All things aside, now that the awful debate has taken place and the American public has seen the current President in his diminished state, let’s ask the GOP candidate to now stop being petty and begin telling us his plans for the future. Enough already!

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I believe that Biden will be the Democratic nominee coming out of the convention and then Biden will have a personal medical emergency that will "force" him to drop out.

Then the Democratic machine will choose their replacement

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"In other words, please stop being stupid."

Asking nice ain't gonna work. Try hitting on the head with 2' piece of 2" black pipe

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A demoflat Senator was being interviewed and he said biden wanted to be president from the time he was in high school. That did NOT surprise me. And his Now wife loves acting the part as she helps direct him on and off the stage. etc.

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A lot if pundits are floating Democratic governors like Newsom, Whitmer, or Bashear to take the reins from Biden and run for president but then they would have to explain to their voters why they're better suited for the job than Kamala Harris, the nation's first black and female vice president. Either way, if they keep Biden or if they decide not to, the Democrats election prospects for this year are the equivalent of a raging dumpster fire. It's a bit surreal because I've never seen a political party have a historic meltdown like this. However Republicans should not gloat.

If the foundation of your political party is a bed of lies, collapse is inevitable and well-deserved. When they get back into power, the GOP needs to secure the border, balance the budget, recommit to energy production, fight back against the DEI bureaucracies, and reassert American power globally. If it's just about placatong the hubris of one man, what the Democrats are going through now will be the GOP in four years.

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Sucks, doesn’t it?

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"If the foundation of your political party is a bed of lies, collapse is inevitable and well deserved."

If you watched the debate, I can only assume that you're talking about the Republican Party.

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I’ll say it. Biden is going nowhere. After July 4 holiday, all the talk about pressure etc. will dry up like a puddle after a passing thunderstorm on a hot Atlanta day. It would, at minimum, take Obama and Clinton calling for his exit to get Biden to even consider dropping out. And both those presidents are sticking with the “bad night” explanation.

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I want to see the new polling since Thursday night.

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Anyone else miss the days of Reagan when we had a president who articulate a policy, had an opposition in the Democrats that were not insane leftist , and we were threatened by mutual nuclear annihilation from the Soviet Union, who were less insane then a nuclear armed Iran?

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I don't believe Michelle will run; she is even more of an elitist than her husband. She wouldn't lower herself to be president of the United States. Hillary is another story. If Biden is wise(lol) he will stay away from her. Character does matter and neither candidate has any. I'm going by policy. The country was so much better off of under Trump, the economy, jobs, THE Border, foreign respect and policy (no wars), and our safety at home. Vote for Biden, stupid is as stupid does. Apparently it doesn't matter that he is selling this country to China.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

I'm not surprised, but still amazed that the Ds/ press are still pushing forward like we didn't see what we all saw. They either really REALLY think we're all suckers or they are so massively arrogant that they don't care and convinced themselves they can lie their way through. If they really believe Trump is Hitler why would they push this decrepit man out as their champion. And I'm going to keep saying this. Why is no one showing concern for national security? We have an obviously infermed POTUS, Russia and China could do anything they want right now.

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I always wondered how the right could be Nazis when the left is so antisemitic.

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Jonah Goldberg wrote a whole book on this, “Liberal Fascism”.

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I see a lot on why Biden should step aside as he's clearly not fit. But I see very little concern for who is actually running the country NOW! Why is no one asking that question? We all saw on Thursday night how clearly incapacitated Biden is. So who is running the country? If we're going to ask him to step aside for his possible reelection, shouldn't we also be asking someone to give a medical/legal opinion on his mental acuity now? Not journalists but medical professionals should be examining Biden and giving an update on his condition and whether he should be in the White House as President NOW and whether he should be removed from office. What we all saw on Thursday night was a pathetic old man who has no business being a figurehead while someone else is running this country. Those "someone else's" were not elected.

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You are so right on that the wealthy of the world are running the US gov. They are known as the WEF today but started as the ONE WORLD GOV. They want to blend into a gov. that controls the world with China and Russia and other parts of Europe. It is not to far away.

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Bill O'Reilly posted on X he believes Biden is stepping out of the race because "the decision has been made." I trust Erick more than Bill and Erick hasn't said this is a thing yet. However, time will tell. I for one can't imagine how anyone would actually vote for Biden given what we saw in the debate and the press should be ashamed of themselves. However, Erick is right that they have neither the introspection nor the humility for shame. Pass the popcorn.

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O’Reilly is wrong. I said as much on his website, where I have an opinion column.

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Based on what Erick's said that was my reaction but I'm out here in the wild with no contact to the "players" so I'm just guessing.

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"In other words, please stop being stupid." Great stuff Erick - If your audience / 80% of the republican party were able to do that than we would have someone other then Trump getting our nomination for the third straight time. No, stupid is the party's MO now which I am sure you realize as well. I assume its why you have never gone in depth highlighting the truth about Trump's illegal attempts to end democracy and stay in power after the last election while you were correctly attempting to steer people toward DeSantis (knowing that the stupid would never forgive such a transgression against their favored leader).

I haven't even watched the debate yet and it doesn't really matter how bad he looked, I'm still voting Biden. I already knew the MSM was full of sh_t and baked in Biden's dementia and Trump's criminality and the scales still tip Biden. It'd be great if the dems toss Biden, but my dream scenario is the Repubs toss Trump and thereby win in a landslide -

neither is going to happen

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Blair Biden is here! And now he has a new buddy guys! Marky Mark!

