I can confirm your support of the Salvation Army. I’ve been assigned to multiple cleanups through my agency over my 30 years and the Salvation Army is the only dependable organization that we can rely on to show up for meals and support for people on the ground. I’ve witnessed their support multiple times and the meals and drinks were greatly appreciated. Peoples money go to help with this organization so I hope people do support them.

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Just to add a bit of a laugh at our own expense. But I can say for sure the Hurricane, did not, hit Alabama this time. Sorry Mr. Trump.

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I don’t get it…..

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Sharpie gate

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Ah…got it. Thanks!

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My mind is still occupied by the Alabama Georgia game that Trump visited. It was a heart breaker for us Dawgs.

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Thanks Erick, Maybe our politicians can suspend some of their garbage ads and put the money toward the victims of this horrible storm. A much better use. Just a thought:-)

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I also recommend Samaritan’s Purse, run by Franklin Graham. Excellent organization.

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One of the best there is. They do so much all over the world.

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You beat me to it.

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The Salvation Army is a wonderful organization! Thank you Eric for highlighting their good works and for having a day without politics ! May the Lord Bless our Country

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I live in Cedar Key one of the hardest hit areas. My Church, First Baptist Church Of Cedar Key is doing relief directly, knowing the local needs. They are coordinating all the feeding for those affected and workers right now in the small coastal town. Additionally, they’re helping out people who’ve lost everything directly on a one by one basis with 100% of the funds going to those in need. The the website for giving is https://www.cedarkeybaptist.com/

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Samaritan's Purse, based in Boone NC, is mobilizing relief teams to send both into NC counties, and down to Florida. Our church has two teams already enroute. Even getting to Boone is a problem, with road washouts and power-less gas stations. Samaritan's Purse serves disaster victims with food, construction materials and labor, and the comforting love of Jesus. You can contribute here, and always physically volunteer if you're able and willing: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/

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Greetings to all during this difficult time. Prayers to all affected by this storm which seems to be one of the worst. Any information on the state of I-20 East to Augusta and onto South Carolina to Columbia? God Bless.

David B.

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Far and away the best coverage of the NC and TN damage is found on YouTube, uploaded by drone pilots.

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Have not been seeing or hearing of this extent of damage in NC here on the west coast. Prayers for those needing help. I agree with donating to Salvation Army. I was raised with the story of my grandfather returning from WWII and receiving hot coffee as he got off the ship frostbitten. Salvation Army was the only charity offering it for free. I never pass a red kettle. I also saw the incredible work they did here with addicts through their truck donation pick ups providing them jobs and recovery. Sadly they had to close dying the pandemic and worse CA would no longer give them grants as they required sober living. We see how well CA programs did allowing addicts to continue using drugs. Our streets are now zombie land of the homeless and addicted and No more Salvation Army donation trucks here. 🥲

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My daughter and I drove through to pinehurst NC for a Polocross tournament (once we got there we were same as everyone else, wondering why we were there, lol.)

We drove through where you could barely get around trees that had been cut after they had fallen. Wires and poles down everywhere. From Augusta into SC, no power, barely access literally everywhere. At one point when we were almost to the next small town, I thought we would have to backtrack, but a few local men with chainsaws were ahead of us, making sure people could get through. Through didn’t always mean clear roads, it meant barely squeezing through on one side or the other, slightly off the road, under lines that were holding up downed trees while the other side of the line was somewhere close to the ground on the other side.

People hear “down trees and power lines,” but that does not do justice to the amount of inaccessibility. No gas because no power to pump it, no stores open because registers don’t work, no communication because cell towers down (we couldn’t refresh maps or weather.) and don’t forget no supplies by rail, because of the numerous trees on tracks that also have to be cleared.

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Thank you. It's great to put politics aside and concentrate on what's important, people helping people.

Love Thy Neighbor as Thy Self.

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Donated today. I continue to pray for all whose lives have been affected by Helene.

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Samaritans purse is a great ministry and they’re on the ground in 5 different areas currently.

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I gave to Samaritans Purse and the Cajun Navy.

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Thank you for caring and putting this out there Erick. Donated this morning. God be with those down there, and especially those who lost loved ones. Praying their lives get back to some semblance of normal.

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Our daughter used to live in Biltmore Village and has friends in Black Mountain NC. The mountains are cut off from all help. No power, communication, water, blocked roads, landslides. Hundreds unaccounted for. National Guard is airlifting supplies and conducting searches.

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It’s sad, but I expect the death total to be much higher. I’ve heard the same about Burnsville, NC. too. Who knows about some of the small mountain communities in WNC and East TN?

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I found out on fb that they are airlifting supplies to that region. I know people are not fb fans but it is helping find people and areas that need help along with their pets and livestock. There are also plenty of legitimate places to donate to, but please do a little research before you donate. Most of the places are local businesses that just want to help.

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FB has been a tremendous help in searching info on friends and family.

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