The one thing and most important that Democrats, Republicans and the News Media overlook or refuse to acknowledge is: The Democrat Party was Pro Slavery. The Democrat Party put into Law - Jim Crow (1865 -1964) and segregation. The States in the South after Reconstruction (1877) and into the sixties were governed by the Democrats and this includes the state of Mississippi. Statues now being removed and portraits of four speakers of the House of Representatives removed by Mrs. Pelosi were Democrat leaders. Not to forget: Senator Byrd and Senator Thurmond, both Democrats, led a filibuster against the Civil Right Act and the Voting Rights Act. When the Democrats realized they were going to lose, they changed their tune to become the party of Civil Rights.

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Your mention of Senator Thurmond begins to tell the rest of the story. After Lyndon Johnson pushed through civil rights legislation, southern segregationists (like Thurmond) switched parties and became Republicans.

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The name keeps getting longer.

Yesterday it was Brandon the diaper wearing young girl sniffing demented stumbling mumbler . With today’s news that Devon Archer will testify that, while VP, Joe was in these calls, we add extortionist and SERIAL LIAR. Gonna have to come up with something clever to net it out.

But I don’t understand why nobody is talking about the 2 young bikini clad girls who are riding around in Brandon’s vet with Hunter at the wheel. Were they staying at Joe’s house so they could share, or did Hunter go out and pick them up for an evening “sweet treat”? Or maybe they were just girls working their way thru college, one ole creep at a time. Something tells me that these 2 young girls will surface and give an interview. Oh boy Oh boy....

It is good that McCarthy has finally judged that the heat has risen to say the word “impeachment”. I don’t care if this consumes the Congress for the next 2 years and they get nothing done. This is a matter of saving our country and tripling down on the rule of law.

Next time in Vegas I am going to put $1,000 down on a Trump/Newsome matchup.


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Liberals, progressives like to "own" the words, especially the words that actually describe them, that way no one can use those words against them.

They recognize they engage in gaslighting, it is their go to argumentative tactic, so Kamala comes out and says blacks are being gaslighted. As usual she is so inept she does not understand it's not, but the point is to own the word.

The Left gaslights by owning the vocabulary.

The Left owns "privilege", they want it but deflect by accusing the Right at every turn.

The Left owns "censorship", they engage in it in daily conversation, but accuse the Right of book burning.

DEI is nothing but owning the vocabulary and replacing words they don't like with words that will be strange in 20 years, because that is how liberal revolutions work.

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And with all that, Harris, the Dems and the press are pikers at lying about Ron DeSantis compared to Donald J. Trump.

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At least she got it out without that nervous seal-bark laugh

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When I hear from the media be it online or on TV as well as when I read online or in print media, I keep in mind that they are not truth tellers. They are the media wing of the DNC, be it by choice or just ignorance. Most of the MSM is gone. They are not to be trusted and we must cut them lose. When they print or pass on lies to help the agenda of a particular party, then they have become part of that party. We need to let them know how we feel by not following them. Do not click on their site. Do not scroll to their channel. Treat them as if they are dead airspace. They do not deserve your attention. They deserve no respect. They are outcast and should be treated as such. No Republican should be giving them the time of day let alone an interview.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

As I understand it, the problem with the Florida curriculum's treatment of history is not so much what it contains, but what it leaves out. "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."

If it happened, it should be taught.

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I would add another comment to Desantis rejoinder. The Democrats and media are correct - we haven't told the whole story of slavery and racism in the United States. We have failed to mention the Democrat party's wholehearted support of slavery up to the Civil War and through it. The Democrat Party platform of 1860 called for maintaining the Fugitive Slave law which required people in the North to return slaves to their masters. During the 1864 presidential campaign, the Democrat presidential candidate - George McClellan - called for revoking the Emancipation Proclamation. Democrats in the south passed and enforced Jim Crow laws with the northern Democrats turning a blind eye for their support. Yes, we need to add that to the curriculum.

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. . . . and then all the segregationists switched parties and became Republicans.

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Yeah...as the revisionist history says that happened in 1968 when Nixon beat Humphrey and the Democrat segrationist governor George Wallace won 5 states. Then Nixon crushed McGovern with a 49-state win because everyone was a segrationist. Then the Democrats got smart and nominated a southern governor - Carter - and then later another southern governor - Clinton.

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It is not what was in the earlier curriculum which is as important as the current changes which are being put in place during the years Gov. deSantis is governing.. Is this point a change from earlier curricula?

Of course slave owners did not have their slaves trained in various skills for the benefit of the slaves themselves but rather as an investment in their slave property making them more valuable to their own establishment or to be sold.

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Another way to look at it: The slave owners were not engaged in affirmative action training programs to help their slaves survive after emancipation.

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Well, I think it's a mistake to let her go out and speak publicly anyway. It won't take her long to put her foot in her mouth. Her greatest hits are noteworthy. It's my experience that if you want someone to be recognized as a fool all you have to do is sit back and wait. It'll happen naturally

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"It was a DEBATE!!"

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I have figured out the code for those democrats. When they accuse the republican person of doing something, it means that they have already been doing that thing.

There is a psychological term for that.

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Projection, I think.

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What a dull, unsubstantive waste of a life that is—just going around saying what you’re told to for the sole purpose of criticizing other people to get voters to back you and your party. And that’s supposed to be a set of “accomplishments?”

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The left lies because they can lie and are never challenged. Their neuron complexity is therefore getting less complex as they have no need to actually think. It's not required. They know this and continue to lie. The left cannot stand to be made fun of, though, but are still ok if their other silo members consider them as approved and one of them. When and if their silos begin collapsing, when they are actually challenged, and then begin being made fun of by more famous members of their silos that have taken the red pill, then you will see a return to actually having to make arguments based in fact. One ludicrous comment that comes to mind is the energy secretary's stated desire to have the Army transition to electric tanks, by about 2030. Thinking is not a prerequisite.

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Jul 24, 2023·edited Jul 24, 2023

"Kamala Harris Blatantly Lies About Ron DeSantis"

Change the name from 'Kamala Harris' to pretty much any Democrat - change 'Ron Desantis' to pretty much any Republican position or legislation - and the statement would be just as true.

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The Giggler should learn about the black and Native American slave holders.

If slaves could buy their freedom, then not all of their time was for their owner. They could work on their time for wages. What were the rules followed for working your slaves? No one mentions them.

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Ah we're bringing out that old two wrongs make a right justification for slavery now.

How many slaves were able to buy their freedom? How many slave owners were so-called "good" to their slaves?

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Would you like me to pull out an imaginary number for you? Not every plantation was run on the Gulag/Concentration Camp model.There are stories from people like Brooker Washington that stated how slaves bought their freedom.

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Now you are using the exceptions to prove that slavery was a good property ownership concept for certain human beings.

Remember this from the Declaration of Independence: "... that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness;..."

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