It looks to me like a President can create inflation but also address it by resuming some of the things he has canceled. Dan

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The Emperor has no clothes, no brain, no clue. I slept pretty well during Trump's Presidency, confident that he and his team were capable of and focused on taking care of business at home and abroad. Compare and contrast to the current administration. What The Brandon are they doing?! Fortunately, it appears that a majority of Americans have "awoken" to the reality that we have an idiot in the White House, as evidenced by Biden and Harris' polls numbers dropping faster than Snooki in a spelling bee. Like others here have pointed out, pray we make it to the 2022 midterms without serious, long-lasting damage.

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Let's pray we make it to the midterms. As the disasters pile up patience will be wearing thinner and thinner. With a team with lying a daily policy and situations just getting worse daily November 2022 feels a long way away, and even then do we really expect a rapid repair to what has been done? The Republicans would need a veto proof majority, to even begin repairing, and as has been demonstrated all to often, even when Republicans have the majority they cannot/will not do what they say they will (aka Obama Care). So, may God have mercy on the land He so abundantly blessed and who has been thumbing their collective noses at the one who gave those blessings. We really really need his mercy on our land right now.

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Erick - they’re done. Unless they cheat. And they’ll try. They need to be more than done though. They need to face justice. They’ve lied to the country for 5 years. They need to be held accountable. If not, it will happen again.

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As usual spot on! Thank you Erick. It’s going to be a long winter…except for the South. Thank God I live in GA

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While at my age I never wish for time to go faster, I do wish the midterms were here so we could get some control back from these clowns! And here's a link to a story about another out of touch MSM talking head, Stephanie Ruhle - love Erick's quote at the end, so true!


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I would like one thing from Erick, the right leaning news media and our so-called Republican Leaders; STOP TELLING BIDEN AND HIS DO-NOTHING ADMINISTRATION HOW TO FIX THE PROBLEMS THE COUNTRY IS IN AND HOW TO MAKE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA SUCCESSFUL. Let them fail on their own terms - no need for our help!

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Sheer bafoonery...OR...they know what they are doing and this is all by design. I think the latter, though I do think it got beyond where they thought they could control it, and it is now backfiring.

Quite interesting to see how the constant lies out of the admin don't get questioned by the "news".

I noticed a lack of mini-marshmallows last time I was at the grocery store. Only had monster sized. Also no buffalo sized wings for almost a week, those seem to be back in stock.

Oddly, plenty of toilet paper!

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My son loves Polly-O twisted cheese sticks - they've been out of supply for months!

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Excellent diatribe Erick. I deal with Supply Chain issues daily on wholesale side. It is real but yet avoidable. And it can't be blamed on the virus. Indifference by this Administration is a fatal choice. They have not chosen wisely. They could be very proactive in fixing it....IF they wanted to.

I am convinced more than ever that we have Obamalyte neo-Marxists running the show, and they hate traditional Capitalism, esp. the Petroleum side. Their arrogant elitism gives them assurance that they are so much smarter and nuanced than the simpleton masses. THEY will lead the way into their Utopian vision of the way things outta be. Same ol' human control tendencies from the past.

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They can’t be out of office soon enough. Pitiful, woefully inadequate, malfeasant, negligent, tone deaf and incompetent. I could open the Thesaurus and provide many more terms to describe how awful this crowd is. How will we endure three more years of this scam?

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I only wish that the next major election wasn't the mid-terms.

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The goal is to crash the economy. Then the puppet masters can re organize everything to suit themselves and not us. The wife of the Commissar or Gauleiter doesn’t wait in line or experiences shortages.

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IMO, you should've had one more brief sentence about a jubilant Jimmy Carter having lived long enough to see him elevated to THIRD worst president in American history.

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This may be true. But his boycott of the '80 Olympics will hold him near the bottom forever in the minds of amateur athletes of the time. Of course, there were legions of other actions carrying him to the sea of oblivion. Maybe still a little bitter Billy

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A new catch phrase: "Then, the midterms...." A new version of, "This, to, will pass away...." Sadly, great.

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