I am voting for Trump and against Kamala. I don’t like her because I believe she is against

Israel. We have no cult in our house.

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Eric, as you stated I am disgusted with this election cycle as well. You have put what I am feeling as well.

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I held my nose and voted for GHW Bush John McCain Mitt Romney and Trump twice so one more time won’t kill me but it might kill my grand daughter who is a marine if Kamala wins

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The only thing I can say about this is, damn straight. This is all the reasons I listen to Erick's show.

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Thanks Erick. My emotions and thoughts have been grappling with what I face at the ballot box in Nov. You synthesized them in just a few paragraphs.

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👍👍👍 You outdid yourself this time Erick. Agree almost entirely - just sorry that you pulled your punches and didn’t tell us how you really feel🙂🙂🙂 In all seriousness, I repeat again - it is Trump’s to win or lose, and in that regard he continues to be his own worst enemy. She is a not very small trend followed and almost every one of her instinctual and not thought out positions together would destroy this country. One of the most saving graces here is that the MSM has been so discredited that despite their gargantuan efforts to defeat Trump at all costs and their infantile fawning over Harris that she may not be able to conceal,her identity for the next two months- despite minimal interviews and those being with Coach Tim her backup and minimal exposure , even to,the extent of attempting to,sabotage an agreed upon debate with friendly moderators. Except when donning her prosecutorial role, she is one of the most insecure candidates that I have ever witnessed on the national stage - the two most obvious indications being her almost inevitable word salads of whenever forced to speak at length and her insincere and inappropriate laughter.

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I'm right there with you, Erick. I have no choice but to vote for Trump. Everyone says to look at his policies and remember what he did before ... I'm just afraid we'll wake up the day after with a President Trump who's not the same Trump we had before...

And it doesn't get better locally. I live in AZ and get Cari (sp) Lake as the Republican candidate for Senate. In the meantime I'm just holding on to Jesus...

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Will Rogers once said,

“The only good thing about the present crop of candidates is that only one can be elected “.

Elections have consequences. The German election in 1933 changed a lot of things. Before you vote or not vote, think of the world view of each candidate. Hold your nose on Election Day but vote.

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Wow. How in the heck did we get here?

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I personally plan to leave that race blank.

You might want to read "Why Character Doesn't Matter Anymore" by Russell Moore, editor-in-chief of Christianity Today. The essence is of it is that we have allowed politics to influence our faith instead of our faith influencing our politics, thereby ruining our testimony.

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Oh Erick, I so agree with you!! I’m a 71 year old Christian South Georgia conservative who is so disgusted over our choices. Even my 47 year old liberal son-in-law said, isn’t this awful that these are the best candidates America can find!!

Thank you for speaking truth! I wish more people could get over their “I hate Trump because……..” & realize we need to vote for him for his policies!

I’m thankful that I know this world is not my home, but I hate to think of the world my precious grandchildren may end up living in.

Keep on spreading your message, Erick! I talk about your messages all the time, & forward your emails too.❤️

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I went to the 2023 Gathering with a spirit of hopefulness, to listen to “anyone but Trump” sit down for a conversation and make the case for their candidacies.

Y’all remember the time when “anyone but Trump” dominated Biden in the polls?

Thanks to the primary voters, common sense lost out.

Despite my hopes and Erickson’s valiant efforts, here we are.

This choice sucks for me as much as 2016 did.

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Amen, Amen and Amen.

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Bravo Eric!

Going into the primaries this year, my hope (quickly dashed) was for a Pence/Haley ticket, but to do my part in preventing a Harris presidency I will vote a third time for Donald Trump. May God have mercy on us all.

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Trump's behavior will not change as long as we keep propping him up. I am seeing MAGA Republicans acting the same way, writing defamatory comments on social media about the elected officials who are not on the hard right, for example. They will keep doing so until someone challenges them, which I have started to do. They can be challenged without resorting to their tactics.

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Your feelings are genuine and well stated, but miss the point. You tend to lump all “Trump supporters’ together as a group in a cult when you know that isn’t quite true. Many supporters feel that they are in a struggle and are using the best tool available to win the contest. Sports teams have often chosen players on the basis of their ability to win knowing they aren’t the person they want marrying their daughter. In a lot of ways, this is where we are. I agree there are people of higher ability in governance and comportment, but now is not the time for that when the opposition stages a coup of its own leader and engages in deception ( see Zuckerberg, Mark) and endless law fare (see Smith, Jack) to distort our electoral process.

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Aug 27Edited

I heard your rant live Erick and I started cheering in my truck. Although everything you said resonated with me I have to take a stand on the other side. I dislike Kamala as a candidate and Democratic policies in general but I dislike Trump more. The founders of this country were wise enough to establish checks and balances through three separate branches of government so the President on his or her own cannot establish the policies they want to just because they want to. I look at the presidency more as a symbol of leadership more than a person that’s guaranteed to establish their policies. As the leader of the free world you automatically become the model for behavior to your constituents whether you want to or not. How can you expect the citizens of this country to act with civility and handle adversity with class when the leader does not. How can we teach our youth that civility, morality, and character matters when it’s not needed to be President? To be honest, as a contractor the Trump economy did not work for me either, construction cost soared during his administration, and this was before Covid. I’ll hold my nose and vote for Kamala and vote for republicans in Congress to fight her policies. Thank goodness I live in Georgia with a true conservative leader in Brian Kemp, as you say, the local elections matter more anyway.

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Right, Willie Brown's side-piece is a much better model of "civility, morality, and character" for our youth.

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Better than being a predator and grabbing women by their private parts.

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And is the other sides players any better? None are great examples maybe Vance.

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