I was raised by a pack of wild teachers. I was taught to believe Rush was a liar. Then in my early 20’s I was driving a delivery truck and found myself listening to talk radio and agreeing largely with what he said. Rush, with half his brain tied behind his back (to make it fair), brought me from the dark side. Thank you Mr. Limbaugh. Rest In Peace.

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Erick, three words: Illegitimi non carborundum. Those who stoop to those depths are unworthy of serious consideration.

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Jim Geraghty over at National Review has a really nice meditation on death, and why people speak ill of those passed. Basically says that those who are celebrating Rush's death lack joy and victories in their own lives. (He also calls them "horrible little trolls.") It gives them a brief -- and misplaced -- sense of power. That doesn't make it acceptable, just makes it pathetic.

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I know there are hateful, vile people in this world but I cannot understand why they can't just shut up when someone they dislike dies. I have ignored their ugly comments which speak volumes about them and nothing about Rush Limbaugh. RIP, Rush; you will be sorely missed.

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I didn’t listen to Rush but always enjoyed him when I did. Rest In Peace Rush, we will miss you.

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The left will never succeed in this arena because their ideas are old, stale, and fail. Who would want to listen to say, Chris Cuomo, prattle on about vapid ideas for 3 hours a day? I’d rather bang my head against a wall.

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Thank you, Erick. Good to hear more about Rush. English Nick, who is a sometime contributor on the Von Hesler Doctrine (WSB, 9-Noon, M-F) and is a DJ on Atlanta's 97.1 The River, had this to say, "Long time conservative radio host, Rush Limbaugh, has passed away. Whether you hated him or loved him, you have to admit he was a helluva broadcaster." I enjoyed him greatly; his insights were as you said, remarkably spot on. RIP, Rush.

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We will miss Rush!

“ Rush Limbaugh cited the American Revolution and its leaders to rebuke those “calling for the end of violence” following the violent attack on the United States Capitol.

The radio host went after liberals who protested this summer, claiming they were anarchists using the Black Lives Matter movement as a “guise,” while also forgiving yesterday’s rioters as people who had simply “gotten fed up.”

“Yesterday, hundreds of thousands of people — Americans who have gotten tired of being ignored and lied about and smeared as racists by these very Democrats in the media and the popular culture,” he added. “Americans who have gotten fed up with having election stolen from them by the Democrats, including the White House. Now they think two more Senate seats have been stolen, and they thought they were going to be stolen even before the election.”

It appears that Rush disagreed with some of your points of view Erick.

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Praying for your grieving heart, Erick.

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Thanks for sharing more personal insights about Rush. On a process note, my subscription is ready to renew and I assume it will auto renew if I don’t change any settings.

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Erick, quite frankly, you are about the only person that I can trust to read these days. Knowing that the ugliness would be coming out, I have simply elected to ignore it. Which is easy to do, since I read very little of what is out there these days. Rush wasn't perfect. But he changed the world and he gave conservatives a voice, when the left was working above ground and below to take that voice away. I will be forever grateful for that.

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I began listening to Rush in 1988, I can't imagine a world without him. However, God's plan for each of us is always perfect. Glad to know I'm not the only heart grieving for someone that admittedly I never personally met, but I heard his heart and knew he cared for the same things I do - God, family, country, morality. Praying for his entire family as they journey through this season.

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I can remember, not all that long ago, really, when most of America looked at the Westboro “Baptist” Church protests at funerals and open rejoicing over the deaths of soldiers with horror and distaste.

Now, it seems there are many who seek, not just to emulate them, but to out do them in crass, disgusting and hateful behavior. I wonder if they even realize just how much like them they have become.

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This is just my opinion, but I think we disappoint our Savior when we call our political adversaries names like "ghouls" that dehumanize and demonize them. They're our neighbors.

Rest in peace, Rush. Rest in peace.

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Rush was one of my hero’s. He was my go when i needed reassurance that all would be well. He was a happy warrior. If we all could be the same possibilities are endless.

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