That is exactly what she is Erick. That is a great analogy and comparison to Cynthia McKinney. They are both national embarrassments. We can only hope that Greene doesn't get roads named after her that will keep reminding us for years to come.

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Not just nbc now Erick.


Do those people up here sound embarrassed? You won’t even address it.

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Worried about the future of the while conservative political movement’s future and its chances for survival

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Erick look at the NBC interviews they did in Rome Georgia on Broad Street. Can you find the embarrassed people for me? Come to my house or my office and help me find them.

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Dog turd Erick? Marjorie Taylor Greene is workout fanatic Erick. I’ve got money on her that she could make you eat that dog turd son. I specifically remember you naming Greene on a list of good of viable candidates along with Kevin Cooke among others. Never once did I hear you criticize her Erick. I just don’t get people’s hate towards her. She’s pro American and doesn’t believe in open borders, and values the lives of the unborn. That’s a whole heck of a lot better then the democrat party. Not once in my reading of these related articles did I see where she’s antisemitic. You have an article that calls her that but, I never see where she says the words hate and Jew anywhere. In her own words, “I’m just a person who reads a lot.” Just because a person speculates on someone named Rothschild and what they are doing doesn’t make them antisemitic and anyone who says that should reread the article or they’re overly sensitive and need to be more forgiving to others statements. We aren’t all Pulitzer Prize winning writers. Erick your professional assessment of MTG isn’t fair. You owe her an apology. My goodness, people recently said, the Russians helped Trump become President.

Yes, Neil the world is all about whataboutism. The Holy Bible is full of whataboutism. When our House of Representatives is full of people like Illhan Omar, Rashida Talhib and Al Green’s, who by the way wants more security funding for himself and other Congress members, (Resolution to Increase Security funding for members of Congress) but nothing more for the citizens of our country. Instead he wants all those who want to come in from the southern border to, “come on up. You are the next contestant / illegal alien to get free stuff and US citizenship.”

I have to say that liking a Facebook post that wishes members of Congress would be hung is really crazy sounding when you say it. Let me remind everyone that saying and doing are two different things. I myself have liked many things on FB that I wouldn’t dare do. Nevertheless I could go on for days on the physical threats to do harm to conservative Republicans. The total rudeness and attacking someone in public who is out to dinner, the use of a high school year book to smear a Supreme Court Justice nominee, and a play in Washington DC that depicts killing President Trump. His likeness was used and had anyone, even Erick had been talented enough to do this play with the likeness of Obama as President we both would have been jail, unemployed, and blacklisted for life.

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If we are going to accept anti-semitism in our own party, then what right do we have to criticize the blatant anti-semitism from Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib? I can tolerate a certain level of conspiracy theory, respecting free speech and the rights of people to chose their representatives, but...the “Jewish Lasers” crosses all lines to certifiably, nuttier than squirrel poo crazy, IMO.

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Thanks for clearing this up, Erick.

Your downhome humor is a breath of fresh air in the blogsmog that has, lately, fouled our republican atmosphere.

Providientially, I am safe, like you, because my parents, back in '51, must have been aware of the Jews in space during my seventh day in this present life.

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Your cowardice in providing moral cover for the people who love this makes me so angry. You need to repent. You keep half repenting so you can stay on the edge of this sin. I paid $70 of my GME money to subscribe to tell you to repent. I’m live commenting from a Waffle House on 27. It will never get better, Erick, if you and others keep giving intellectual cover for this stuff. They knew, they know, and they love it. All you’ve done is given a few of them a talking point to wiggle out of this but most of them will double down. The Tea Party here in Floyd County loved her craziness. At Moe’s BBQ in January 2020 a bunch of nutjob III% militia types with iron cross tattoos showed up to support her and everyone loved it.

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Why is it so hard for white men of a certain age to just say “my judgment was poor and I have learned from this.” Quit trying to give them cover and pretend they didn’t know.

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No one is embarrassed man. I talk to 8-10 people a day with my job and go to lunches with lawyers doctors etc and they all love this crap.

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Her primary opponent Dr. Cowan literally ran on a slogan “all the conservative none of the crazy” and people openly talked about her crazy views and THEY LOVED IT.

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Not so fast dude. I live in this district and have attended a lot of live GOP events. People LOVED how crazy she is. The crazier she talked the more they loved it. Letting your listeners off the hook is a moral failure on your part. You talk big about faith and perspective and you consistently fail to morally accept stuff that makes your or your listeners uncomfortable. I guarantee you your listeners in this district knew she was nuts and loved it.

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The more I hear about Green, the more I consider her "our" AOC. And that is not a good place to be. I am not from Georgia, but I pay attention to states other than my own. Just because democrats support and defend their crazy, we should not follow suit.

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A suggested steel cage death match: Marjorie Taylor Green vs. AOC in the "Battle of the 14ths". :-) I would have suggested a battle of wits, but it would end up a tussle between the unarmed, so...

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Whoa!!!! Way TMI my brother. At least you made the cut. Hopefully the GOP will be able to remove the crazy foreskins from their midst and quickly.

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