Those who have worked for and made a living outside of taxpayer-funding will have a broader insight to people and their lives.

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Seems to me like we had some candidates whose lives fit that description but who were labeled as horrible candidates.

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Having experience outside government doesn't, by itself, make someone a good candidate. Believing in conspiracies tends to make you a bad candidate.

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I'm stumped at the delusion of a politician wanting to 'govern well'. These seem to be few and far between and I've only found just a handful of democrats who actually are concerned for someone outside their little orbit.

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And, amplifying these horrible policies are 430 federal agencies filled with plenty of people who have not lived life, either. Grinding away every day in the DC bubble who pay no penalty for their lack of discernment.

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Why yes, our democratic governance system was designed to be of the people, by the people and for the people... not of the ruling class, by the ruling class and for the ruling class. I would also add that we have way too many attorneys in politics. Attorneys make the living from legal complexities and so as law makers, they have a giant conflict of interest. This increase in the size and scope of our book of laws and regulations feeds the beast. Left-leaning voters will claim that the political candidate lacks government experience or else has insufficient knowledge of the law... they like technocrats. Right-leaning voters tend to be more attracted to politicians that have outside experience and accomplishments... they like slayers of technocrats. I think the latter is more accurate in terms of ongoing health of governance.

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Joe Biden falls squarely in to the category of never having been anything but a politician. Could it be the reason he is stuck on the wrong side of every issue. It could be why he has become the big guy of the Biden crime family. I would like to have a no confidence vote on him and many others. John Adams said

"Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people." Pray for our country. Reading the Old Testament will show you that God raises up nations and takes them down. Dan

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Main point that will, in my opinion, end the argument. You can get rid of trump or not nominate him. Fine. But then what happens when whoever is the nominee still looses?

Because trump isn’t the problem. The mainstream media is.

I am amused about how they say “trump endorsed candidates, lost” can someone please define that for me?

Because as far as I know. Trump is a republican and would and does endorse any and all republicans. So in effect aren't all of those candidates trump endorsed?

The dems control the media. They control the election process now. Dems are good at getting elected but their policies are terrible.

Just watch one of those Warnock good feelings smiling ads. Candidates don’t matter as much as message. We also need to play the new voting game and ballot harvest. We need to nominate someone other than trump for now. Although I still don’t think he’s the problem.

Media is the problem. Our new voting base which is as uninformed as any dem voter is the problem.

Putting up moderate candidates to appease the left when they will NEVER do the same. Is also not a solution.

At this point there is no magic solution. this election proved it’s pretty much a lost deal. We are going to have to crash and hit rock bottom before it can get better but will it?

If we are living in end times, then it’s not going to.

Only thing we can do is stay faithful as Christians and not give up our morals to win elections. Stay true to the message. Let god handle the rest.

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I can't tell you how much this is correct. The candidates keep getting blamed. But with the way things are now, it isn't going to matter much who the candidate is, with the media bias and voters clearly not being informed, it is going to take a miracle for republicans to win in federal elections.

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While I agree that the MSM is a problem for Republicans running for office, I don’t agree that Trump endorses all Republican candidates. In Georgia, for example, he actively campaigned against our incumbent Republican governor. He claimed Governor Kemp was the worst governor in the country and suggested people should vote for Stacey Abrams, his Democratic Party opponent.

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MSM is a problem. I feel confident the Biden admin could have selected whichever prisoner they wished to get. They chose Griner (sp) based on NBC reporting. Then that report was changed…I believe to align with the WH story. We are in trouble when the MSM works as the town crier for the admin.

So, how can we help change that?

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Erick himself said it best: the enslaved Press. I prefer the DNC propaganda machine masquerading as "journalism", but his statement is less wordy.🎯

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I know. But it’s enraging to have the press lie so willingly for the DNC, with zero consequences. Need ideas to combat. Perhaps a MSM ‘Lie of the Day’ segment on someone’s show/blog where the offending media is loudly challenged to defend their obfuscations. Unfortunately, it’s taking a very rich disruptive business man (Musk) to undeniably show the left’s lying ways loudly and impossible to cover. We shouldn’t need the uber rich to aid America for a free press. Are there other rich moderates that can help kick our country back on track?

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Haven’t read this fully but found it on RealClearPolitics. This is a piece about actual journalists who are trying to practice … journalism. Here’s the link if interested…but y’all we have to push energetically for a change back to the sane.


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Senators usually make lousy Presidents including the the one we have at present Governors are the better bet because they have to deal with issues at the local level unless you live in California

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Our current President has been a lifetime politician and appears to be as crooked and corrupt as they come. Amazingly, even in cognitive decline, he’s the leader of the free world. Nancy and Chuck fall right in line - lifetime politicians and in Nancy’s case definitely crooked. AOC and crew are full blown idiots. Yet all these people currently run the show. Works well for the D’s…

On the right the true leadership we need to lead is at the Governor level - GA, FL, TX, VA, etc. These Govs have boldly taken steps McConnell and McCarthy would never do in a million years - stand up to big corporations (donors), Trump, Biden on the border and school choice in VA. My hope is the next two years some of these guys step up to the national level and we have others like them come along. No more narcissistic and loud mouth clown shows - serious and pragmatic people who have actually done something. That is leadership more than half of the country will get behind. It does exist here and not only does the US, but the world (our allies) clamor for it. It’s currently non existent in the west.

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Amen. I completely agree with finding potential leadership in those who weigh their perspectives on the present and long range consequences of decisions.

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Rush Limbaugh's young skulls full of mush. I remember him talking about bygone days when evan as a 20 something the actual adults in the room did not want to hear what you had to say.

I am not the conservative that doesn't change my underwear, I know the next generation has diamonds in the rough that can actually contribute.

And I have met 30, 40, 50 year olds that are ignorant as a box of rocks.

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Maybe if politicians along with their staff and interns lived in the state with their constituents instead of Washington they could relate to what is really going on in this country. They would probably find out what people really care about day after day. Yes, walk a mile in my shoes.

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What was the name to the book about someone taking a letter to another person in war times menton on December 9 show

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Latham Saddler.

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