CNN banned The Dailywire’s James Girdusky for saying he hoped Medi Hasan’s beeper didn’t go off on Abby Phillips’s show....

I listened to the exchange. What is striking, but not surprising, is Hasan misinterpreted the comment.

He said, if you don't want to be called Nazis stop..."

The beeper comment was an insinuation that Hasan may be a terrorist. If you don't want to be called a terrorist stop supporting them.

It's like having an argument with a 13 year old. They won't 1) understand what they are saying is over the top, and 2) won't recognize the metaphorical response is exactly what they said to you.

"...see to it that each of these two fools has a sort of double standard. Your patient must demand that all his own utterances are to be taken at their face value and judged simply on the actual words, while at the same time judging all his mother's utterances with the fullest and most oversensitive interpretation of the tone and the context and the suspected intention."

~The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis

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How can the media regain trust?

1. Employ an equal number of conservative and liberal reporters.

2. Eliminate the political activism and stick to just reporting the news.

3. Actually do their jobs and hold the powerful accountable for what they do.

4. End the 24/7 news cycle.

Even with all of this, it's going to take a very, very long time to get that trust back.... if at all.

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While I agree that I would like to see conservative columnists in the WAPO, that would be washed away by the continued “Democrat operatives with bylines” in the rest of the paper. What they need to do is stop viewing their articles as maintaining the narrative and go back to reporting things as objectively as humanly possible (we all have some bias ). If the newspapers went back to respecting their readers and allowing each reader to form their own understanding, their credibility would rise quickly.

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With the current crop of "woke" journalist pushing the MSM to be more in line as a media wing of the DNC I will never have trust in the media. Reading the news these days it's mostly "trust but verify" which requires cross checking stories on several different sites. To believe an article on any site is foolish unless it is a hard fact event such as a volcano actually blowing off or a plane/train crash.

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I hope your beeper doesn't go off was hysterical... Clearly some people can't take a joke. I've heard it a couple times now and crack up every time! People on both sides need to get out and interact with their neighbors on both sides of the aisle. The media need to be forced to go live across the country for 6m and be forced to work a normal job with normal pay, they may change their tune after that.

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I agree. Israel has learned that 99.9 % of Palestinians are also Hamas and of course the UNRWA=Lowlife UN..

Palestinians who became Christians don’t live long in Gaza.

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Liberals have absolutely no sense of humor.

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It is HIGHLY unlikely the American media will regain my trust in my lifetime. They are just too in the bag with the ends justify the means for the left efforts they've put out in the just the last three years alone, let alone this century.

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In the not-too-distant past, journalists and reporters were blue-collar folks. Now, they're a part of the political elite, completely intertwined and intermarried. Online, you can find charts of "who is married/related to whom". It is truly mind-blowing.

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Media is just one institution broken. There are many. They are all broken because of the hiring done of college graduates indoctrinated into Theory-based grievance ideology.

The malcontents in academia got more traction after the Great Recession and the next five years of Obama's jobless recovery where the kids got trapped in school amassing more debt. Then the authoritarianism during the pandemic.

The fix will require a massive and dedicated rejection of these people so infected. It is primarily college educated females as their majors tend to be the most woke corrupted.

It is sad, but also justified as these same infected woke employees keep voting for the very Regime that harmed them during the Great Recession and then the pandemic. My hope is that they actually wake up from their campus brainwashing. There is hope seeing this occur in other countries like Germany.

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Well it took Jeff Bezos long enough to figure out his paper sucks and there is nothing new about CNN

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Totally Agree.Now if he only owed the New York Kamala Times.

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Maybe the WAPO can bring in Tucker Carlson to add some “balance”?

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That would adjust some tilt. I don't know about balance?

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My comment was sarcastic. Should have added the LOL. Sorry.

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MSNBC and CNN think that they will be the Official Media when they convert USA to Socialist,

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Erick, this is an internet read on Jake Tapper from Mollie Hemingway. CNN has a very, very long way to regain credibility.


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“interesting read”

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Unfortunately they’re not interested in truth. It’s “their” truth

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I am of the opinion that the MSM will follow the $ and go wherever it leads.

Erick’s life and work is locked together with his belief in Jesus Christ, and the moral compass that comes with that faith.

But we can still have hope that MSM will figure it out somehow someday.

Erick has said many times, we don’t have a political problem, we have a spiritual problem.

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Bob, I heard a congressman speak that the Green bad bill had funding for the media.

Which means we are paying for all their propaganda.

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Yes Richard, they are following the $ and are blind to the evil they are supporting.

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When a Marxist America is your most cherished goal, it's pretty tough to lower yourself to that "regain journalistic trust" thing.

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I couldn't agree more... but I wouldn't hold my breath.

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