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You're comment would have been so much funnier if you had said "butt buddy". Either way made me think of the scene in Step Brothers where the Gardocki kid bully makes Dale and Brennan lick white dog poo and gave me a good long laugh. Thanks

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I love messin' with ya! Don't take it so personal...seriously. If you werent so personally and emotionally invested...you would never vote for a loser like Biden. As a Black woman...I am disgusted that a racist like Biden and the Democrat party as a whole continue to trade on skin color and division...you hate Trump for non policy reasons...ignorant and emotional...the George Floyd riots was a DISGRACE and an embarrassment but I hear nothing about that...just Jan 6th. You post on here pontificating on Donald Trump and the Republican party instead.


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I identify as a Guatemalan, transgender, female, lesbian, centipede. Does that make my opinion more valid than a straight, white, homosapien, cisgender, colonizing, patriarchying, male? - Just a pet peeve of mine when those on the right lean on their marginalized identity when making a point. For example it always bothers me when Ben Shapiro points out his Jewish victimhood when defending himself against accusations of bigotry. It's hypocritical to call out the left's identity politics and then immediately use the same logic as a crutch when it suits him.

I am voting against Trump because he tried to end our country by illegally staying in power. Jan 6th is a small part of the whole scheme which included coercing secretaries of states like Ratffensperger, coercing pence, recruiting fake slates of electors, etc. etc. etc. I agree about the dem riots, but that didn't involve Biden himself breaking laws to unconstitutionally remain in power. I just have to vote against someone who has already tried to end our country (directly, himself) no matter how much better his admin's policies would be.

Btw - This is fun conversational sparring / trolling for me. I don't take it personally or even that seriously and hope that you won't either.

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Actually...I don't take it seriously...I know you are a good dude Blair...I just don't agree...thats all and i dont equate a riot to an insurrection..

now that we have kissed and made up...I guess I will have to fight with someone else now😍

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I agree with you, except that I am not voting for Biden: I shall simply leave the POTUS part of my Georgia ballot blank, and vote down ballot. I tried to watch the debate, and I heard Trump lie about Afghanistan, and lie about Ukraine. I got so mad, I couldn’t take it. If Trump’s lips are moving, he’s probably lying. And, that doesn’t excuse Biden’s lies, either. I hate them BOTH.

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Scenarios are endless. The conspiracy theories are growing like weeds after a spring rain.

Biden was obviously drugged to make him more coherent. (I’m 78 and I want some to get me through the day). Unfortunately he had a long debate and it appeared that the drugs wore off and we saw the Biden we always see.

Was that on purpose to remove him before the convention? Obviously Harris has to be given a golden parachute to quiet her. She is about as problematic as Biden. So who fills the two positions?

How about Hillary Clinton for President and Michelle Obama as VP?

Our enemies know that the power of the presidency is controlled by the Deep State, probably led by Barack Obama. Important things still get done no matter how incompetent the president is.

This is going to be an interesting summer and fall.

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Did it look to you like Biden started off stronger and got worse? To me, he started weak. The “we beat Medicare” line was early.

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His speech started off in double speed. I don’t know what they gave him during the breaks but it didn’t help. He was a wind up toy that reached the end of the turning. The small events could be “explained” but not this.

Look at his speeches before 2020. It wasn’t a slow decline but a rapid one.

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Speculation is ridiculous. I say this now betting money if I could.

Biden will not drop out. Did Trump drop out after the access Hollywood?

No matter the pressure, he’s not going anywhere.

Dementia and just cognitive decline causes some people to get extremely stubborn.

My great grandfather at 92 was still driving and they had to literally pry the keys from his hands to stop him.

The state of the union is evidence of his dementia and mental state. He’s not going anywhere. Dems are stuck with him.

Other reason. They still have a small chance of pulling this off with Biden.

Changing to another candidate is a guaranteed loss. Not that I mind, but that’s the stakes.

So all these pundits putting their hopes in Joe Brandon dropping are digging the Dems grave. But it does say something about the state of the Dems bench. They got nothing.

If trump were to disappear into a puff of smoke. They have a large deep bench of good clean conservatives who are presidential and ready to serve. The dems have …… some guy from Kentucky?

I even heard someone say warnock. LOL.


Point, Dems must lose. If they win the world ends and it doesn’t matter.

If we win even though it’s Trump it begins the repair process and the process of the Dems failing. And they will fail.

But this election is crucial. Nothing else matters.

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Chaz, great insight as always and I hope you’re right. But I’m afraid Trump is going to Rikers Island and Michele is going to the White House.

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The dems know that sending Trump to jail is a for sure loss for them. All respect to Nelson but many Americans will see that as the next Mandela moment. The dems know that and I think the judge is going to impose a light sentence or none at all. Especially since it looks like Trump is winning. That judge knows what happens if Trump wins and he puts him in jail.

And I take Michelle at her word. She said no and I believe her. I don’t think she wants to be president as much as people think. I don’t think Barack wants her to be president. Michelle is a no. And that’s it.

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I agree about MO. She has skeletons in her closet like we all do and she wants them to stay there. A run for president would expose those skeletons and she doesn't want that! She's protecting herself and probably BOs legacy as well.

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Thank you! I keep saying MO has no desire to be in that position.

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The Trumpists have already started their campaign to help Joe Biden stay in the race. This twit named Curt Ellis of some rag called “The American Conservative” was on CNN’s “The Chris Wallace Show” talking about how Biden’s performance wasn’t that bad” and “it improved later”. I mean how cynical can you be? Pretty damn cynical

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