I just read that Trump has filed a complaint against Harris for taking over Biden's campaign funds! That's not smart. It seems petty in relation to everything else.

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She’s a terrible candidate. She was so awful in 2019 she became one of the first candidates to pull out of the race, before any primaries. Being plucked by Biden allowed her to once again fail upward, but her public demeanor hasn’t improved even a little bit. Her voice is perpetually whiny and her approach of trying to intimidate people has been seen for what it always was: Fakery. She will get hammered in a debate where she won’t have notes to save her.

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Just heard a great joke on Gutfeld. Sorry, I don't remember the guest's name. But he said when Kamala laughs even Trump wants to shoot himself in the ear.

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Democrats are terrific at putting lipstick on their pigs.

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I will say this about Harris: if you think your job is tough, try being the handler tasked with teaching her not to cackle.

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I’m not so sure, Erick. You’re making the mistake of considering the best features of Joe Biden as he used to be not the whole candidate he is today. The media will always gaslight us (“hump the leg,” as you say) about any Democrat. June 27 was the rare day that they ability to do so-and peoples willingness to let them-reached absolute zero. It’s back now. It will be the norm going forward. Only the names will change. There were many people willing and practically begging to be gaslit about Biden until they couldn’t possibly be anymore. Well, now they can be again, and want nothing more. If you think, she is a far worse candidate. If you only feel or have Trump Derangement Syndrome, she is far better.

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The two primary identity indicators in America are gender and race/ethnicity. White maleness was the default identity, so please excuse those Americans who - based on four centuries experience - see a so-called color-blind and gender-blind society as still a myth.

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If you thought the media/Democrat Kabuki Theater surrounding Biden was bad.... you ain't seen nuthin' yet..

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Well, they always have dismemberment in the womb to "fall back on".

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I sure hope you’re right.

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With Harris, and I hate to add this, her sexual adventures at least give some relief to those about which Trump is accused.

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So while single she should have lived in a nunnery in order to be eligible for the Presidency.

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Maybe so, Erick ... but there will be enough anti-Trump voters, Democrat st all costs, voters and people who think voting for the first woman/woman of color ((to paraphrase Joe Biden, 'she ain't Black') to prove they're not racist or to assuage their White guilt to make this a much closer race than it should be.

And, of course, there's always the Dems' haunted 'ground game' to worry about.

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That’s my fear.

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Harris, "unlikable and artificial". Well said. Thank you.

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The asparagus on 98.5 this morning said that Michele Obama will be the nominee.

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Harris backs the whole NO BAIL policy. I am old enough to remember the Willie Horton ad. I think the Trump campaign should put together an ad of criminals let out on no bail who committed crimes after their release. It will destroy the whole "We are tough on crime." rhetoric regarding crime is down. Another ad can be illegals and the felonies they have committed. The border issue has to be hung on Harris as her albatross.

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The Democrats had to have Joe Biden step down from his campaign and endorse Harris, even though Jill and Joe did not want to. This way the party leaders do not say they screwed up by picking Joe and Kamala. I don't think Joe has given Kamala his delegates, only his endorsement.

They are now polling and figuring out who has the best shot to beat Trump before the convention. Then they will have someone "independently" step up to challenge Harris, and then have the delegates pick the challenger instead of Harris.

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