Trump and his conspiracy theories have done, perhaps, irreparable harm to the Republican Party. By elected officials not telling him to give it up, they aid and abet. His latest move, promoted by Mark Levin and others, to get the Republican legislators to appoint the electors in spite of what the voters had decided, is the US version of a coup attempt. He has stated that he is punishing the Democrats for their impeachment of him, but Biden was not involved in that. He appears to me to be a sore loser.

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The trump campaign knows they don't have evidence, that is not their play. Their play is to delay the certification to throw the election to congress. Trump's campaign may be crazy, but they're not stupid.

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Oddly enough, I am finding hope in the quote, "The snake that cannot shed its skin perishes."

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French toast is the most satisfying breakfast. Thanks!

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A few points of clarification, not that they change the fundamental points made by Erick's post.

1. The Lin Wood case ruling was based on two primary factors : 1. Lack of standing. 2. The lawsuit was filed 9 months after consent degree and after the election - see https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/trump-appointed-judge-rejects-lin-woods-creative-election-lawsuit-in-georgia/ . As far as I know, a potentially unlawful law doesn't have a statute of limitations for when it can be legally challenged. Wood has implied he intends to appeal as he believes as a GA citizen he has the standing and Constitutional right to challenge a potentially unlawful election agreement that was not approved by the GA legislature.

2. The PA case in federal court is not dismissed yet, although it clearly did not go Rudy's way. A WP article ( https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/giuliani-pennsylvania-court-appearance/2020/11/18/ad7288dc-2941-11eb-92b7-6ef17b3fe3b4_story.html ) stated " Aronchick [[representing PA counties} concluded by urging Brann the judge: “Dismiss this case. Please, dismiss this case. So we can move on.” Brann declined to do so, setting a deadline of 5 p.m. Wednesday for the president’s team to file a motion opposing the election officials’ attempt to dismiss the lawsuit." The PA case was frst presented by attorneys who were made to quit by pressure from outside anti-Trump groups, so Guliani is not the original attorney.  Jonathan Turley has suggested harassing lawyers to get them to quit is not very polite legal behavior ( https://jonathanturley.org/2020/11/16/the-first-thing-we-do-the-lawless-campaign-to-harass-lawyers-representing-the-trump-campaign/ ) because the fairness of our justice system is based on every client having the right to qualified legal representation.

3. Sidney Powell made some very serious claims about Dominion that Jonathan Turley believes opened themselves up to a possible defamation lawsuit, which would force Trump's attorneys to offer proof for the allegations or face severe consequences (as with Lin Wood's lawsuits for various media organizations that had defamed his client Nicholas Sandman). If Powell wishes to present her evidence regarding Dominion in court instead of in a public press conference, she is entitled to that right. But if she cannot prove her allegations in court, she can suffer major consequences in addition to public ridicule.Nevertheless, she seems intent on staying the course.

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Thanks for grounding your emails in the truth of food. That and music are the real foundation of our families and society.

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You got that right Sara!!!

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I am growing weary of all this and hope even you can move on to the future. I now believe that even the people that I have had high admiration for - both Sidney Powell and (as an Atlantan) Lin Wood - are just lining their pockets while carrying the water for the Trump administration. Why else would they out their reputations on the line for this cause. And poor Rudy just needs to wash the dye out of his hair and sit in a recliner for a while. I feel Sad for him.

But I feel worse for the potential harm this does to the strong record of this President and hope the craziness of this March to The End of Nothingness doesn’t drag down our Senate candidates that we hope to elect on Jan 5.

I’m still following you Erick and hope the topic changes.

In the meantime I made the brisket last night but all I could get in the store was brisket for corned beef (which I never eat) and I think it interfered with your easy and tasty recipe. Still good but getting a whole, undoctored brisket next time I make it for purity of taste!

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I'm ready to move on.

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Tucker alluded to this last evening.

I only wish it were true.

Erick - why would they risk damage to their sterling reputations?

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I assume they'll get a great book deal.

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Lame! Especially under the pretext of saving our democracy! More than lame

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