Coleges are supposed to teach students to THINK ! Seems like that is a forgotten idea, and students are only led around like sheep by radical operatives who wish anarchy in America. Thats what happens when we let our enemies' become professors in our finest universities, ala members of the Weather Underground, who were terrorist's who bombed and killed Americans. B. Obamas next door neighbor's , who are tenured professors in Chicago. Talk about letting the fox into the hen house !

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Mis-gendering someone on campus is considered hate speech and even violence. Calling for the extermination of Jews and actually accosting them is perfectly acceptable. I just don't get it.

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"It’s a testament to the level of intellectual dishonesty of the Democrats that they’ll defend his failure as success."

WE hold them - and ourselves - to a minimal level of honesty. They hold "honesty" in contempt

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I'm old enough to remember (of course, anyone born after 2010 is old enough to remember) when college students were crying out for 'safe spaces' where they wouldn't have to hear thoughts/opinions/speech that made them feel 'uncomfortable.'

The colleges gladly accommodated them. People who called these students 'snowflakes' or criticized the schools were condemned as mean-spirited, hateful or racist.

But the same colleges can't even provide a SINGLE space on their campus (much less the entire campus) where Jewish students can feel safe. Not just from 'hate speech' but from actual bodily harm. People who express support for the Jewish students (or criticize the protestors) are called racists or Zionists.

Erick has repeatedly cited the phrase (not an exact quote) 'Evil preaches tolerance until it is in the majority.' On college campuses, it's looking more and more like evil is in the majority.

I never thought I'd see this day in my lifetime.

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All these people screaming that Israel is 'occupying' Palestine don't realize its just the opposite. The folks like AOC that claim Jesus was a "Palestinian Jew" are totally divorced from reality. Jesus was born in Bethlehem hundreds (if not thousands) of years before 'Palestine' was decreed into existence.

Due to famine, the Israelites moved to Egypt. While the Israelites were enslaved there, others came in and occupied the land. When the Israelites returned, they had to fight to reclaim their land.

The Modern-day 'Palestinians' are nothing but 'super-squatters' that the Israelis are not allowed to evict and the 'two state solution' is an attempt to have squatters and the rightful owner share the property when the squatter wants the owner dead so the squatter can take over the entire property.

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The narrative on Trump’s Charlottesville Fine People on Both Sides comment was a hoax and always was a hoax perpetrated by the media and Biden himself. Trump denied explicitly during the same press conference that he was not referring to nazis or white supremacists. He could hardly have been more clear. Biden campaigned on a lie and continues to do so. It’s hilarious now that Biden has used the same words. Unfortunately, it just allows the media to continue to spread the hoax as they try to explain what Biden meant. In that sense, it’s a good persuasion play by Biden and his handlers, assuming it’s intentional or they are clever enough to make it.

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And Biden mentioned Charlottesville yet again today. Zero self-awareness.

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Democrats/ Socialist continue to try to destroy Religion.

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Biden is a man with no morals. His only concern is staying in power. For that he needs votes and a man with no morals is willing to say anything to garner votes. Now he is trying to balance support from the anti semites in the far left to moderate mom's in the suburbs. A man with no morals clinging to the idea of garnering the anti semite leftist votes. Biden has sunk to a new low.

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What is it you understand about the people that want to stop Trump. This is entirely dystopian.

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KKK = NAZI = HAMAS = HEZBOLLA = AL QURAN = GENOCIDAL "KILL JEWS". HAMAS is the government of Palestine and has taught their people to hate. That is why Egypt will not them cross into Egypt.

Hamas broke the cease fire, and in a classic description of GENOCIDE murdered 1700 Israeli Jews, and the only survivors kidnapped and taken to Gaza as Hostages. Multiple hundreds of women & girls were gang raped, mutilated, tortured and then murdered.

Support for Palestine is support of the Colonizer Muslims that conquered Israel, and evicted the Jews, objected to Isreali's buying land in Israel in 1948. They started attacking the Jews that resulted in the. Jewish state. Many people fled (Primarily Muslims).

Ever since the Islamic jihad against Israel and their professed desire to kill all Jew's

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The truth is not being reported enough. The protesters are the Democratic Party. They may not say it publicly but that blurb by Joe Biden saying people don’t understand the palistinians is the tell. Every single dem party member agrees with Hamas. Supports them and wishes Israel’s demise.

It’s the the big giant elephant in the room for the democrats. This is the party culture they created.

Was maddening is the Jewish will still vote for Biden in the 80%.

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I really dislike half truths intended to support a lie. The 'both sides' in Trump's case was followed with "and I'm not talking about the NAZIS & KKK, they should be condemned by every one". That was clear & concise condemnation of both the KKK & NAZIS.

Yet, the lame stream press (MSNBD, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc.) continue to cut off that final part. They then expound on the lie that Trump is for those two groups.

I'm disappointed in Eric, doing the same.

Same with "grab their pussy" that continued with "because they let you". Because she let's me, I can grab her pussy". Those both mean with her consent.

When narrative is used instead of truthful reporting we all suffer.

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Why is this tolerated? How is it that institutions of learning have become domiciles of hatred, violence, and the undermining of western civilization values, norms and behaviors? How is it that these institutions are now espousing beliefs and behaviors which are the very opposite of the values by which they were founded?

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It's especially insulting when you know that universities were originally founded to train clergy.

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Biden "learned a long time ago to listen to that lady" because she commands a yuuge swath of brain-dead young voters. They pose almost as big a threat to Senile Joe as do the followers of RFK Junior.

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Democrats and their sycophants in the press remind me of the "Family Feud" program my in-laws used to love to watch. A family member would give the most inane answer that could ever be offered and yet, their family members would clap wildly, declaring loudly and vehemently "Good answer! Good answer!" Then, they would look stunned when the big red X flipped over. My Father-in-Law would sometimes say "You can't polish a tu7d, no matter how bad you want to make people like it."

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"You can't polish a turd".... My old college roommate from Kentucky taught me that little quip, and I use it where appropriate!

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The antisemitism continues to get worse.

Back in the Fall, we addressed this question: Despite all the hatred of Jews coming from the Left, why do American Jews still mostly vote for Democrats? Ask them that question, and the only real answer you get is: "Because we always have".

Are we finally at a tipping point where American Jews will abandon the Democrats en masse?

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