Also: wasn't Lin Wood Kyle Rittenhouse's initial attorney? And didn't a scandal of some sort prompt Rittenhouse to fire him? These aren't rhetorical questions; I'm actually asking for confirmation, or not.

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Very enlightening column. It does make me wonder if Lin Wood is now working on behalf of a new client -- the Democratic Party of Georgia, perhaps?

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Does Lin Wood work for President Trump in filing legal challenges against the vote? What is his role in this process? He is described as a Pro Trump lawyer

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According to Open Secrets, he also donated heavily to Republicans. So maybe his real goal was to benefit himself? https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=lin+wood

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Thanks for looking this up. He definitely gave a ton of money to Republicans. I'd say you're onto something. It's hard to say ideology is a motivating factor when you support both sides.

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I think the correct word for him and Powell would be shyster.

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And if he is just about self-promotion, then he's doing a huge amount of damage en route.

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OH MY WORD!!!! Thank you so much for THIS eye opening news. I was totally taken by this guy and thought he was on our side! Thanks for the info, Erick!!

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Whatever happened to honesty? Doesn't anyone tell the truth anymore? Why has it become so easy to lie?

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How can we believe you, Erick? You don’t even believe the president’s conspiratorial lies about a rigged election!

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So, Lin Wood is a Trojan Horse. Why am I not surprised anymore. Anyone who has read “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky understands it’s acceptable to lie, cheat, and step on people’s feet, as long as one is advancing the revolution. He Obama’s mentor, Hillary wrote her 92-page college senior thesis on Alinsky, “There Is Only the Fight: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model”.

All new, current, and past Democratic/Socialist Party leaders are well versed in the rules of the fight.

Nothing in politics is surprising anymore once you understand your enemies.


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The right thing for anybody in GA who cares about the future for our country is to vote for Loeffler and Perdue. The right thing to do was also to vote for Trump to keep the Presidency in the GOP's hands. But apparently, many suburban GOP voters fell for the Democrats insane theory that America would benefit from letting Biden's progressive handlers set Presidential policy. But for anybody who reads Townhall, RedState, Brietbart, or Trump's Twitter account, would know that real Trump supporters are not as foolish as suburban GOP voters. And real Trump supporters know there are potentially major problems with fraud in many state elections, a possibility that Erick regularly mocks. But that issue has nothing at all to do with the insane suggestion of electing Democrats like Warnock, Ossoff, or Biden. But it does have everything to do with the views of responsible GOP members like Senator Cruz, who are willing to point out the likely unconstitutional rulings of PA's Supreme Court, regarding a case filed by my Congressman Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell ( see https://www.cruz.senate.gov/?p=press_release&id=5482 ) .

I am not from GA so I don't know the people involved. But when it is readily admitted that the first election count didn't include about 6000 valid votes on multiple USB-cards, one has to consider how reliable its election sytem really is. Another negative account about the reliability of GA's election workers was in the news yesterday ( https://www.foxnews.com/politics/georgia-secretary-of-state-fulton-county-recount-dysfunction ):

"The real issue is a Fulton County employee made several compounding errors," Raffensperger said. "Instead of following the procedures that my office and the vendor laid out, Fulton County once again cut corners. The biggest one being [the employee] backed up the election project on the server itself instead of on an external backup. Because of that decision, they lost the ability to upload hundreds of thousands of scanned ballots."  

In addition, Raffensberger is actively investigating Democrats promoting fraud by getting out-of-state people to vote in the January 5 election. Of course, we know that Democrats would never have resorted to that kind of fraud in the Presidential election because Raffensberger has assured us of the absolute competency of the GA election procedures. However, people of PA know that the PHL Democrats are not above trying to steal elections and they don't doubt this may have happened in GA. For example, a 1994 case that overturned a fraudulent PHL-area election that would have given Democrats control of the PA Senate ( https://www.leagle.com/decision/199489219f3d8731759  ). But instead of focusing on arguably accurate claims of election fraud, let us be sensible like Erick and argue that auditing GA absentee ballots should not be done. Perhaps, Loeffler, Perdue and Collins are all Democrats who have infiltrated the Republican party in GA, since they all support such an audit. Perhaps that is the case, assuming all GOP members should embrace the motto "In Raffensberger we trust."

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And what does this have to do with Lin Wood being a Democrat?

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1. Erick was pointing out that it would be foolish to elect Warnock and/or Ossoff. My point was that it was also foolish for suburban GA GOP members to vote for Biden for the same exact reason - i..e. Democratic policies are not good for our country. I made it clear the right thing to do was to vote for Loeffle and Perdue.

2. Erick is constantly arguing about how reliable GA elections are. The three points I made (missing USB-cards, not following procedures, not being willing to conduct an audit of signatures) all suggest that may not be the case. Loeffler, Perdue and Collins and  many other responsible GOP members support a signature audit, which is the same thing Lin Wood is advocating for. So while Lin Wood may have foolishly contributed to Democrats, it doesn't mean that the possibility of GA fraud should not be investigated - and Erick is wrong to argue otherwise.

3. Whatever LIn Wood has done in the past has no bearing on whether it is proper to rigorously investigate claims of fraud in the GA election. Why would doing that cause anybody in the GOP to not vote for Loeffler and Perdue? But not doing that has a severe negative influence on the bulk of GOP voters who want fraud claims to be fully investigated.

4. Erick has friends who voted for Biden, he goes on CNN, and he has spoken favorably of many CNN contributors who are major Democratic supporters. This doesn't invalidate Erick's opinions about all things related to GOP policy. A similar reasoning applies to Lin Wood, as each opinion should be evaluated on its own merits. Wood  is wrong for arguing not to unconditionally support Loeffler and Perdue. But Wood is right that GA fraud should be rigorously investigated and it is Erick who is on the side of the Democrats on that issue.

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I could be wrong but I'm confident Erick never donated to a Democrat and never publicly endorsed a Democrat for public office.

On point two the signatures of all mail in ballots were checked TWICE.

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correct on all counts.

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You can’t write fiction as good as this.

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You’ve got to admit, this takes devious to a whole new level!

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So, I guess the next question is to what party does Sidney Powell historically support? And when did Stacy Abrams recruit these two?

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It would be more helpful to know his character. Having previously supported Republicans, perhaps he is only trying to cement his political future......

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A profile on this guy from an objective journalist would be helpful. Ok, I'll stipulate "objective journalist" can be an oxymoron but there should be one out there.

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Bwahahahaaa!! Extremely true. Their are a few. Maybe Erick would know.....yet considering all that is going on now, a “morbid curiosity” question would be very low priority.....

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Thank you for exposing this information about Lin Wood. I wondered why any person on either side would encourage people to sit this one out and somehow help the election process. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler should win, but the Republicans must vote and not buy into the Lin Wood advice. I recently signed up for the newsletter. You always do a great job of sticking to the facts. Sometimes I don't agree with you, but often realize later that you are right.

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