP gears up for 2022 and 2024.

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You are technically correct because the ads don't clearly show that the violence happening in the Trump era is being committed by rioters supported by Democratic politicians who wish to defeat Trump in the 2020 election. In other words, the rioters who are looting, putting up blockades on streets they don't own, abusing police, harassing vehicles, and hooting an 8-year old girl while her in her car, are supported by Democratic politicians who generally refuse to condemn this violence. They are certainly not Trump supporters. The violence of the progressive left may well stop if Trump is defeated, but all that will do is set a precedent that your party can win an election by committing enough violent crimes that people will vote for your party in to stop the violence. That was effective the Nazi-party strategy that led to Hitler seizing power. This election is really about whether people want to have voters determine who controls the government or whether people want violent rioters to determine who controls the government.

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