The Philly DB admitted it was holding and a good call. He said he was hoping the refs would let it slide.

BTW, I am a Tampa Bay Bucs fan, not a Chiefs fan.

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Why the surprise at folks thinking aliens are invading? I have a sister-in-law that believes the earth is flat.

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Biden has been and is the Mr. Magoo of presidents. I really hope the folks that gave Biden the most votes ever because they didn't like Mr. Trumps personality. I was not a Donald Trump fan either. But I could see his policies were pro American. That is more than I can say for Biden. It is my opinion that the American voters were ignorant of Biden's political history. 40 or 50 years in office and nothing to show

for it except he has a very wealthy man. Are the majority of American voters serious people? Do they know there vote or non vote counts. China is the shark that smells blood in the water. American blood. Lord have mercy on U.S.

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Let me throw out another possibility as wild as it may seem. Since there was pretty much widespread acceptance for the government shutting down businesses, churches, schools etc. and changing election laws during COVID, that this may be the precursor to the government stating that aliens do exist (and let me be clear, I don't believe aliens are or have ever visited the earth or that they even exist). This administration, following the playbook of "don't let a crisis go to waste"), declares a national emergency because of it. Those that argue against it are called "alien-deniers) and we go through a much more draconian shutdown perhaps cancelling the elections and dismissing congress.

This may sound paranoid (but as the old saying goes, "just because you are paranoid doesn't mean someone is out to get you"), but watching people fall into line over COVID restrictions give me pause.

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I just get this mental image of some Chinese folks (military or science, perhaps) launching balloons and sitting back and watching what we do for entertainment. I think they're just messing with us.

But on the serious side, it could be an effort to analyze our capabilities, our response (or lack thereof) and then planning a low-tech EMP attack.

I keep going bsck to Obama's statement about Biden's ability to "f" things up, and Robert Gates' quote about Biden being on the wrong end of every foreign policy decision in his career.

Never has a guy with so much time in office been so unqualified for an elected position.

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From what I’ve seen it isn’t that people think UFO’s are real just that these “objects” are being used as a means to an end for whatever insidious thing the M.I.C. and Govt have up their sleeves. “Never let a crisis go to waste”. It was reported this morning that the DOD hasn’t ruled out aliens. I’m not saying it is and I don’t believe it is but they sure aren’t doing anything to extinguish these thoughts so the next question is: Why?

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The only civilian war deaths in the 48 states during WW2 occurred when a group of children and a minister found a Japanese fire balloon in Oregon and were killed. The scheme was to start forest fires, but it wasn’t effective and our government kept it secret to avoid tipping off the enemy.

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First, the obvious play on words, "RED neck". I don't think it's the "Indians", so my guess is the Chinese.

The genesis for the alien conspiracy is, in fact, the government. For a week they have been calling them "Unidentified Flying Objects". Goofs.

But, seriously, if not politically motivated then I would think we are carrying out these missions because they know/suspect the payloads are really bad stuff. Weapon. Bio. Any other bad thought that comes to mind.

Today it was called a metal cylindrical object, filled with an unknown gas, with a tethered payload suspended. Floating along on the prevailing winds at 20,000. Eventually this path degrades, and it lands on someone/something. The randomness of it makes me believe an unknown actor and not the RED necks.


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“the Biden Administration has botched this.”

But a beat to this and repeat. What hasn’t the Administration botched?

“At this point, I think the Chinese are probably screwing with us, and some redneck somewhere is equally firing off balloons as a copycat. Ignore the redneck provocation, but the Chinese must be dealt with.”

I bet that the nuanced self-awareness of classism is missing here with this comment and the general tone of disdain for those “stupid” National Inquirer readers in the flyover states. You see, THIS is the problem with the GOP. What if the Dems did the same for their lower-class poverty cohort of constituents… many who adopt even more fantastic conspiracy theories?

The working class are the GOP. Maybe elites in the GOP need to exit the party if they cannot handle that.

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I would like to put a little spin on the "balloons" and have everyone thinking. Perhaps to save Biden's weakness, the leftist Military higher ups are sending up all these left over birthday balloons and then shooting them down for target practice asap so Biden can come out smelling like a rose, a hero or decisive - pick your adjective! Just a fun comment guys.

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Penalty wise….there is some sort of holding on literally every play . I do hate to see that call at a critical time😖.

As for the objects….I think this is reaction for an initial “lack” of action!

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Dithering and weak. The guy is 80...and his administration reflects that lack of energy.

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"If you can make idiots believe men can have babies, you can make idiots believe we are under a UFO attack." Catturd

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"This administration must stop treating the Chinese like they are just another nation sometimes at odds with us. They mean our nation ill and should be treated as such." This is not an endorsement for DJT, just a statement of fact: Trump was the ONLY President to butt heads with China, and he did so for the very reasons you mention. Yet half our country was outraged by his "inflammatory" actions which they felt might incite conflict. China is a bully, and bullies must be addressed head-on in a language they understand. But snowflakes and heat in the kitchen don't mix.

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This entire episode is an embarrassment. There has to be at least one sane adult somewhere in our government that can explain exactly what this is all about. At this point - hate to say this - Harris would be better than Biden. She’s a bit of an intellectual zero, but come on man…

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What doesn't Biden botch?

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